Two Links in Recent Ilya Somin Commentary Worth Revisiting

Recently I blogged about an Ilya Somin commentary on in which he asserts that Donald Trump is disqualified from the Presidency due to the 14th Amendment, Section 3.

There were a couple links in his commentary that were somewhat off that topic, but I thought were interesting and worthy of revisiting.

First was a link to a previous commentary by Ilya Somin on the “Democracy” versus “Republic” controversy that sometimes becomes heated.

The second was a link to a Randall Kennedy and Ilya Somin commentary urging repeal of the constitutional provision that the President of the United States must be a “natural born citizen” of this nation.


Two Links in Recent Ilya Somin Commentary Worth Revisiting — 20 Comments

  1. When there’s no new 14-3 Trump Ballot Axis News, why not recycle some old commentary about it? In fact, why not do that 24-7 regardless of how much or little new fake news and elite globalist opinions about 14-3 Trump Ballot Axis happen to be trending that day ???

  2. Randall and Ilya make some interesting arguments over why the “natural born citizen” part was added to the Constitution, gave some recent edge cases with big names, and compared this requirement with those for other offices.

    But then they say “If the issue is that immigrant-citizens might have a conflict of interest by virtue of economic or social connections abroad, the same issue can arise with natural-born citizens, as witness the numerous conflicts arising from Donald Trump’s business dealings.”
    And they link to an article about POTENTIAL conflicts of interest. Way to piss off the people you need to woo! I don’t understand why they thought it was a good idea to write this.

    And the worst is:
    “things might well change as the current political moment passes, xenophobia recedes…”
    Way to dismiss people’s concerns about immigration and foreign influence as a fad or teenage phase! How rude! I don’t like it when someone dismisses many other people’s concerns, even if I don’t share them, because I know they’d do it to me, too.







  4. Nbc = nuclear, biological, and chemical warfare against American White Christian people, especially straight men.

    Also a fake news outfit formarly owned by the CIA…I MEAN, GE.

  5. I could come up with legitimate reasons to keep Donald Trump off the ballot, such as his unconstitutional Executive Order banning bump stocks, or the missile attack he authorized against Syria, but not because of engaging in or inciting an insurrection, because the incident on January 6th was NOT an insurrection. I never believed that the incident was an insurrection and a mountain of evidence has come out that it was not, so I am astounded that anyone is still pushing this false narrative. It was a government manipulated psyop where peaceful protestors got set up by government provocateurs, and even so very little damage was done and the protestors were unarmed. If it had been a real insurrection I think they would have been doing a public service by removing corrupt politicians from power, but it was NOT an insurrection. Anyone still acting as though J6 was a real insurrection is being intentionally intellectually dishonest.

    I would strongly oppose removing the Natural Born Citizenship requirement to be President from the US Constitution. This was put in the Constitution to decrease the odds of the US President having loyalties to or being influenced by foreign governments or interests. While it is certainly not a fool proof guarantee, I see no reason to change it. It is not as though there exists a shortage of people to run for President who are Natural Born Citizens (and I do not consider Vivek Ramaswamy, Nikki Haley or Kamala Harris to be Natural Born Citizens since none of their parents were American citizens at the time of their birth, and Vivek’s father is still not an American citizen, so Ramaswamy and Haley should be barred from running, and Harris should be removed from the office of Vice President). I favor going back to the original and correct interpretation of Natural Born Citizen which meant not only did a person have to be born in the USA, their parents also had to be American citizens at the time of their birth, and frankly it ought to be made more difficult to become an American citizen.

    Tom Woods did an episode of his show where he clearly shows what the original and true definition of Natural Born Citizen is.

  6. I’m not sure how allowing naturalized citizens to be President would provide us with better Presidential candidates from which to choose, if the same parties and election procedures are still in use.

    IMO, a better way to fix the executive department would be to abolish the sole Presidency, and replace it with a Swiss type collective executive council in which all major parties are represented.

  7. I really want to vote for a third party presidential candidate in 2024, but with the war against Trump by the corrupt SYSTEM , I’m going to have to vote for Trump as representing my middle finger to all the corruption of the present SYSTEM. Hope he cleans house ruthlessly.

  8. The English term “Republic” is derived from the Latin phrase Res Publica, meaning “affairs of the people.” It meant a government claiming to operate on behalf of the people rather than a single monarch, a single tyrant or a collective aristocracy or oligarchy.

    The English term “Democracy” is derived from the Greek word Dimokratia, from “Demos” meaning people and “Kratein” meaning “rule” or “to rule” so it is “rule of the people.” Greece is Elliniki Dimokratia -Ελληνική Δημοκρατία -translated at Hellenic Republic.

    Neither Greek nor Latin had an alternative work. English has two words because it adopted both from the origninal languages. Same with “Freedom” from German root and “Liberty” from the Latin or French root.

    Classical political philosophy suggested 6 forms of government:
    Monarchy is good rule by one person, Tyranny is bad rule by one person
    Aristocracy is good rule by a few, or rule by the best; Oligarchy is the collective form of Tyrrany.
    Republic refers to legitimate rule by the people, Mobocracy is rule by the Mob (see 1/6/21)

    Some conservatives have adopted this Aristotelian diagram, substituting the word “Democracy” for “Mobocracy” – which is a tendentious use of the word Democracy. Some Democrats on the other use the term “Democracy” in a tendentious manner when they accuse third party candidates of undermining Democracy by splitting the vote.






  10. What type of idiot barbarians and morons would base anything off the alleged father or his supposed allegiances, themselves speculatory based on ancestry or accident of birth rather than freely chosen,revealed and demonstrated through actions?

    Particularly when birth control practically didn’t exist (that is, all of human history until well under a century ago), genetic testing consisted of speculation based on physical appearance or legal status etc, and so on?

    At least Judaism had the good sense to base alleged allegiance through ancestry based on maternal evidence, rather than far,More speculative patrilineage.

    Jews were smart enough at least to understand simple facts of human biological and social reality, that who the mother is was quite easy to determine as the child emerged from her vagina, where as the identity of the alleged father was at best a guess given the extreme wide spread of socially unacceptable, coerced, infidelitous, transactional, physically forced, incestuous etc sexual activity resulting in impregnation and eventual childbirth.

    Not smart enough , apparently, to realize that neither matrilineal nor alleged patrilineal ancestry necessarily has much to do with actual allegiance. But at least smart enough to choose correctly between two and only two options, unlike more late blooming and less philosophically original cultures.

    Blood and Soil after all have as much to do with opinions end actions as do chicken entrails


    I’d say mobocracy and democracy do indeed sound like two ways to say the exact same thing. After all,a lynch mob or stampede is logically and technically the purest possible example of the most unimpeded form of democracy imaginable. The majority always gets its way in such situation, without the restraints Republican balanced and limitations and checks on government power balance the runaway passions of crowds caught in the moment.

  11. Bolshevism is another synonym for democracy, being the Russian word for majoritarianism – bigger crowds make right – thus, literally the same concept as democracy.

    In the real world, of course, bigger crowds are often in the wrong. Mobs often follow demagogues, succumb to crowd effect, create their own flow like packs of herd animals, or also like herd animals, are easily manipulated to march to their own slaughter, or in other cases to slaughter scapegoats.

    In many cases, larger numbers can be assembled in the cause of harming various minorities due to paranoid speculation , group hatred, the need to get out aggression and have someone to blame whether rightly or wrongly, or just because,they are somehow different, in propagation of ancient feuds (which sometimes carry on even when nobody is left alive who remembers how they started ) etc etc

    Larger crowds seeking to unjustly seize the fruit of toil of others are frequently assembled. When the majority were short sighted, lazy, unfortunate, preoccupied with more immediate pleasures, etc, and a far sighted minority eschewed immediate gratification and worked diligently for long term profit it is then no overwhelmingly difficult task to gather a larger number of the former to take from the latter by force and by virtue of being outnumbered, which has nothing at all to do with moral justification, but rather naked collective self interest , regardless of how unethical and unjust.

  12. Andy, how exactly do gun issues or foreign intervention justify impeachment of Trump? Obviously he’s not perfect. Just vastly preferable to practical alternatives or other recent presidents.

    You are quite correct about the real nature of events of J6. Like other events. Th history and reporting is relentlessly spun to promote a sinister agenda by a media establishment entirely in thrall to that same evil purpose.

    Those who confine their mental view of reality to this information bubble of lies, distortions and twisted facts continuously reported, repeated and embellished up on by trained professional and highly skilled manipulators of public opinion, even when the overwhelming bias of such “trusted news sources” is not in any way a secret, do themselves a tremendous disservice.

    I read their output, but balance it with a wide variety of alternate perspectives, personal observations when and where possible, and comparing other situations where I saw, what actually happened and compared with how it was spun and twisted into a grotesque caricature by the very same lying media establishment, to arrive by deduction at what is likely to be true by comparison with said media spinning.

    By way of analogy, if you’ve studied precisely in which eats a particular funhouse mirror or assembly thereof distort reality, you can reverse engineer a more accurate picture of reality from other distortions created by the same warped mirror or set of mirrors even when in that particular case you only saw the twisted reflection.

    Natural born citizenship is simply poor proximity for ethnonationalism in a misguided attempt at proposition nation building, which only ever worked in the realm of propositions. A more forthright way to address those concerns would have been to say That the President shall always be of pure Northwest European genetic heritage, born and baptized Christian, able to quote the entire Bible from memory. a proven lifelong adherence to American values and utter complete eschewing of alien ideologies such as socialism, Islam, Judaism, humanism,egalitarianism, feminism, progressivism , Hinduism, atheism, race mixing,Luciferianism, nature worship, etc etc etc; a record of service to country, no indication of disloyalty and preference for alien regimes and their ideology : a natural born Man , not an emotional female or gender bender freak ; a very manly man embodying pure masculine patriarchal traditional family values, physically and metaphorically showing extraordinary strength and capability, a married father of multiple heirs , including male heirs ; excellent in martial arts, brute physical strength, feats of manual dexterity and virility, with an unusually large penis and testicles and the proven ability to defeat all challenging men who step up in physical combat and cuck them in the pursuit of female adoration and affection ; in no way bisexual or gay in the least bit, handy with tools and an excellent hunter, killer, and sniper who has killed large numbers of the nation’s enemies on the field of combat and taken their captured women and girls as trophies of victory in war ; descended from a family noted to produce large numbers of such superior men,genetically selectively bred and trained from birth for leadership and rule and subjected from start to finish to ruthless training, combat and competition frequently resulting in the death, injury, maiming, wounding, and utter humiliation of the losers. The ultimate winner among winners, an Aryan superman among Aryan supermen, very tall and muscular with unusually large hands and feet, a swift runner with an extremely dominating personality and very good at making excellent deals. Someone naturally dominant with a very deep voice who men naturally fall in line behind and women instantly get on their knees for.

    No other kinds of people are fit to rule a great superpower . It’s an insult to our great nation to suggest otherwise. Shame on the multiculti, suicide of the west cucks and weaklings who would emasculate our country by having a female, feminine, wimpy metrosexual girlie man, a weakling or someone not genetically pure, a beta loser or eunuch incapable of producing male heirs or not proven to have done so. You may as well sell every blue eyed blonde in America to Arab sheiks and slave traders . Or urinate on Uncle Sam’s grave. No! Suggesting we have such unsuitable weaklings cuck America by telling the world that’s the very best we think we have is to invite the warrior men of every hostile nation and race to come to America without invitation and literally , physically taking our women and girls. And our field animal’s and best farmland and natural resources, and humiliate, cuck and teabag us. You may as well put up signs in Mandarin and Mexican and Iranian and North Korean languages inviting their armies to America, letting them quarter their troops in the playboy mansion and every farmhouse in America’s heartland particularly in the rooms of the farmers nubile daughters who will be forced to service the foreign invaders sexually and bear their mixed race children, wiping White Americans out of existence as a people .

    Such unconscionable surrender monkey ethnosuicudal cuckoldry no way no how belongs in our Constitution which was brought down to use by Moses from God Himself on My Sinai in 1776. Thus the nbc clause needs to be amended to reflect this!

  13. You smart intellectacators crack me up better than any crack rock or tick tick I come across in like decades at least.

  14. * precisely In which ways, not eats. May I live to hear the screams of Google programmers dying by the sword and the lamentations of their women.

  15. If one violates the 2nd amendment, or any other section of the US Constution, such as the provisions about engaging in acts of war, the response should be immediate impeachment, removal from office, and criminal charges and prosecution.

    Unfortunately, the Constitution is frequently violated and most of the public is so ignorant they do not realize it.

  16. While you’re not wrong in theory, you are bring extremely unrealistic and counterproductive in strategic terms given the real world starting point of where we right now, as opposed to would a should a could a bin alternative timelines where our realistic choices are something other than what we actually face here and now on this planet earth and timeline or reality.

    Here in this reality, President Trump is the best we’ve had since President Andrew Jackson given the different challenges each President faced, far better than traitor Pence, traitor Biden, or anyone else who could have conceivably realistically replaced him, certainly for peace at home and abroad and our Second Amendment rights among many other issues. Without Trump, our situation now would be significantly worse than it is right now at this very moment.

    Going forward into any future that’s more realistically plausible than relying on winning the megamillions lotto to pay overdue, current, and upcoming bills, only Trump and Trump alone can save America, make America great again and greater than ever, and without Trump there’s a much lower probability for the continued survival and prospering of the worldwide Christian, European based civilization, which is under attack from all sides by the dark, evil, demonic forces of its many sinister enemies, and barely hanging on by a thread.

    We need to do everything in our power and ability to secure a victory for Donald Trump and a future for White children. We must! It’s a matter of life or death. Anything you say or do that runs against Donald Trump is treason to God, Country, and Race. There may come a point in time where Trump can be replaced by someone even better, and hopefully we will live to see such a glorious day. That’s certainly not where we are right now. Context is all important!

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