Maine Secretary of State Holds Hearing on Whether She Should Bar Former President Donald Trump from the Ballot

on December 15, Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows held an eight-hour hearing on whether she should bar former President Donald Trump from the Republican presidential primary ballot. See this story. She says she will decide by December 22. Trump is represented in the hearing by the same attorney who argued his Colorado case, former Colorado Secretary of State Scott Gessler.


Maine Secretary of State Holds Hearing on Whether She Should Bar Former President Donald Trump from the Ballot — 6 Comments

  1. Does anyone here know the significance of the phrase “garbage in, garbage out” or how it originated?

    Sheena Bellows is extremely biased and Anti-American. She is believed by many to have altars and idols of Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh as well as all three north Korea kims in her bedroom, to which she makes animal and on special occasions baby human sacrifices daily. I would not throw her any further than I could trust her.

    Nevertheless, every single one of these ludicrous 14-3 hail Mary plays by the evil, nefarious, too dumb to be mereky retarded vociferous Trump haters who are each and every one of them devil worshiping child porn enthusiasts who sexually abuse Bald Eagles and use American flags for toilet paper, that’s how much they hate America which is the only reason they hate Trump , is soundly and promptly laughed out of court after being metaphorically humiliated with judicial bukake , beaten, savagely verbally gang raped by the judicial panel or judge and clerks, and thrown out naked and bleeding in the snow, that’s how roundly all the 14-3 nonsense is rejected by every court thus far.

    Therefore, despite the well known bias and pagan demonic fetishes of Sheena Buhlows, I’m optimistic for the correct, pro America, pro Trump decision, because she does not want to be clowned and paraded through the streets nude and pelted with filth to the chants of “shame, shame” upon judicial review or appeal or however they do it in frozen moosephilia country any more than you, i, or any other normal person would. Not that she is Normal, she is obviously the unholy result of extremely perverse copulation upon an altar smeared in all manner of disgusting filth during a satanic black mass between a demon from hell and an extraterrestrial orc , but you know what I mean .

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