Massachusetts Libertarian Presidential Primary Will Carry Five Names

The Massachusetts Libertarian Party presidential primary will list Jacob Hornberger, Mike ter Maat, Lars Mapstead, Chase Oliver, and Michael Rectenwald. The primary will be on “Super Tuesday”, March 5, 2024. Thanks to George Phillies for this information.


Massachusetts Libertarian Presidential Primary Will Carry Five Names — 48 Comments

  1. Primaries are a great way for an LP candidate to show us how their general election campaign will be run. I am looking forward to seeing how each of these candidates plans to build the LP by showing us.
    I am not interested in any candidate that sits on his hands and doesn’t campaign.

  2. Blatant insanity! Where is widely acknowledged LP frontrunner Dr. Charles Ballay? Where is Joshua Smith? Is Professor Emeritus / Censor Egregious Phillies information accurate? Where did he get it from? If it’s accurate, how did the state go about compiling its list?

  3. They are primarily listed on single page forms being circulated in fast food, big box store, mall, grocery, gas station / convenience store, dollar store, pharmacy, and truck stop public restrooms as well as port a pottys at public events, construction sites etc. I’ve heard there is a controversy about what is happening to the signed forms, since the authorities who are suppose to receive them say none have come in so far.

  4. Retard commies Sarwark and Darryl Perry heavily push them, deaths and all. Not sure about Oliver but my guess would be he does too.

  5. They made us get jabs in Florida State Penitentiary. What about those of y’all who were free?

  6. Reality is that hardly anyone, even most Libertarians, pays any attention to Libertarian Party primaries in the few states which have them, and Libertarian Party presidential primaries are all non-binding.

  7. That’s true. And what’s furthermore, primaries in general are an inferior model to in person voting at caucuses and conventions, when possible by standing count, since they are more prone to vote fraud. Libertarians should discourage and boycott primaries for that reason.

  8. Was that related to a primary? Massachusetts? Libertarians? Chase Oliver maybe?

  9. The Massachusetts Libertarian Party chose candidates who had raised some money for their campaigns.

  10. You mean the fake, statist Massachusetts Libertarian Party that’s recognized by the state, or the actual Massachusetts Libertarian Party which is libertarian and recognized by the Libertarian Party?

  11. There were no state LPs before 1972. A few (7 or 8) people gathered in David Nolan’s living room in December 1971. That was the very first LP meeting.

    In 1972, 88-89 people gathered for their first national comcention, but there weren’t enough who were old enough to form a presidential ticket.

    Luckily for them, Ayn Randian Professor John Hospers flew in from California at the last minute and agreed to run for president. They got him on the ballot in 2 states – Washington and Colorado. By a fluke, he received an electoral vote from a faithless Nixon elector in the college of electors from Virginia (who later went on to be the party’s president candidate in 1976, on the ballot in a lot more states).

    It was only due to that fluke that the LP survived this long or achieved most of what it has. Most of the money, state chapters and support it received happened after the faithless elector fluke.

    The Mises Caucus, not “gang,” has endorsed Rectenwald. They endorsed Hornberger last time,but I guess they must have had a falling out since then. He’s not a member. I don’t know if Rectenwald is or not. Smith was, but I’m not sure if he still is. I don’t think any of the others are. Commie Oliver is most definitely not.

  12. Bullshit. That was libertarian movement (young Americans for freedom, students for a libertarian society splinter over war), not party. You may have misread accounts which said libertarian and thought it had something to do with the party.

    Nolan wrote The Case For A Libertarian Party in the summer of ’71. He received enough replies to organize an actual meeting in his apartment with 7 or 8 people in December. The precipitating event was Nixon’s wage and price controls.

  13. That was the 1969 YAF in St Louis. Maybe someone made “noises” in 1967, but if so, that’s all they did. The party began organizing in late 1971 with no substantial activity until 1972 and would have been an insignificant flash in the pan if not for the faithless elector vote.

  14. The Mises Caucus represents the authentic libertarian movement of Ron Paul, the Mises Institute, Lew Rockwell, Murray “Mr. Libertarian” Rothbard, Hans Hoppe, Austrian economics, etc within the LP.

    That is the real libertarian movement, much bigger than the LP. Most of us are not in the lp but many have been at some point, like around when Ron Paul ran as LP in my case. Most of us are libertarians for Trump currently.

    A few are making another attempt to fix the LP, and even though they’re a tiny part of the Mises libertarian movement, they easily took over the decrepit, moribund and corrupt lp which had been an embarrassment for decades, and especially ever since goofy johnson, sloppy weld, czarwark, bishops henchman, burn l00t murder ho horgensen, “libertarian” Marxists, naked dancing fat guy, boot on head guy et. C ~2012-22.

    Keep in mind that this is just a tiny sliver of the Mises/Ron Paul movement. Mainly taking their time because the LP had become such an egregious embarrassment to libertarians, while most of us are busy having our greatest success ever as the very heart of the Trump ULTRA MEGA MAGA “alt right” movement.

    The fake libertarian statist state parties in a few states such as Taxachusetts are the retreating rear guard flank of the commies who had taken over the LP in the previous decade as true libertarians were busy supporting Ron and Rand Paul, Tea Parties (which also came out of libertarianism originally), Freedom Caucus, Republican Liberty Caucus, Young Americans for Liberty, Ron Paul Institute, Mises Institute etc to bother with LP.








  16. Since this is for the Massachusetts LP that was disaffiliated from the LNC I’m surprised that the LNC hasn’t declared anyone running in it is disqualified from running under the LNC Libertarian Party.

  17. AZ has clearly never been to an l.p. Convention. Half or more of the people there squeeze 16 into a minivan and 8 into a motel room and subsist for a week off “complimentary” bread and rolls, chips and salsa, crackers, condiments and crap like that. Oligarchs? What kind of oligarchs sponge up change at gas stations and sleep on top of each other in vehicles (not for sexual purpose, for lack of room or money) just to get there and back? Wow, what a maroon.

    That goes double for state boards. Trust me, an afternoon in a room with people who can’t afford more than one pair of socks and underwear every decade, water bill or soap to take showers, toothpaste, toothbrushes et c…not fun. Some oligarchs.

    Happy to be back in the GOP, where folks on my county committee can afford decent suits, showers, shave, dental hygiene, dry cleaning, steak dinners, their own hotel rooms at state and national meetings, and things of that nature.

  18. Brandon,

    I would suggest exactly that if I were LNC, provided candidates have the option to decline being included. There should be a very strict zero tolerance policy for the fake parties and anyone in any way associated with them, including secondary and up boycotts and shunning.

  19. I hope Rectenwald sues for removal. No decent Trump supporter should want this bunch besmirching his name through guilt by association.

  20. A new caucus of the Libertarian Party is being formed. It will promote Libertarians getting appointed and elected to local office. Right now, across America, there are tens of thousands of vacancies on local, appointed committees and commissions. These positions are ours for the taking if we want them. Libertarians have failed to seek out these positions for a number of reasons. One of those reasons is that LP leadership does not guide members toward these offices, nor does party leadership set an example by getting appointed to these offices.

    This caucus’ first step will will be to bring to light that NONE of the current LP presidential candidates has ever held local elected or appointed office of any kind.

    We would also like to point out that NONE of the current leaders of the national LP from the chair on down has ever held local elected or appointed office. This is not an attack on the Mises caucus, none of the recent past chairs had ever held such office either. We just believe that this disqualifies them and all of the LP presidential contenders.

    If the typical state LP has 10 officers or members on its “Executive” committee, and there are 50 state parties, that means that those 500 Libertarian “leaders” should step up and get appointed to a local planning commission or similar board. Within a month’s time, we would then see another 500 Libertarians in local office.

    We can keep dreaming about winning the White House, or we can actually start a grass-roots movement to get Libertarians in office. From these positions, Libertarians will then have some credibility to run for higher local office or state office.

    The reason such an effort has not been undertaken before is because Libertarians know it will work — these positions are literally begging for people to fill them. What Libertarians fear most is being in public office. They are content to write computer programs, smoke pot, and complain, rather than serve on a local board.

    It’s time for this to change: support ONLY those Libertarians who have held public office.

  21. They generally do. That is, they primarily nominate by convention, as they should.

    They could improve this even more by having standing counts so each member vote would be on the record and on video. GOD and Jesus would certainly want them, and all other parties, to do so.

    However, they’ve chosen to leave it up to each state delegation, which also follows an important process of federalism.

    They could follow this process even more closely by having conventions in each state nominate a Presidential ticket, like an electoral college, with on the record votes, again like the electoral college, which is consecrated and blessed by God.

    The plurality winner of the electors should be the nominee (separately for President and VP). There should be no subsequent rounds, ranked choice, approval, instant run off or any other such nonsense, only a pure single round plurality winner for each of the two spots by the electors.

    I would suggest that state parties have their state boards pick the electors, much as the actual college of electors should be picked by state legislatures, all with on the record single round pure plurality first past the post voting.

    But, it should be up to each state.

    Alternatively, I would suggest that minor parties stop running for president, perhaps doing some type of protest campaign to popularize the idea of dissolving the union.

    It would be even better if they concentrate on local, winnable office, particularly Sheriff in small to medium population counties, especially ones where they can get into two way races against a single dominant party in that county – whether that be an incumbent who has grown moss in office, a handpicked successor, or an open seat.

  22. If anything, political candidates who have held previous office should be examined more carefully before earning support. Of course, those without a political track record should also be examined for their track record in other fields, since actions speak louder than words.

  23. Jerry and Blood are both kinda right. L.p. Wasting time with president candidates.

    There are tons and tons of conservative-libertarian Law Enforcement Officers and retirees, and especially if they also Military reserve, veterans et c. & legal gun owner militias type. Well armed and trained.

    Make them your local chairman and key activists. Network with more libertarian Trump supporters. Establish a Tea Party type brand but more Alex Jones, militia type. Sorta Campaign for liberty. YAL et c. Proud boys, oath keepers, council of conservative citizens, sons of confederate veterans, league of the south, birchers , gun show regulars.

    Built campaigns around rural sheriffs, small and medium town police chiefs where elected, and concentrate on your ABOVE MENTIONED Leo’s retirees vets etc as flagship candidates.

    Each candidate with Strong support team of like minded team players. Guys who played team sports in school, and worked on teams in military and law enforcement. Campaigns are teams. Clean cut, close shaved, very short hair,muscular macho dudes, patriarchal family men. No cucks.

    Run solid campaign, lots of door knocking and in person events. Build campaigns and teams incremental.

    Elect your sheriffs and chiefs. Make life hell for criminal types in and out of govt and traitors. Ignore stupid red tape, concentrate on real crimes with real victims, and make punishment swift, sure and severe. Make jail places nobody wants to ever go back to. Arpaio model.

    Get a track record of making rural and small town community areas safer, little to no real crime places where criminals don’t dare go and men can do as they please without picayune red tape code enforcement bs, kid searchers, gun snatchers , nosy feds (need sheriff permission) etc. Established a brAnd.


    Send team members to night law school. Not career lawyers, career Leo’s and military guys who get law degrees to run for DA, PROSECUTORS, JUDGE, etc. Again real serious winnable campaign only. Identify 2 way races, good looking candidates with long standing community ties,lots of friends and extended family on the area, active church members, etc.

    Build militia, charities, motorcycle clubs etc etc as parallel orgs. Female fan/support/cheerleader teams. Youth groups etc. Give them all support tasks and so on.

    Do roadside cleanups and other visible things where you show you are making a difference even before you win office. All these things help u win.

    Network with all kinds of like minded groups. Go to Trump rallies, tractor pulls, drag races, wrestling and monster truck events etc, be visible. Always team , always visible and on brand.

    Go to other groups events as well as organize your own. Do a local news paper, network with advertisers. Get to know local business owners, get in tight with them. Cover LOCAL news and ads, spin natl and world news your way not the establishment media.

    Then branch out to city council and county commissioners and execs.

    Don’t even fool with any state or federal crap until you are well dug in all over the map like ticks in local office with active community organizations of all sorts affiliated with your team.

    If you want to do more than dream about freedom build your party and movement like that.

    Or keep spinning your wheels doing what you been doing.

    Or just go GOP and do same thing as a GOP caucus but be ready to bolt and start a patriot party if the rhinos take the helm there again.

  24. Ps herding cats is easy. Open a can of cat food. Winning is cat food for those with tiger blood.

  25. Cant wait to vote for a Libertarian candidate… About time to have a third party come in and give us real choice and have party that stands on principle instead of the 2 party mudslingers we are usually stuck with.

  26. No reason to trust you or not trust you. It’s just an opinion, much like mine that Trump is best, Kennedy is muddle, Biden us worst. Opinions can be backed up with reasons and evidence, but are still ultimately opinions.

    If you want to discuss your reasons for your opinion, you obviously can, at whatever length you want, or not.

    To me, if you do want to make your case, it’s better if you do so in a public forum, where others can add why they think why you or anyone who responds is right or wrong about any of it.

    I see nothing whatsoever to be gained by calling, texting, or emailing you to get an opinion you can just as easily post here or in another public forum.

    And he’s not the libertarian candidate. The libertarians might nominate him, or not. He’s at least technically not yet even a candidate for their nomination, much less the nominee. There’s a chance that will come together, and a chance it won’t. I’m not in the loop enough to assess the current status of those chances.

    He started running as a Democrat and currently is running as an independent, except in states which make partisan ballot access easier, where he’s starting his own party just for that purpose.

    Massachusetts? Idk. You might know better. The Kennedy family has Massachusetts roots, Irish roots before that, but they’re all over. Off the top of my head he’s personally based in California, or maybe New York. But maybe you’re right. Personally I don’t care where he lives, so I won’t bother to look it up to refresh my memory.

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