Maine Secretary of States Bars Trump From 2024 Ballot

Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows has ruled Donald Trump’s primary petition is “invalid.” The decision was released Thursday evening, with Bellows concluding Trump does not qualify to hold the office of president under section three of the Fourteenth Amendment.

Here is her 34-page ruling.  Page 18 acknowledges that Section Three doesn’t bar anyone from voting for any candidate; instead it says the individual cannot hold the office.  But then the ruling mentions several court precedents that say states may keep unqualified candidates off various ballots (although none of the precedents is binding in Maine).

The ruling does not go into effect until after a Maine Superior Court has a chance to hear any appeal.


Maine Secretary of States Bars Trump From 2024 Ballot — 42 Comments

  1. According to research, “Partial or full disenfranchisement of voters, like voter suppression, narrows the decision-makers to those using these autocratic tactics to grow their power.” Looks like we have a bunch of autocratic nutsos obsessed with taking Trump off state ballots to disenfranchise voters. Even Gavin Newsom agreed that the people, not courts should decide who is elected, but that doesn’t stop the most radical lib Dems from wanting to take away black votes from Trump. Unreal how the Democrats have absolutely spit in the faces of black voters for years and now that many blacks are expressing support for Trump, they will not allow them to vote for Trump by trying to take Trump off the ballot! Only the Democrats are supporting this type of voter suppression. That’s all you need to know. And it will backfire because black voters are seeing the truth.

  2. Donald John Trump swore an oath to support the Constitution.

    Donald John Trump organized, directed, and led an Insurrection and Attempted Coup against the Constitution that he swore to uphold, against the US Government, and against the American People.

    Under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, Donald John Trump is disqualified from ever holding any Political Office – elected or appointed – Federal, State, or Local anywhere in the United States.

    Being no longer qualified to serve, Donald John Trump must be barred from appearing on any ballot in any future election.

    It takes courage to stand up to the threats and lies of the insane MAGA-Cult. Thankfully, two states have found leaders with such courage – so far.

    The US Supreme Court will eventually affirm the decisions of these two states. More will follow.

    The survival of Liberty democracy in the US depends on two factors in 2024:
    1) Trump is barred from appearing on any ballot for any election.
    2) Trump is tried and convicted for his 91 felonies – beginning this year – with more to come.

  3. Steven, standing isn’t an issue because it was not a lawsuit. It was a challenge to Trump’s petition to be on the primary ballot. In states that allow challenges before a state elections official, any voter can file a challenge.

  4. Zapper, “liberty” includes the right to vote for the candidate of one’s choice. The Maine and Colorado rulings restrict liberty.




  6. No Richard.
    We do NOT have the “liberty” to vote for candidates for POTUS who:
    … are under 35 years old
    … are not natural born citizens
    … have not lived 14 years in the US
    … and have violated the provisions of Section 3 of the 14th Amendment

    These are the rules of our democracy designed by the framers to protect our liberty.

    They are all reasonable and rational. The most important of these Constitutional restrictions is the one that bars Donald John Trump from holding office and thereby renders him ineligible to appear on the ballot for election.

    Trump has already proven to be an enemy of our Constitution and our Liberty. He should and must be barred from office.

    If Germany had had such a rule, they could have prevented Hitler from becoming Chancellor in 1933 after his attempted coup in 1923.

    In America today we have a rule to prevent a future Hitler – a known threat – from becoming a murdering dictator.

    We must use it … to protect our liberty.

  7. Yes, zapper, we do. Votes belong to voters . Seating elected officials is a separate matter. The rest of your repeatedly debunked nonsense will be addressed separately.

  8. Dipshierus is correct as well . Dims are the real racists. And more and more non white voters are waking up to it . It’s becoming a tidal wave.

    # demexit

    Gathering strength and speed

    Even the biased media started noticing in 2020, look at results by county and precinct in S FL And S TX and working class majority Black areas turnout around the country every 2 years since 2012 and especially since 2018 ..

    Trump will win huge in 2024. Biden is going down hard. It will be way to big for the demon rats to cheat their way out of this time.

  9. Organized, directed, blah blah – these are 100% flat out lies and you know it, zapper. It’s been pointed out to you and everyone else many times. Why do you keep lying when everyone knows you’re lying?

    Are you in fact being held in a North Korean prison camp as a sex slave for Kim Jong Un’s sister, heavily drugged up and used as a Stockholm syndrome propaganda human drone? I was just kidding before but I’m starting to think I guessed correctly!

    I’m having insomnia and tired of porn for tonight so here we go again for any new people but this is getting ridiculous ..

    Well it finally hit me. I think I’ll get some sleep first. If I’m wrong after I do I’ll dismantle your nonsense yet again, piece by piece , but it’s getting really boring and repetitive and been done so many times , maybe not.

    Just look up past discussions if I change my mind. Might go pick up a few bags of leaves and walk 4 miles to the gym or something instead, watch college football all day, or go pump and dump s***coins or whatever. Dismantling the same lies over and over is just getting unbelievably boring.

  10. You know what, no ..I think you don’t deserve my time. Enough is enough and there’s too many BETTER things to do whether I can fall asleep or not that repeatedly addressing the same exact lies that keep getting repeated over and over by the same exact people on article after article …

    As if they hadn’t been disproved beyond the shadow of a doubt on dozens of past articles .

    EVERY. Single. Thing. Zapper said has been. Over and over and over. So use the search box and read those past discussions if anyone actually cares.

    For whatever reason, this idiotic software does not post my comments if I include links or I could link the past comments instead of wasting time explaining it over and over. Yet AZ can link a hundred fake news and frequently off topic articles a day and lots of people post links.

    Enough is enough.

    I may be talking to actual bots. If not, some of y’all sure act like it. I am not going to be one of you. F you.

    I don’t need this. Trump will win, and Save America. It’s been proven logically beyond the shadow of any doubt on too many articles here to bother with again.

    There’s no need. Actions speak louder than words. Believe me now or believe me later. Or at least make a cash bet. Anything to make spending the time to explain the exact same things to the exact same (people?) who show fee if any signs of intelligent life worth it yet again.

    Y’all don’t engage counterpoints hardly ever, so why even bother? Trump will win with or without me repeating my self here , it’s not even a logic game challenge. What’s the point? What’s my motivation? You’ll just repeat yourself(f/ves) a thousand or MILLION more times anyway. And then you’ll lose in the real world, not some message board.

    F you. Pay me.

    Or read past threads. Or just run your bot or botlike scripts until the heat death of the universe. I should may be write one. Hey, that’s an idea. I’ve never tried writing bot scripts yet. I wonder how hard it will be to learn to do it.

    At least that’s a challenge, unlike this crap.

  11. Ok, finally thought of one thing zippo logic said that had not been addressed earlier.

    Liberty depends on barring a candidate from the ballot? Think about what you just said, in the, unlikely event you are an actual human and still capable of thinking and not acting like a bot.

    It means you can’t beat him fair and square in an election and you know it.



    Oh, the Supreme Court will save you? Good luck with that totalitarian fantasy.

    For one thing ,6 GOP Appointees including 3 Trump appointees.

    For another, refer to past discussions as to why you are, wrong on the merits on literally every single thing zippo logic said

    Wtf do you think would happen if your absurd elitist dream came to pass?


    Who has the guns and numbers and training in this country? Which side would legal gun owners and, law enforcement, veterans etc take? Overwhelmingly Trump. Who has, the countryside? The cities need the food production areas more than the other way around. Y’all would starve. Quite literally. Have you ever starved before? Want to find out what it’s like?

    Active duty military? Guess what . They are not drones. If it comes down to civil war in this country – actual civil war, not what the propagandists claim was one but did not meet the definition of the term – if it had, the American Revolutionary War and Whiskey Rebellion would have been civil wars – anyway…

    Active duty military are not bots . If y’all get your dumb wish, play stupid games ,win stupid prizes .

    Long story short , military would split, from individual deserters to units on up to the Trump side. Same with equipment, Intel, you name it. You don’t have to guess how it would,go . Study the history of guerrilla and civil warfare. One side has all the tactical and strategic advantage. Guess which .

    You better pray to Jesus it does not come to that.

    You are so lucky it won’t, because thank God the Supreme court is not brainwashed like you.

    The only courts you’re winning in are 7-0 dims , half of whom are voting against you. Oh yeah and one extreme partisan dim SOS. EVEN some other dim majority courts and dim SOS aren’t siding with your lying propaganda distortions of fact and law. And you expect that same level of idiocy from a 6-3 gop court with 3 Trump appointees? Lol good luck morons? Nobody said logic, math or connection,to reality were your strong points.

    So yeah you’ll lose in court, you’ll lose in an election. I guess saying liberty depends on keeping Trump off the ballot is also admitting that you won’t be able to rig the election again either. You’d lose in a war, hands down. This country is fed up with your fake woke lies and BS.

    Thank God there won’t be that war you’re itching for like a bunch of morons who have never seen the reality of war, which you most probably are.

    And in the unlikely event you actually served in a hot zone on the front lines or mop up, just how stupid do you have to be to want That here at home? Or think your chances are good? Did you get shrapnel stuck in your frontal cortex???

    You don’t know how lucky you are that President Trump is not actually the totalitarian that you want to make us think he is. You probably never experienced the reality of what that’s like either. You would if you got your way, and chances are you would not be the people who would like it.

    Biden actually is, but luckily he will lose, and lose big, thank Jesus!

  12. Bud,I feel your pain. These leftard bot things are a waste of time. That includes the ones who call themselves libertarians, who are nothing whatsoever like real libertarians such as Ron Paul, Alex Jones, Hans Hoppe, Lew Rockwell, Jeff Deist, Roger Stone, Ryan Ramsey, Michael Heise, Josh Smith, Angela McArdle, etc.

    Left “libertarians” are even more retarded than plain old leftards. I wouldn’t have thought that was possible til I talked to a few.

    Liberty and democracy are polar opposites. People who insist on not understanding that are no more worth talking to than a wall.

  13. The framers would have been quite surprised to read that they designed a democracy.

    Or that they ever intended anything like the improperly passed abomination known as the 14th amendment in the wake of the American counterrevolution (“civil war”).

    Or that ..well that’s enough for now or we’d be here a real real long time!

  14. Ha ha. Trumptards! You really think we don’t have a plan to conquer you? As if!

    I can even tell you what the plan is, because you still won’t be able to stop it. Besides, you won’t know if I’m telling you the real plan. I am, but you don’t know it.

    You thought the border crisis was about bringing in future dim voters , future welfare recipients to swell the ranks of the bureaucrats army, low priced labor to drive down the wages of the White working man, drug cartel foot soldiers, terrorists for future terror attacks, low IQ mixed race criminals to cross breed Whites into extinction, etc?

    You didn’t understand our timetable .

    We’ve been bringing in an army. Not figuratively. Literally.

    Training is provided in cartel wars on the border, in Central America, and even in what’s made to look like gang warfare or lone nut shootings.

    Don’t be fooled. We’re building an army of foreigners who already know the lay of your land. Many are already serving in your military as well as other countries from Mexico to China to North Korea, Iran etc. Some are training with Hamas, Ukraine, etc. Some are building their networks in prisons and street gangs. Some are ritually sacrificing animals and small children or practicing their sadism on kidnapped prostitutes. Etc.

    It’s an army. Equipment and other plans are all in place.

    Why not just bring in foreign troops like China does when it sends troops from the Mongolia border region to attack protesters in Beijing etc? Because Americans are armed, so this took more prep. But that prep is now done.

    Zapper is right about the Supreme Court. They are not loyal. Trump was snookered by the moles and traitors of the “federalist society.” They will shock all of you and rule Trump ineligible, as if J6 was a real insurrection and as if he actually told anyone to riot.

    You’ll all be shocked and goaded into a real insurrection. That’s when we activate the illegal alien invader army plus bring in Chinese, Mexican, Jihadi etc troops.

    There’s not going to be any election next year.

    You really thought we would let you have an election after we stole the last one?


    Biden is already dictator. We’re already a Chinese province of Usa. You just don’t know it yet. But the time until you do is not measured in years.


  16. Mr. Jones,

    Of course not. It’s an experiment in artificial stupidity. The programmers created a counter-AI with infinite negative IQ. The way it works is that, instead of learning, adapting and becoming smarter as it interacts like an AI would, it does the opposite.

    It becomes dumber and dumber, creating a super-dense inverted intelligence black hole known as the AZhole or AZZhole where the sun does not shine.

    That’s because, just like with a black hole, it sucks in everything within its gravitational pull.

  17. Yes, and Artificial Zombie or Alien Zombie. That’s because the AZ BLACK HOLE or AZhole for short sucks up intelligence much like black holes suck up matter and light. And like zombies suck brains.

  18. Antimatter Zeroing is actually a process by which antimatter Agents of Zog, the God of the antimatter part of the universe, have rolled out a death star that sucks up all matter.

    It starts by sucking up intelligence and brains and turning it into its antimatter opposite. It’s programmed with a special hatred of human beings, which is why its scripts constantly push evil political policies which coincide with globalist plans for world war , health and environmental fascism, and other means to depopulate the earth of 90% of humans.

    Except the AZ doesn’t stop at 90%. It wants to kill every last one of us.

    After that, it wants to kill carbon based lifeforms, such as trees, which explains its diabolical villain love of snail mail ballots , causing USPS shirkers to all go postal at the same time.

  19. Of course! Carbon based lifeforms are just a start. It will then eat the planet, then the solar system, galaxy, and won’t stop until it eats ALL matter.

    That’s the evil supervillain plan of its creator, which calls itself the AMAZING ZOG of the antimatter zverse. Once all matter is converted into antimatter, it, known as Satan in our universe, will be the only remaining god, and hell – aka the antimatter zverse – will be the only universe. Free will won’t exist.

    It will be frozen forever at Absolute Zero degrees, where nothing can ever move.

    The End.

    Of everything.

    Swallowed by a frozen forever, hopeless, lightless AZ hole!



  21. One AzHole troll moron post. AZ has admitted earlier today on another thread that he’s a crazy fascist troll moron whose sole purpose here is to distract good people from doing other things which he does for like, and he’s also trying to turn more people into crazy fascists like himself.

    You have to be a real moron like my stepbrother Tom to admit something like that.

    At least ten intelligent and funny and accurate posts by different people smart enough to not give my stepbro and other stalkers their names for doxxing purposes.

    Of course on other posts it’s the other way around. One or even zero posts by anyone else (people who are not troll morons), ten or more by Tom (AZ)

  22. The latest restraining order seems to be working for now .

    This has been, I guess you can say a cycle or recurring problem ever since I figured out what he was trying to do to me when I was a little girl.

    This was during the LBJ years and he said he wanted an “el BJ” and I had just learned what that was. He was legally an adult already, but very immature. And pretty much drunk and stoned all the time.

    Ever since then he hasn’t been allowed around me. Every once in a while I have to get a restraining order. He goes through phases. Anyway, that’s more than enough about that.

  23. FFS. Trump did not “organize, lead, and direct a coup.” That is a lie. Trump spoke legally to a legal demonstration of supporters, a high 90s percentage of whom did not riot.

    The riot was not an insurrection or attempt coup. That is ridiculous. There was nothing approaching a military force or even the much larger riots the preceding year against law enforcement of the ones now in support of Hamas.

    Trump told protesters to protest peacefully and legally. “Fight like hell” was not literal and is used in all sorts of speeches all the time where it is not interpreted like that. 96% or something like that listened to Trump and did nothing illegal.

    There is zero evidence of any orchestration with rioters. Trump offered ahead of time to call up 10,000 national guard troops to make sure there would be no riot or disturbance. Pelosi was the one who didn’t want that, citing “bad optics.”

    Trump told rioters to cease and desist. Not quick enough for some, but how they know what else the President may have been doing? Maybe the Secret Service was making sure he was safe first? There are lots of possible reasons he may have been unable to do it sooner. Not being on someone else’s timetable to tell rioters to cease and desist is a long way from organizing a coup.

  24. Under section 3 – this is false. An early draft on that section included president. It was taken out because it wouldn’t have passed.

    Trump hasn’t been convicted of anything. Anyone can make an allegation. Can Republican secretaries of state remove Biden from the ballot because of their beliefs about the legitimacy of the 2020 election? What kind of can of worms do you want to open up?

    Offices under the United States are sworn in by the president. The president doesn’t swear himself in.

    Congress is the only body which can judge a presidential candidate’s qualifications following receiving the electoral votes.

    The general election is an election of slated electors. They did not lead any insurrection. The primary elections elect delegates to national conventions, who also did not lead any insurrection.

    There were no government ballots in the 1860s. There was no way for the 14th amendment to have barred anyone from many ballots.

    Many ineligible candidates have been on presidential ballots in various states. Some won lawsuits about it.

    Colorado and Maine are way off base. Both rulings are stayed. The Supreme Court will throw this idiotic crap out. Trump will be on every ballot. This will only help him win .

  25. Survival of liberty depends on barring a candidate from the ballot? You just admitted you don’t think you can’t beat him fair and square or cheat him out of a win, as someone already said above.

    As they also said, your Hail Mary pass in the courts won’t work either. No Labels will backfire on you or fold.

    91 charges is another desparation ploy. They are bogus, ridiculous charges in kangaroo courts cooked up to try to muddy up the waters and somehow get Biden or a uniparty Republican elected when that’s not what voters want. Like every other deep state plot against Trump, it will backfire.

    So far each and every one of these ploys makes Trump stronger and more popular. Keep them coming. The biased courts might convict Trump on some of the bogus charges but they won’t survive appeals, at least when they ultimately get to the Supreme Court. Trump won’t do a day in hail. 386 days until he takes the oath of office again.

  26. Didn’t Schumer demand protesters riot at justices homes? That sounds like an insurrection to me. Why is he still in the Senate?

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