Filing for Illinois Primaries Closes

Filing for the Illinois primaries closed on January 5.  For president in the Republican primary, the only candidates who filed are Ryan Binkley, Chris Christie, Ron DeSantis, Nikki Haley, and Donald Trump.  Candidates need 3,000 signatures. Vivek Ramaswamy did not file.

Democrats who filed are Joe Biden, Frankie Lozada, Dean Phillips, and Marianne Williamson.

No presidential petition was challenged except for Trump’s petition.  Objectors do not challenge the number of signatures he filed.  But they challenge him because he did not sign the loyalty oath, which says that candidates are not affiliated with a Communist organization and that they will not work to overthrown the government.  That oath has been declared unconstitutional many times in the past but it remains in the Illinois election code.


Filing for Illinois Primaries Closes — 8 Comments

  1. Ironically, it’s going to set a bad precedent for anyone left of center should this specific challenge to Trump succeed. Greens, DSA, Socialists, and other candidates affiliated with left-wing parties and organizations could become subject to ballot access challenges or even charges of perjury if the so-called loyalty oath becomes mandatory again, as the 1940s/50s show it wasn’t just Communist Party members who were targeted, but anyone left of center, peace activists, social justice activists, dissidents, etc. I imagine some of the more far-right patrons of Ballot Access News would cheer that on, but I would hope they would instead realize that if some folks’ First Amendment rights aren’t safe, theirs are on borrowed time too.

  2. Joshua,

    A lot of those “left of center” people were, in fact, revolutionary communists, but not honest enough to admit it except on a “need to know” basis.

  3. That’s true, but Joshua is also not wrong here either.

    The disloyal traitors who would admit it under oath, or lie but not be smart enough to get away with it, are not the ones we need to worry about. The ones we should worry about are the ones who lied, got away with it, and burrowed themselves into positions of power and influence over the following decades.

    Now, they control the levers of power, and can and will twist actual loyalty to the founding principles of America into disloyalty to their lawless parasitic regime, including in a show trial court of law if given the opening.

    While the idea behind loyalty oaths is understandable, they failed at stopping the most dangerous termites, gave too many people a false sense of security, and handed the evil sinister left a long term propaganda / information warfare victory.

    It’s entirely predictable that they are now being weaponized in retaliation against patriots.

  4. Forget loyalty oaths. Drop a few hundred commies out of helicopters to really get the fun started.

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