Delaware Election Commission Website Shows No Labels Is Now a Qualified Party

The Delaware Election Commission website shows that No Labels Party has 1,258 registered members, which is more than enough to make it a qualified party.  See the January 1, 2024 data here.

Delaware updates its data every month.  The December 1, 2023 tally was the first instance at which Delaware had reported any No Labels registrants.  At that time No Labels had 548 registrants.

The requirement is to have registration membershp equal to one-tenth of 1% of the number of registered voters, as of December 31, 2023.  That requirement is 769 registrations.

No Labels has issued a press release attacking the Delaware Election Commissioner, Anthony Albence, who has apparently threatened to cancel the party’s qualified status on the basis that some voters were tricked into registering with No Labels.  No Labels says all its registration workers wore shirts while they were canvassing saying, “This Is Not A Petition.”


Delaware Election Commission Website Shows No Labels Is Now a Qualified Party — 10 Comments

  1. Is this the first time the Conservative party has qualified, or are they about to drop below the 1% threshold. Also is Nonpartisan a recognized party?

    How long have the Mandalorians been organizing?

  2. Bob, acknowledging the bot’s existence only exacerbates the problem. Please tell others before it’s too late.

  3. “This is not a petition”
    “We are not a party”
    “These are not the drones you’re looking for “

  4. “No Labels has issued a press release attacking the Delaware Election Commissioner, Anthony Albence, who has apparently threatened to cancel the party’s qualified status on the basis that some voters were tricked into registering with No Labels”

    Caveat Elector – Let the voter beware. Voters have to take responsibility for their votes, and other political actions that they make.

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