
No Labels Asks US Dept. of Justice to Investigate Possible Criminal Acts by Its Political Opponents — 6 Comments

  1. This is exactly the type of democratic reaction this antidemocratic no labels group needs and deserves in order to preserve our democracy. In a democracy, we the people go to the polls and reelect President Biden and VP Harris. Anything that stands in the way of that needs to be ruthlessly crushed by any means necessary. Our people’s democracy becomes stronger when these people are taught a lesson.

  2. What do you all not understand?

    No Labels and anyone else who would try to split the votes and endanger the absolute certainty of a Biden-Harris victory and second term must be brutally crushed and made an example of, so that we can preserve democracy.

    After the victory is ensured, we can deal with the evil Orange man and all his supporters, anyone known or believed to vote for no labels, Kennedy, greens and other minor party spoilers, Democrats who failed to turn out to vote, anyone who has been known to express negative opinions about President Biden and VP Harris, people who are not 100% woke, politically correct, diverse, egalitarian, and inclusive, those who have been known to badmouth the People’s Republic of China or need remedial Critical Race Theory education, etc.

    We’ll get to all that later, after we save democracy. For now, let’s concentrate on the job at hand and make absolutely sure that Biden-Harris win another legitimate election victory, no matter what it takes. After all, our democracy will be over if they don’t, and sometimes you have to destroy democracy in order to save it.

  3. It would be great to see the RICO statute used against major parties for conspiring against third party and independent candidates.

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