Dean Phillips Says He Would Consider Seeking the No Labels Presidential Nomination

On January 20, in an interview with the New York Times, Minnesota Congressman Dean Phillips said he would consider seeking the No Labels Party presidential nomination.  See this story.

Back in May 19, 2023, Phillips had been critical of the idea of a No Labels presidential nominee.  He had said, “If No Labels runs a Joe Manchin against Donald Trump and Joe Biden, I think that would be a historic disaster.”  Also, in August 2023, he criticized Cornel West and Jill Stein for their candidacies.

UPDATE:  here is another story.


Dean Phillips Says He Would Consider Seeking the No Labels Presidential Nomination — 20 Comments

  1. First off, the New York Times is FAKE NEWS. Second, it doesn’t matter because Trump is the only candidate to vote for.

  2. Does AZ really think third parties will receive 30 percent of the vote? What a fucking retard. No wonder he’s seen as a joke.

  3. If the New York Times gets an exclusive interview with a candidate like Dean Phillips, it is nonsensical for any person to refuse to read the interview. There is no other source for the news, and there is no reason to think that the New York times would do an interview with someone and then lie about what he or she said in the interview. If they did lie, the Congressman would instantly denounce the newspaper.

    Our civilization relies on human beings who have the capacity to think critically and clearly about reality. There would be no science without those skills. Every person ought to strive to use those skills, which nature has bestowed on us.

  4. What a shock: Richard Winger defending and supporting a communist rag like the New York Times.

    Didn’t the New York Times deny the existence of Hunter Biden’s laptop?

  5. Newsmax reported DeSantis is out and has endorsed Trump. He’s fully on board the Trump train!

  6. In college I took a subject called, “Critical Reading and Thinking”. Got an “A” in it. It’s a subject that every high school should teach. Then again, a corrupt system doesn’t want thinking citizens. Duh!

  7. This announcement is coming from the same guy who proclaimed a shame on all the other third party and independent candidates running this year. Typical career politician; a hypocrite and opportunist.

  8. The NY Slimes has proven ability to misquote or selectively quote people they interview. Far more revealing, however, see their choices of who to ask questions and what questions to ask them.

    Regardless, even if he said it, there’s very little reason to care, and he changed his mind, quite possibly before changing drawers.

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