Arizona Appeals Decision that Gave No Labels Party the Ability to Block Candidates in its Own Primary

On January 26, Arizona filed a notice of appeal in No Labels Party v Fontes, 2:23cv-2172. This is the case in which the U.S. District Court had ruled that No Labels Party has a freedom of association right to block candidates for Congress and partisan state office from running in its primary. The state also asked the U.S. District Court to stay its own opinion, and says if the U.S. District Court doesn’t grant a stay, the state will ask the Ninth Circuit to do so on an emergency basis.

Here is the state’s brief, asking for a stay.


Arizona Appeals Decision that Gave No Labels Party the Ability to Block Candidates in its Own Primary — 16 Comments

  1. If the court’s decision stands, it’ll empower political parties all over the country to become cults of personality that centralize all their power into the hands of a single person.

  2. No Labels keeps attacking Democratic and Republican critics by saying that in trying to impede No Labels, they are being undemocratic. But the Democrats and Republicans are selecting their presidential candidates through primaries in caucuses in Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, South Carolina and every other state and sending delegates to a national convention. The Green and Libertarian parties are doing something similar. Apparently just a few big shots in the 21st century equivalent of a smoke-filled room or a closed caucus will select their presidential ticked.

    The brief here says that the Arizona No Labels bylaws forbidding party members from running for other offices in a primary were written AFTER some people filed as candidates. The bylaws were created by No Labels in D.C. and given to a state committee selected by them which consists of three people — who are the members FOR LIFE! That sounds like something out of a communist country. They never informed the No Labels voters or prospective candidates what the bylaws were, and as the brief says, they can be changed at any time. So if No Labels, say, wants Sinema to be their candidate for Senator, the three people, at their bosses’ direction, can change the bylaws to say that they will have a candidate for US Senate, but only Sinema.

    The 26,000 party members have no say in anything. That makes No Labels’ claims that their opponents are stopping democracy laughable.

  3. How no labels nominates should be nobody’s business but their own. 26,000 people checked the wrong box on their registration. If you don’t like how they nominate, vote for someone else. I know I will. Keeping them off the ballot and everything else being done to thwart them is what they say it is despite that.

  4. Single petition forms I am sure. I called the Arizona SOS and neither party has any valid petitions turned in. Does that make them pre skooooooool morons?

  5. Members of the Ukrainian fascist Azov batallion were recently spotted gathering retard 666 troll moron party signatures in the Los Angeles suburb of Azusa.

  6. I understand they are trying to get on the ballot in the USVI. Fitting name especially for Jones.

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