Colorado Opponents of Trump’s Ballot Access Ask U.S. Supreme Court Not to Allow Professor Tillman to Have His Own Oral Argument Time

On January 31, the Colorado voters who challenged Donald Trump’s ballot position asked the U.S. Supreme Court not to allot any oral argument time to the attorney for Law Professor Seth Barrett Tillman, a scholar who has studied the meaning of “officer” and “office” in the Constitution. Here is the brief of the Colorado objectors. It points out that Tillman was granted an opportunity to have his attorney argue in the Colorado Supreme Court, but then he waived that opportunity.


Colorado Opponents of Trump’s Ballot Access Ask U.S. Supreme Court Not to Allow Professor Tillman to Have His Own Oral Argument Time — 8 Comments

  1. “Can they do that?”

    They can ask the court, but the court is not obligated to grant their request.

  2. Senile AZ, crazy fascist preschool hack troll moron bot POS, retard in chief, negative infinity IQ black hole zombie, total failure.

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