Michigan Republican Party is Divided into Two Factions

The Michigan Republican Party has two factions, each with its own set of officers. Most of the delegates to the Republican national convention are determined by the state convention, not the presidential primary, so there may be two competing sets of delegates sent to the national convention in Milwaukee in July. However a court may also resolve the dispute. See this story.

The last time a major party had two factions, each with its own nominees, was in the 1930’s, when the Mississippi Republican Party had two factions, each of which put competing slates of presidential elector candidates on the general election ballot. The two factions were called the “Lily White Republican Party” and the “Black-and-Tans Republican Party.” The split had no effect on who won, because back then the Democratic Party was overwhelmingly dominant in the state.


Michigan Republican Party is Divided into Two Factions — 24 Comments

  1. Wouldn’t the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party in 1964 be considered a set of competing state party delegates, too?

  2. Read Zhani Doko’s comment in light of the fact that he/she is not a Republican or conservative and has elsewhere expressed enthusiasm for a nascent Liberal Party, presumably because the Demonrats are not liberal enough.

  3. Yup, The Trump faction and the Nikki Haley faction of the Republican Party are not compatible with each other. They won’t vote for each other, in fact they fuckin hate each other. They can’t unite for a general election which is why Republicans keep losing. They’re going to split up and go their separate ways and hand Joe Biden a landslide victory in November.

    I’m looking towards a new Liberal Party as a potential home for after the 2024 election. We need an organization for Classical Liberal like me who support low taxes and free market capitalism but also want legalized weed, abortions, immigration, gay marriage, gambling, and prostitution. I used to think those were the views of the Libertarian Party but since the Mises Caucus took over, they’ve gone way off course.

  4. Lol. What a bunch of nonsense. I’d dismantle it, but it would be a waste of time.



    SENATE – 20 D – 18 R
    H REPS – 56 D – 54 R





  7. OD, let me oblige.

    1) there’s no “Nikki Haley faction of the GOP” to speak of. Most of her Iowa voters, which was a small sliver, will have no problem supporting President Trump in November. The same is true of those who voted for other Republicans besides Trump. Most of her NH voters will vote for Biden, and would have still voted for Biden if she somehow became the GOP nominee.

    She’s about to be whipped by maybe 70-30 in her home state where she was governor this weekend. If she stays in the primary past that, she’ll face significant sore loser ballot access problems should she decide to then run as part of a No Labels ticket, and will have problems running for anything as a Republican candidate in the future.

    She’s not going to be Trump’s VP candidate or seriously considered for it, either. She will have no position in the second Trump administration. And, yes, there will be a second Trump administration.

    2) Your delusional belief in a Nikki Haley GOP faction probably comes from watching, listening to, and/or reading a lot of fake news from the leftist Luciferian uniparty establishment aka deep or derp state. But what’s their track record?

    They told you Trump would never be a candidate, and that was a lie.

    They told you Trump would never be a serious contender, and that was a lie.

    They told you Trump wouldn’t be the nominee, and that was a lie.

    They told you Hillary Clinton would beat Trump, and that was a lie.

    They told you NeverTrump Republicans would be a serious factor in 2016, and that was a lie.

    They told you there was proof of Trump colliding with the Russian government, and that was a lie.

    They predicted a Trump dictatorship, Trump being removed from office, Trump becoming a Bush Republican, the collapse of the GOP, all sorts of unprecedented disasters for our country, and a whole lot of other things throughout the first Trump presidency. All of those were lies.

    The economy was great. The wall was being built. We had four years of peace and prosperity. Trump survived every lying reputation assassination attempt, congressional and executive and judicial branch inquiry/persecution/show trial, subordinate insubordination, etc, etc, etc. All along, the fake news media lied.

    So, the enemies of our country, internal and external, cooked up a gain of function virus in the city where a famous virology lab studying coronavirus gain of function with help from US Grants just happened to be located. But I’m sure that had to be a coincidence, right? Wrong. That was a lie.

    They used this virus, and vastly exaggerated fear thereof, to do great damage to the US Economy, as well as to the world economy. They piled great ridicule on President Trump and his response. They were lying.

    That very same summer – in the midst of this “pandemic,” where many leftists and other believers in establishment fake news media narratives were practically soiling themselves at the idea of ever leaving their homes, or even anyone else doing so, other leftists and racial minorities sanctified by leftists staged numerous protests and riots, and the lying media you foolishly take seriously decreed that, somehow, both of those things were good. That was a lie.

    Thanks to the bogus pandemic, and illegally in many states, election rules were changed, often at the last minute, in ways that made fraud easier. Your likely “news” sources kept telling lie after lie after lie.

    You might think that given an economic crash, “pandemic,” etc, that an incumbent President would be swept out of office. In fact, even if you think no significant fraud occurred in that election (another lie, but at this point not even crucial for us to agree on that for my overall point), the margin of Biden’s “victory” was tens of thousands of votes in a small handful of states. If anyone tells you that even coming close to winning wasn’t in itself a huge win for Trump under those circumstances, guess what? Yep. They are lying.

    Not only that, but the GOP wasn’t soundly defeated down ticket, either. You can believe Trump was a drag on the ticket, in which case it would have been a GOP landslide victory up and down the ballot otherwise. Or you can believe he wasn’t. It doesn’t even matter which one of those is a lie.

    Believe whatever you want, but we have numerous election results from 2016, 2018, 2020, and 2022, and some for the odd years in between, for President, US Senate, US House, Governor, State legislatures, various state executive and judicial offices – please go ahead and make your best numerically evidence based case that the GOP is fractured, keeps losing, etc. You’re either ignorant, believe a bunch of lies from lying liars who know they are lying, or are a lying liar yourself. I can give you the benefit of the doubt if you’d like.

  8. I forgot to go through all the establishment media lies since 2020. It was getting way long, and I think I established the pattern evidence sufficiently. If anyone needs 2020-4 to see it more clearly, let me know. I might think about continuing to bother with providing further redundant evidence of the obvious.

  9. Let’s put the burden of proof back on Zhani where it belongs.

    1. They won’t vote for each other. If there is a Haley faction of the GOP, when did this split occur?

    2. They can’t unite for a general election which is why Republicans keep losing. Evidence for this statement?

    Trump won the 2016 electoral vote, albeit narrowly. Republicans also won control of Congress, if I recall correctly. You can also try to demonstrate the alleged Never Trump effect on the state and local levels in 2016. Good luck.

    Democrats gained 2 seats in the US Senate and 6 seats in the US House on net. Republicans gained 2 governorships on net. A few legislative chambers flipped in one direction or another. It was largely a status quo election overall between the two major parties, despite the highly unusual Republican Presidential candidate, the first female at the top of a major party presidential ticket on the other side, a self proclaimed socialist becoming a major contender for a major party’s presidential nomination for the first time since…ever?

    In non-presidential (midterm) elections, the president’s party usually takes a hit. Sometimes it’s a big hit, sometimes a small one, but exceptions to this general rule are rare, at least in recent decades.

    In 2018, Republicans net gained 2 US Senate seats. They net lost 41 US house seats and 7 governorships, which might sound devastating, but compare 2010 – GOP netted 6 US Senate, 63 US House, and 6 Governorships. There were much more dramatic changes at the state legislature level – Republicans gained 680 legislative seats and 20 chambers, and Democrats lost control of 21 chambers. 2018 was much less bad for the GOP than 2010 was for Democrats at this level as well.

    In 2014, Republicans net gained 9 US Senate, 13 US House, 2 Governorships. 2014 left the GOP in control of more legislatures than they had been since 1928, and Democrats in control of fewer than they had been since 1860.

    2020 saw the fewest partisan changes in state legislatures since 1944. Democrats netted 3 US Senate, Republicans netted 13 US House and 1 governorship. A very ho hum overall result given all the events of the preceding year, two years, four years, etc. If Republicans hate each other and keep losing, it must have started more recently. Perhaps due to the so called “insurrection” on J6, or the second Trump impeachment?


    In 2022, there was no real “red wave”, despite predictions. Abortion issue has been widely cited as the chief reason. But, it wasn’t what you could really call a landslide election for Democrats, either. Democrats net gained one seat in the US Senate and two governors; Republicans net gained 9 seats in the US House. That’s not exactly a landslide election in either direction.

    So, when did Republicans become so factionalized that they can’t win elections? More recently than the last midterm?

    There were 3 US House special elections last year, with net zero change. There were also 3 regularly scheduled gubernatorial elections. Net change: +1 GOP. It seems this devastating factionalization of and landslide election losses by the GOP must have taken place more recently than 3.5 months ago, then?

    Or, maybe it’s just wishful thinking on Zhani Doko’s part?

    I mean, hate each other, won’t vote for each other, keep losing elections, can’t unite for a general election? Evidence, please.

  10. Zhani Doko predicts a Biden landslide victory. Wanna bet? How much? For this purpose, I’ll accept official election results. Only the electoral votes count for this purpose.

  11. Occupy Demonrats was right.

    Zhani Doko lacks the intelligence and connection to reality which Jelly B. Afro and Kanga Roo seem to assume as prerequisites for discussion or debate, and most likely lacks the honesty and courage of conviction prerequisites for P.I.S.S’s bet.

    A new party called liberal which supports capitalism and low taxes? People who call themselves liberals these days hate capitalism, markets, and low taxes. People who like capitalism, markets, and low taxes generally can’t stand people who call themselves liberals.

    Imagine trying to get a new party off the ground, which is extremely difficult in the USA and getting more so. And at the same time trying to explain to average people why your party is called liberal but your economic agenda is what they call conservative. While at the same time trying to keep people who call themselves liberals from taking over your party.

    Why not just issue an open call for sadists to imagine ways of making your life as unpleasant and painful as possible, and implement their suggestions? Come to think of it. Maybe you’re already doing that. Maybe that was one of them. L0L.

    Also, you want open borders, and you think this is compatible with low taxes and free markets? Maybe you also want unicorns to shit rainbows which will make you a gazillionaire?

    Or maybe you suffer from brain damage from a botched partial birth abortion which you survived, advanced syphilis related dementia from patronizing prostitutes (or being one), or way too much weed, legal or not. In this case, probably jimson weed. It’s difficult to believe consuming a quantity of marijuana that would make delusions that profound is humanly possible.

    The third world immigrants don’t want low taxes or free market capitalism. A few of them do, but the caravans are chanting Biden’s name, and where do you see that among US Citizens?

    If and when they gain voting rights, they almost invariably vote for Democrats, socialists, and Democrat socialists. Which is in fact the main reason Democrats and socialists are importing them as quickly as possible, both legally and illegally.

    So they can increase the portion of the population which demands socialism, and will vote for it as soon as they can. For this purpose I’m not going to debate how many of them vote illegally before they’re supposed to. Let’s go with what you probably believe and say none.


    They’ll demand it how they can. And vote for it as soon as they can.

    And cost us a boatload of tax money to support them in the meantime.

    Then there’s all the crime, terrorism, contagious diseases…but let’s ignore all the tax money that’s all going to cost. Just make it all legal, and all the problems go away.


  12. USA GOVT SPENDING AS PCT OF GDP ??? 1929-2024





  13. Porcus is correct. They have no clue. Left wing control freaks are immeasurably worse. The right is the only real world hope we have of slowing down and eventually reversing the endless growth of government tyranny.

    Liberaltarian morons don’t understand how the world actually works. You gave to have the right wing mix of issues for very good reasons. Otherwise, you simply lose elections, by a lot, each and every time, until communists have total and complete control, which won’t take long.

    Let me explain how the real world works in terms you nincompoop incompetent nerds might understand if you bother to read them, which you won’t. I’m going to tell you the truth. I can get away with doing that because it’s just another anon jagoff opinion on a little visited, completely unimportant chat board with low intelligence, short attention span participants.

    Pig Farmer already explained why you have to have closed borders. In liberaltarian theory land, open borders is less government and less tyranny. In reality, the direct and indirect consequences invariably lead to way, way more government and tyranny than whatever you removed by leaving the door open.

    Your less intelligent children might think you’re being mean when you don’t just let them and all the kids from the neighborhood or who visit it run through the house and do and take what they want. But if you actually did, you’d soon have nothing in the house, would get no sleep and couldn’t get any work done, and the house would get flooded or burned down or both. That would be way more mean.

    Why social conservative views, you might ask? First of all, it’s crucially important to keep women subservient to men. This goes double if you foolishly let them vote. Like children, women need to be oppressed for their own good as well as that of men, children, etc. Women are naturally emotional and nurturing, so they’re more apt to support socialism because it sounds more fair. If you let them outearn and outvote men, you’ll soon have socialism, starvation, tyranny, and killing fields.

    The road to hell is paved with good intentions, but women aren’t built to understand that in the same way men are. And men growing up in a feminized culture don’t understand it like men raised in a patriarchal society do.

    Abortion and contraception need to be outlawed for a number of reasons. One big one is that anything which keeps women barefoot, pregnant, naked, chained to the bed and stove, on their knees, uneducated, dependent on men, unable to compete in the job market, etc, is good. For the reason stated above.

    Also, short time horizon people need to be kept in check. This means people who give in to their momentary desires rather than foregoing those to work both smart and hard towards long term goals. Generally, most poor people, nonWhites, stupid people and addicts. These groups don’t have anything like perfect overlap, but they tend to make correlation between each other more likely for genetically logical reasons.

    Things like drugs, pornography, prostitution, gambling, easy divorce, no consequence fornication, nonreproductive sexual activity etc have to be suppressed. Otherwise, they won’t go to work, and will goof off if and when they do. Society will go downhill, business won’t flourish, education will decline, social problems will feed off each other, multiply, worsen, and get government “solutions” which will result in a vicious cycle of all these things feeding off each other in a negative feedback loop.

    To be continued.

  14. So basically, you have to have oppressive social conservatism to maintain economic liberty. Economic liberty is way more important. You’re not going to keep your precious civil rights and liberties when everyone is starving under totalitarian socialism anyway, and that’s where anything other than ruthless oppressive traditionalism will find you ending up before long for the above reasons.

    If you have the superior genetic background to be born White and rich, or if you bust your ass and get rich against the odds, you can probably buy your way out of it if you ever get caught breaking any of those rules. That is exactly as it should be. They’re not really meant for you. We just can’t make that the actual law, because then stupid poor people would riot. So, it has to be implicit.

    This is also why we have to have harsh and often unfair law enforcement and, especially,punishment against poor people, druggies, nonWhites, loose women, etc. They need to be oppressed for their own good and ours. And taught that life isn’t fair. As often and as brutally as it takes. The alternative is social decline and collapse.

    We need racial segregation and white supremacy, whether de jure or de facto, for these same reasons .

    We need to enforce theocratic morality with government force, and make religion part of government. Not because there is actually a God, but because dumb and poor people need to be controlled, like children. They need to be taught “because I said so” and “or else.” It’s the only thing they are capable of understanding. The only alternative quickly turns into atheistic communists taking control, and from there it’s just a short skid to actual hell on earth.

    It’s either scare the stupid children with hell after death, or join them in a living one.

    The world is full of genetically inferior failed nation’s, stupid liberal naive rich white (for now, not for long) countries, commie scum failed states, etc, so a strong military is also of paramount importance. But don’t spread it too thin with idiotic humanitarian nonsense missions.

    Guard your borders tightly, teach your young men to be men with harsh military training, and every once in a while battle test your troops and weapons and teach some foreign miscreants a lesson that they and the others will remember for a while. But don’t linger. Imperialism eventually ends up importing their problems, and we don’t need that.

    Leave them bombed out, shocked and awed, and move on. The same sort of lesson that occasionally needs to be taught to an immoral female who is either not wife material or someone else’s wife. It’s what they want, need, crave and deserve, or they would remain virgins until marriage, not dress provocatively, and stay faithful to their husbands.

    Any other type of treatment spoils them. It’s a terrible idea to spoil women, children, servants, employees, lower classes, inferior races, pets, wild beasts, pests, farm animals, inferior nations, etc – all for the same reasons. They all need to be dominated for their own good and everyone else’s.

    If you want liberty, this is the only way. The alternative is much, much worse, less prosperous, less free, and ultimately suicidal.

    Most people have either not thought this through, or have, and it’s politically incorrect to state all this explicitly.

    Then you have the 0.2% who take libertarian dogma seriously and literally. They’re autistic and can never win elections, and this is why. Calling themselves liberals in today’s world is just pitting extra icing on the retard cake.

  15. https://www.freep.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/02/22/lawsuit-kristina-karamo-migop-removal-thomas-balch/72681265007/

    Karamo removal lawsuit hears from author of ‘Robert’s Rules of Order’
    Paul Egan
    Detroit Free Press
    GRAND RAPIDS — An expert on parliamentary procedure who co-authored the latest edition of “Robert’s Rules of Order” testified Wednesday that it appears Kristina Karamo was properly removed as chair of the Michigan Republican Party.


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