
Former Congressman Justin Amash to Seek Republican Nomination for US Senate in Michigan — 12 Comments

  1. You are incorrect. He initially left to be an independent, was later a libertarian, and is now Republican again.

  2. I have often noticed how the press will (sometimes) use the ‘Independent’ label as shorthand for ‘third political party’ when they do not want to name the party in question.

  3. Not in this case. Amash was independent for the better part of a year before becoming el pee.


    Appeals Court denies Karamo request to suspend order removing her as Michigan GOP chair
    Paul Egan
    Detroit Free Press
    LANSING — The Michigan Court of Appeals on Thursday quickly denied Kristina Karamo’s emergency request to put on hold a judge’s order that bars her from identifying herself as chair of the Michigan Republican Party.

  5. DROOLING IN DETROIT AGAIN. Thomas Jones looks a lot like Che Guevara… but I don’t want his autograph.

  6. Yes, they both passed away years ago, so they both look like people who passed away years ago look.

  7. I am sorry and disappointed to hear that Justin Amash has left the Libertarian Party.

  8. Not only that, George, but he will probably be up against Peter Meijer who replaced him in the House. Since the two of them are reasonably close in philosophy that will almost certainly make a Trumpian the GOP nominee.

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