Claudia De La Cruz Leading in the Peace & Freedom Party Presidential Primary

Here is a link to the California election returns for the five presidential primaries. In the Peace & Freedom presidential primary, Claudia De La Cruz is leading, with 42% of the precincts reporting.


Claudia De La Cruz Leading in the Peace & Freedom Party Presidential Primary — 14 Comments

  1. I have noticed that candidates with Spanish surnames tend to do well in California.

  2. I had money (not literally) on Cornel West to win the primary due to name recognition.

  3. I thought Cornell West would clear that easily – does he have any other paths to California ballot access?

  4. This is a non binding primary and the party will choose the actual nominee in August so West could still be the nominee

  5. AZ, I was looking at some of the results. I think there are 2 or 3 districts where members of the same party face off in November. There’s also one where a democrat is running against someone from the Working Class Party.

  6. @Hugh: “I thought Cornell West would clear that easily – does he have any other paths to California ballot access?”
    The PFP primary is a beauty contest. The convention can and sometimes does ignore the primary results. Also, if West has the money to collect hundreds of thousands of signatures, he can get on as an independent. The petitioning period doesn’t even start until April 26.

  7. Trump for our constitutional republic! Trump for liberty!

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