Jill Stein is Again Seeking Primary Season Matching Funds

Jill Stein is seeking federal matching funds this year, and expects to qualify fairly soon. She is probably the only presidential candidate who is seeking the funds this year. Major party presidential candidates typically aren’t interested, because people who receive matching funds must follow strict campaign finance rules that limit how much they can spend in any particular state.


Jill Stein is Again Seeking Primary Season Matching Funds — 80 Comments







  3. Oh look, AZ actually knows what the “final solution” was. But that’s probably because they were an adult at the time.

  4. Go play outside, slow child. AZ spouts ignorant gibberish and defends oppression, but at least they manage something above playground taunts on occasion. They happen to be right about Adolf Trump, but then even a broken clock is right twice a day.

  5. Lol. Az is not a person. It is a bot. Retards are those who don’t understand this fact.

  6. I spelled Adolf Trump correctly. President Biden is wise and compassionate. Adolf Trump is a wannabe dictator like his pals Putin, Orban, Kim, et al. He’s also a con artist, racist, rapist, degenerate pos. He belongs in prison, and will likely end up there.

  7. “Taran” keeps mistaking Trump with Biden. “Taran” is a lazy retard who wants others to suffer. He supports Klaus Schwab.

  8. Hey, cowardly child, you’re not confusing anyone with your transparent nonsense. You might also be AZ, if they are smart enough to set themselves up a foil that ensures their rantings aren’t ever ignored.

    I’d ask what crime I’m alleged to have committed, but it’s clearly just having a different opinion than alt right Trump bootlicking Kremlin propaganda fascist useless idiots. Whether you’re AZ or mirror-AZ, you’re constantly spouting formulaic slogans, exactly like they do

    Maybe one day you’ll grow up and learn to start thinking for yourself. Until then, my recommendation remains that you should go play outside. Sadly, too many parents, including apparently yours, are allowing internet equipped devices to play babysitter, with predictably sad results.

  9. “Taran” = Robert K Stock? Both have the same retarded love for communism and want those who disagree to die.

  10. I don’t know who Robert Stock is, but he seems to have made quite a dent in your fetal cranial-anal inversion, perhaps through coitus with your mother while she was pregnant with you. This might account for your unfortunate condition, and perhaps also your textbook psychological projection of your mental challenges unto others.

    I don’t know if playing outside will lead to a breakthrough, but it can’t be worse than being stuck indoors all day breathing black mold, radon, and asbestos fumes and eating lead paint chips, on top of the terrible thing that happened to you when you were a fetus.

    As for communism, it’s actually the only chance humanity and Mother Earth have to survive, but explaining that to you would skip too many grade levels where you ignored your teachers in favor of spouting your childish ignorance online.

  11. Unlike the mentally challenged child which made that comment, I’m housebroken and know how to use and flush a toilet. Thus, no diapers required.

    I also have things to do other than trade quips with it. The unfortunate toddler isn’t capable of anything else, so I’ll let it pile on and go do something useful. If anyone with an intelligence level above kindergarten level has any questions, I’ll be back to reply to them at some point.

  12. I don’t exist. I wonder if this alleged Robert Stock person exists either.

  13. You hate sand. I hate trees and other carbon based lifeforms. Everybody has to hate somebody sometime, and something tells me our sometime is now.

  14. You’d have thought she would have learned from what happened last time. But no.



    1917-1923 CIVIL WAR
    1921 FAMINE
    1932-1933 UKRAINE
    1936-1939 STALIN PURGES
    2022-2024 PUTIN WAR ON UKRAINE

  16. Capitalism has killed far more, and will kill every last one of us, and every living thing on our planet, if communism doesn’t end it. Fortunately, communism will end capitalism, and our species and planet will therefore survive (hopefully, if it’s not already too late).

    As for your presumptuous questions, neither side in the Russia-Ukraine war is socialist, but you are an ignoramus who apparently doesn’t realize the counterrevolutionaries temporarily pushed back socialism in the USSR 35 YEARS ago. Putin is a far right fascist and Zelenski is a western stooge.

    The supposed deaths by communists in the 1930s have been insanely exaggerated by capitalist propaganda. In the 1910s and 20s many people died all over Europe and Asia from war, starvation and disease. The same was true in the 30s and 40s. The Russian civil war was the fault of fascist and capitalist counterrevolutionary scum.

    The more you know ..

  17. You know less. The socialist refusal to acknowledge the basic fact that socialism has been a disaster nearly everywhere it has been tried amounts to

    1. Denial that monstrous atrocities ever happened.
    2. Denial that it was “real socialism” that committed the non-existent atrocities.
    3. Pretending capitalism is worse by attributing deaths from disease to capitalist activities, despite the spread of those diseases having nothing at all to do with capitalism.

  18. You’re just repeating capitalist propaganda. Capitalism is the real disaster, and quite possibly a fatal one for our species and planet. Perhaps you’ll also join AZ in laughably blaming the war in Ukraine on communism?

  19. I am repeating well accepted historical facts. You are the one repeating baseless (socialist) propaganda.

    You are also repeating climate alarmist propaganda. You know what happens if the global average temperature increases by another 2 degrees? Everything feels like it would if people were 100 – 200 miles closer to the equator. For most of humanity it’s either irrelevant or only occasionally inconvenient. Humans aren’t going to go extinct over that and anyone who believes we might is, well, susceptible to fear mongering propaganda.

    Global warming, to the extent it causes problems, is only a problem for the next couple of decades. Solar power generation has been on an exponential growth curve for 30 years and is on track to surpass natural gas as the primary source of power generation in 2026 and coal in 2027. That is thanks to capitalism, with an assist from progressive subsidies in the early stages. And it’s just getting started. Photovoltaic cells are being implanted in electric vehicles. Those are already in early production. In a few years the price will come down and efficiency will improve, and that, along with ongoing rapid technological advancements in battery technology, is the end of the internal combustion engine. Because everyone will want a car with a 1,000 mile range that can refuel itself while parked in the driveway, for free. And then those same photovoltaic cells are going to begin covering buildings, with battery storage.

    You know what happens when most transportation, buildings, and electrical generation are run off of solar? That is the end of global warming. It is foreseeable. It isn’t going to be a concern at all by the end of the 2040’s. Green socialism is, appropriately, going the way of the dodo. Capitalist innovation killed it.

    Additionally, the total knowledge humanity has accumulated throughout its entire history is doubling almost every year, and the rate is accelerating. By the end of this century humanity is going to be able to control the climate at will.

    I agree with you that Putin is a fascist.

  20. Oh wow. You really have no clue. Well accepted by whom? I’ve read plenty of differing viewpoints. They’re not hard to find. 2/3 or more of the people in the former USSR want it back.

    Your climate change denial nonsense is idiotic. 2 degrees causes massive flooding of coastlines. Giant storms. Mass extinction, and much more. You really need to read up more about it, and not just bought and paid for propaganda from kochs and other major polluters.

    There are huge chain effects. You have not the least clue how the ecosystem balance works.

    Your rosy scenarios ignore all the chain effects that can happen in the meantime, leading to extinction of numerous species, quite possibly including ours.

  21. Look up climate tipping points for much more, among other things. That’s just the tip of the iceberg, so to speak.

    We’re at a very precarious point, and the profit motive is literally causing short term, greedy egoists with higher brain functions dulled and short circuited by booze to cover it up and downplay it just so they can be even richer than other greedy rich reptile brained sociopaths, pile up enormous piles of cash and crap, abuse drugs and sex workers, etc.

    Those are literally the reasons they might kill us all off. Capitalism is a deadly disease, worse for the planet than cancer is for a person.

    Oh yeah that and their imaginary sky daddy will save us. Yeah right.

  22. I see the ignorant little wimpy child fascist wannabe bully troll woke up. It will probably spend the whole day playing its stupid childish games online, in lieu of having a real life, until it’s bedtime again. How said for the socially inept tyke.

  23. “Taran” (Stock) is a commie fascist. He thinks government should run everything because people should be slaves. He also buys into the global warming bullshit so many have disproven. Only fucking retards are stupid enough to support communism

  24. Can someone tell me who Stock is, or if that’s even a real person? The idiot child appears to have suffered some sexual molestation trauma, possibly involving this person – their uncle, maybe?

  25. Taran: I am a person who used to be a member of the Libertarian Party but changed my political thinking to Marxist-Leninist. I am also an Atheist who is an active member of the Church of Satan. To these Christian Taliban I am the personification of evil.

  26. I have never used a pseudonym. I have only commented under my own name. I work as the Night Auditor at the Motel 6 in El Reno Oklahoma.

  27. I’m not clear why the underage troll moron thinks I’m you. We have some similarities and some differences. I was never affiliated or in agreement with libertarians or any type of right wingers. However, I was not always a Marxist either, but in my case I was a progressive/liberal. I only became a communist after trolls kept calling me one to the point I actually looked into it.

    As far as religion, I started out Unitarian and considered myself a liberal Protestant Christian. I became an atheist and ceremonial Satanist, but nondenominational – no Church of Satan, Temple of Set or any of those.

    I’ve never worked at a motel or as auditor. I guess the stupid little Trump bootlicking troll can’t fathom two Marxist atheistic Satanists being here.

  28. I’ve passed through Oklahoma. I don’t think I ever even stopped for the night, much less lived there.

  29. Give it up Stock. We all know you and Taran are one in the same, no matter how much you try to say otherwise.

  30. “We all” is one ignorant child pushing a ridiculous delusion with its myriad of transparent fake names. The brief exchange above is the first time I’ve talked to Mr. Stock. Prior to that, I’d only ever heard of him from…you, child.

    Well, it’s Monday now, so hopefully you’ll be in school paying attention to your teachers instead of spending the day trolling your ignorant climate change denial, psychological projection, and the rest of your moronic telling games.

    And what are you trying to achieve with all that? Trying to bully and shut down the range of opinion that’s allowed to be discussed on an obscure message board? It won’t do a single thing to stop the worldwide workers revolution. That’s still going to happen right on schedule if you succeed in your pathetic mission of chasing off anyone with a different opinion with your childish antics and baseless accusations.

    I guess that’s as close to success as you’ll get in life, so you’ll settle for what you can get. In the meantime, you’ve provided exactly as much evidence for your false and ridiculous claims of my imaginary alter ego as you have for climate change denial, flat earth, holocaust denial, or any other idiocy you chant (believe in would be giving you too much credit).

  31. Perhaps, the fetal alcohol syndrome and child abuse victim really does suffer from multiple personality syndrome, a common symptom in cases of children who were molested and abused, so when it says “we all” it does not actually realize that this “we” are actually all one scared little child, almost certainly a cis male boy desperately trying to hang on to its culturally imposed expectations of machismo in the face of homosexual molestation by an adult.

    Or as Stuck on Stock says: show me on the doll where Stock touched you.

    I highly doubt Comrade Stock is the one who actually molested you, son. Like me, he’s just a stand in for the man who actually did. It’s too bad you are too scared and wounded to share your real name, because the molestation could well be ongoing, and child protective services could help you.

    Help is out there for you, but you’re running away from it.

  32. Speaking of paying attention to teachers, Jim has quite the Koch hopium dream for photovoltaics. A bit of research into their toxicity might be in order, if he’s capable of that. But if he is, why would he be repeating such stunningly ignorant claims in the first place?

    It’s quite sad that this was the best the capitalists are able to do to uphold their position here. Chasing off contrary opinions, chanting slogans and repeating climate change denial nonsense fantasies so transparent that a few seconds with a search engine is enough to dispell them.

    That’s not operating from a position of strength, and illustrates just how weak capitalism really is. It will crumble easily as the workers get organized. You’ll be left bizarrely yelling at the comrades that they are Robert Stock as they take you to the psychiatric care facility.

  33. Telling games at 6:07 was a typo for trolling games, although they are indeed quite telling.

    But yeah, when capitalists and their fascist attack puppies are forced to resort to these kinds of tactics on an obscure message board, you know the facade of capitalism is ripe for takedown, barely hanging on to a weak, crumbling foundation.

    It is, indeed, quite a tell.

  34. “Taran” is getting more desperate in his feeble attempt to prove he’s not Stock. We all know he’s a constant liar, just like his hero Biden.

  35. This site has gone downhill since the trolls and morons took over. AZ and Robert K Stock are two of the biggest offenders.

  36. I think Taran has guessed the mentally challenged underage fascist troll’s mental affliction and motives correctly.

    The child troll – I’ll call him WeeAll, since he’s to scared to share his name – is suffering from the multiple personality and psychological projection effects of continuous trauma – child molestation and physical and psychological abuse, emasculation, fetal alcohol syndrome, rejection by girls and peers in general, physical and intellectual inferiority complex, etc.

    Robert Stock, Taran, and anyone else to the left of Trump, Alex Jones, Q Anon and the John Birchers who dares to invade “his” playground is a stand in for the man (likely family relative) who molested WeeAll, and maybe still is molesting him.

    He’s staked out his anthill, and will die defending it from invasion by any intellect above ant level.

    Poor little Wee. I wish I knew where to send child services to get him help.

  37. Stuck on Stock, yep. But.

    It’s ok. The little boy can have his anthill.

    I have something better, called a real life. I’m on the side of scientifically inevitable workers revolution. He can be king of nothing here, seeing a scary monster he thinks is Robert Stock under his bed every night and praying to his sky daddy Jesus icon (fun fact: actually the illegitimate gay son of a Catholic pope…yes, that’s who is actually in the pictures of a long haired, bearded blond Jesus) and real estate idiot son conman Trump, and maybe Hitler, Putin, etc.

    In reality, the monster is actually an older man, probably a relative, who is sticking his penis in poor little Wee.

    And that’s why he’s stuck on Stock and so desperate to be king of nothing here.

  38. Its time you all know the real truth. I confess. It has been me all along! I’m the real troll moron in chief! Surprise!
    I only tell you this because I just found out, I’m in late stage 4, inoperable brain tumor. Plus you probably still won’t believe me anyway.

  39. Of course, because WeeAll knows that everyone on the left is Stock.

  40. Jill Stein is a sock puppet of Robert Stock? Fascinating. I would have never guessed.

    I confess, I’m also surprised by Robert Miller’s confession above as well. I really didn’t think he had the time for all that given he’s a leading presidential candidate in two or more parties.

  41. Pauly, I think you misunderstood. Andy means WeeAll is a puppet of Robert Stock. WeeAll thinks he sees Comrade Stock behind every corner and under every bed. He’s a puppet of Stock because he’s permanently triggered to the point of paralysis by Stock. Basically, Stock owns the mentally challenged young Trump cultist lick, stock and barrel. Poor WeeAll would be like a lost little puppy without Stock.

  42. This is at least six names Stock has trolled under. Don’t you have some toilets to clean?

  43. PS I’m Stock’s wholly owned bitch boy puppet. When I grow up, I hope I can get a job cleaning toilets. Everyone says I’m not smart enough, but I don’t believe them.

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