On April 28, the American Independent Party held its state convention in Sacramento and nominated Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. for president. The party has been ballot-qualified continuously longer than any state political party in any state, other than the Democratic and Republican state parties and the New York Conservative Party. It was formed in 1967 to help George Wallace get on the ballot. In 2020, its presidential nominee was Rocky De La Fuente, who was also the nominee of the Alliance Party.
The new state chair of the AIP is Victor Marani.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. filmed an announcement about the nomination, and he noted the irony that the party had been a supporter of Wallace in 1968, who, as Kennedy said, at the time opposed everything that Robert F. Kennedy, Sr. believed in. But, as Kennedy said, the party has changed. One of its nominees for the state legislature this year, Andre Sandford, is African-American.
Wow, did not see that coming. They’ve sure moved far left. Those of us who were with them waaaay back in the day wouldn’t recognize them now.
Trump 2024, but donate to Terry.
No skin off our back, Kennedy overall helps Trump and California isn’t really in play anyway, unless maybe if Kennedy put it in play. Imagine Cali for Trump. Could happen, if only thanks to rfk Jr.
Fantastic News, huge really.
Keep it coming
Kennedy 2024
He’ll get on the ballots. That’s not huge news. And not surprising news either. Aip has been selling its ballot line for awhile now.
Huh. What happened to James P. Bradley and runner-up Andrew G. Rummel?
RFK is a climate hysteric loony.
Huh. What happened to James P. Bradley and runner-up Andrew G. Rummel?
RFK is a climate hysteric loony.
Minor party presidential primaries are never binding (except in the Green Party).
A shame, I liked Bradley’s platform when he ran for senate.
Now that the AIP has decided to continue their tradition of never nominating a good candidate since Alan Keyes, I guess I have no choice but to vote for Randall Terry or Taylor Marshall.
Michael Rectenwald seemed promising until he opened his mouth about Palestine and Israel.
Whose Taylor Marshal?
@Q I know you have to be trolling, but I will bite this one last time.
Robert F Kennedy Jr. is the Right Candidate at this time. Thank you!
Huh? You thought only trolls haven’t heard of your obscure candidate?
For people with slower connections or no sound or whatever, is there anything in writing about him or her, or just only a video?.
I thought Kennedy was more of a left candidate
Taylor Marshall is not likely to pursue ballot access; it’s a symbolic campaign even more than Terry’s.
I wonder if the We the People Party will continue its registration drive in California.
Skyler, maybe you can share something someone can read about Marsha Taylor?
Why would We the people register any more people if Kennedy is already on? Do they plan to do more than just get him ballot lines?
Taylor Marshall obscure? Compared to such previously unheard ofs RFK, Jill Stein and Cornel West? Lmao.
Is Trailer Marshal imaginary? Or non binary?
So not one person here knows who this Marshall person is ???
I think I found something about him that’s not on Jewtube. I think it may be this guy
He’s not a Jew or a trans, but he is a Catholic which is almost just as bad.
Thank god. I almost clicked on the jewtube link because I was getting antsy to know. Even though I know better than to go to the satanic jewtube. Too bad he’s a papist
Are any Starovers running? Bezpopovtsy if possible? I think it’s time for a Starover president. Catholic is so been there, done that now.
Theodosian might be ideal, but I’d even be pretty happy with Edinoverie
Splitting the Catholic vote might be smart. We already have Biden, Kennedy, and Sonski who are all papists. We need more.
Well we had a Muslim with Obama. How about a Jew such as Kushner or if he doesn’t want to do it his wife Ivanka? I know she wasn’t born Jewish but really so what? Religious diversity is what we seek here…or like how about David Schoen?
Trump has the best Jews. It’s important to uphold our Jews in this dark time of retarded leftist commies trying to genocide the Jews of Israel and America for Hamas.
Trump is the best friend of the Jews, really the king of the Jews. His favorite daughter is a Jew and he has Jewish grandchildren. He did the Abraham accord and nobody loves bibi and Israel more than Trump.
Plus don’t forget Trump moved the embassy to Jerusalem. Nobody has done more for Israel and Jews than Trump. Nobody. Not even Bibi.
Be interesting to see if Trump appoints as many Jews to control American agencys like Biden has since Biden and Trump are pro-Zionist ass kissers. Israel first, America last.
This all news to me. I have been twice Chairman of AIP of CA. Between 2006 through 2020 I was either the Chairman or Vice Chairman of AIP of CA.
I was at St. JAMES PARK in San Jose, CA on 23 March 1968 when JFK, Sr. gave his speech.
Sorry it was a typo. RFK Sr.
Mark, who are you supporting this year for President?
Speaking of Jews …
Dude, it’s not even 10AM. Lay off the sauce.
A few things to remember. Kennedy campaign was attempting to recruit 75,000 to the We the People Party in California to get on the ballot before. AIP co-nominated Donald Trump along with the Republican Party of California in 2016.
Kennedy accepting this nomination arguably shows that organizational challenge with We the People Party was so insurmountable that the AIP nomination was preferred despite historic baggage. This is now the second nomination of a minor political party Kennedy has accepted to gain ballot access.
It begs the question: Will he also seek the Libertarian Party nomination to resolve his ballot access issues once and for all or continue down the path of spending $25-$100 million for ballot access?
You anti-catholic clowns do realize that Randall Terry is also catholic, right?
A professor who predicted the last nine presidential elections accurately said Biden will win 2024 (middle finger to Trump supporters). Now, go ahead and talk your bullshit Trump losers. Nine straight predictions right. Hard to see a silver lining for Trumpites on this one.
@Hector Roos,
I suspect RFK will seek Libertarian nomination, but won’t get it because the majority of the LP will balk at the idea of sharing a nomination with other parties (perhaps especially with the AIP). But I am merely spit-balling here.
1. Nobody cares about what you call the historical “baggage” of the AIP, except the few of us who see it more as him besmirching that legacy. It’s simply a cost saving on ballot access and 99+ % of voters think it just means independent.
2. Kennedy will take the nomination of one state parties where it won’t be noticed if he does not make the deal successfully and where there wouldn’t be party activist base to persuade to start with. The LP is not in that category.
3. You exaggerate the ballot costs. He has the money, easily and doesn’t need the l.p. headaches and actual baggage, like down ticket candidate he may not want to be associated with or vice versa. He’ll take one state parties that are nothing but ballot vehicles. That’s it.
4. Which is why he already said no to the l.p. nomination idea. We’ve been over this.already when he made that announcement.
Stop trying to make Kennedy l.p. Happen , it’s not going to happen .
It doesn’t matter what Terry is since he’s not actually seeking the presidency. That’s why nobody cares that his VP pick is a negro. Terry campaign is a message vehicle to stop the abortion holocaust, plain and simple. He could be a six foot tall walking lizard and it couldn’t matter less.
Bobbo, this time the professor is wrong. No big deal, nobody bats a thousand. Zero chance Trump loses. Yes it is that simple.
Shannahan was the death knell of the idea of Kennedy l.p., some of us already knew he would not do it before then but the announcement that he wouldn’t was covered here a while back. He’s not going to take the embarrassment of publicly losing the l.p. nomination and he already knows he would.
Ivanka Trump and or Kushner will be President, but not yet . First we get get one more term of Don Sr, maybe two if we can get courts to agree the first term was a mulligan due to derp state interference. Maybe more of we get rid of the 22nd or suspend or replace the constitution. Then at least 2 terms of Don jr, before we discuss whether it’s Ivankas turn yet.
Trump will be President again
Then other Trumps
Trump – Trump 24
Trump Jr VP
The fact that Trump jr has settled for Gavin Newsom’s sloppy seconds, should tell you all you need to know. Ivanka settling for Kushner isn’t much better, given his track record.
Tiffany’s links to the Piers Gaveston Society and marriage to Boulos indicate she is headed in the same direction.
Trump’s only hopes of creating a legacy rest in Eric and Barron. Not that he deserves to have one, mind you, after betraying his voters repeatedly.
Shut up about our Lord and Savior Donald Trump. He will never betray us, and we will never betray him. Tiffany will never be president but the rest of the Trump kids will.
@Trump 3:16
You are speaking as if the elections will be fair this time around, but nothing has been done to secure their integrity since last time.
@Biden is a traitor
That same argument you use for Terry, also applies to Marshall.
And are you saying that you would never vote for a black person who you believe has a chance of winning? Regardless of their beliefs and values? Purely because of their skin color? Really?
Neither Trump nor Biden will get 50% of the popular vote, and RFK-2 will flip a number of swing states, some for Trump, and others for Biden.
It will be sort of a repeat of 2016, when Gary Johnson flipped a number of states – again, some for Trump, and others for Hillary.
@Trump Forever, Forever Trump
He already did. Repeatedly.
He’s logcabin republican.
He pinned the blame for the BLM insurrection on anarchists instead of socialists.
He shilled for lock-downs, social distancing, masking, and gene-therapies masquerading as vaccines.
He betrayed the J6 protesters and stabbed everyone seeking to expose the election fraud in the back.
And he wasted his 2024 campaign making up stories about how DeSantis is a Chinese agent, and mocking him for his choice of clothing and for being short.
@Occupy DemonRats
I low-balled the cost of the national ballot access program that the Kennedy campaign is undertaking.
In 2012, Americans Elect reportedly spent $35 million on a unity project similar to Unity08 or the present No Labels to get on 29 state ballots. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2012/05/americans-elect-an-inevitable-35-million-failure.html
In 2024, No Labels reportedly was prepared to spend $70 million spread out over 3-4 years. If I recall, they too got on the ballot in over 20 states and where working on others. Of course, we know they ended their effort in February. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/12/07/no-labels-unity-presidential-ticket-centrist-group-2024-00072712
What the LP and Greens do to maintain ballot access at less 1% of the cost compared to these mega expensive efforts is nothing short of magical.
A few things have been done for election integrity, but that’s besides the point. Of course there will be massive cheating by the demon rats. We already know that, it’s a given.
The problem they have is that you can only steal an election within a plausible range of deniability before you set off a real revolution, not a propaganda “insurrection” (it wasn’t even close).
That range is exceeded after Beijing Biden turned off so many of his own former voters with his disaster of a presidency. He’s less popular than any president seeking another term since Hoover and more visibly incapacitated than any president since Wilson at the end of his second term.
Presidents like that can’t win a second term. It would be too obvious. There would be war. They would not win – cities can’t feed themselves. Game over. Trump wins, either way. Ballots or bullets. We’re not surrendering to the Chinese without a fight.
So, they will still cheat, but they will not win. They’ll make it look it was close, whereas if votes were counted honestly it would be a Trump landslide. But they know it will be even worse for them if they start a revolutionary war they will lose if they try to pretend quisling Biden actually wins again, so they can’t go that far. It’s not in their interests.
Trump will be President, no matter what.
It’s not a repeat of 2016 or 2020. There’s been a huge swing from Biden to Trump among less well off voters because they are the ones getting screwed the worst by Biden inflation, crime, illegal invasion etc etc. Beijing Biden presidency has been a train wreck. There are consequences, and he will pay them in November.
The difference between Terry and Marshall is in the name of this site.
I wouldn’t vote for a negro for dog catcher, but I’d send money to Terry even though he preaches interracial unity. That’s because he’s running a message vehicle campaign, not a personal campaign. Pretty simple.
It would be like voting for Pat Buchanan when he picked Ebola Foster for VP, that was a deal breaker so I wrote in David Duke.
The 2020 cheating was well beyond any range of plausible deniability already. Yet there was no revolution, no insurrection, no civil war, much less any justice, nor even an attempt to significantly ensure that such fraud could never happened again.
All that happened was J6, which was quickly betrayed; several law suits, which were quickly quashed; the suspension of habeus corpus and illegal incarceration of political prisoners, who hardly any republican other than MTG is even willing to visit; and the creation of a large number of seething Trump voters, who are too weak or too scared to anything else but seethe.
For every practical intents and purposes, the whole thing fizzled out in no time.
Why would this time be any different?
Sure things have gotten worse since then, but they were bad enough in 2020 that if anything was gonna happen, it would already have happened then.
Nitpicking about Trump not being perfect when our national sovereignty and genetic legacy are at stake is less than pointless. Trump is the only chance we have to save race, country, and nation, and our national sovereignty and border integrity. We must finish the wall and deport the illegal invaders. There is no other alternative.
Things have gotten dramatically worse since 2020. You think those of us who know that have spent 4 years doing nothing? There are contingency plans in place. That’s as much detail as it would be wise to mention. Any speculation bases in that will not be fed. You expected too much too soon is all.
@Real American
As is Taylor Marshall. Heck he’s said he isn’t even going to waste time and money on debates and signature collection this year because its too close to the deadline. And that he will try for republican nomination for 2028 instead of as an independent.
@Biden is a traitor
But surely the reason Ezola Foster was a deal breaker was not because of her skin, but because she divorced her husband for no better reason than that he had a felony conviction, which under the American legal system is like badge of honor.
If there was a black candidate with whose platform you agreed on every point. You would still refuse to vote for them because of something as superficial and involuntary as the color of their skin?
A message campaign without ballot access has no point. Terry has a focus message campaign with a real strategy based on ballot access. Marshall has no strategy, and he’s not nearly as well known as you seem to think. I’d never heard of him before this thread, and I read everything here. To say nothing of people who are not political junkies with a minor party focus.
@Alien invaders are poisoning our nation’s blood
Nah. “Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help.” (Psalm 146:3). America’s only chance is for Russia to come liberate and denazify us. Which will have to wait until they have finished liberating and denazifying the EU.
@Free J6 Hostages and Political Prisoners
Color me skeptical, but by all means, say no more, stay safe, and surprise me.
I knew nothing about Ebola except that her genotype came from Africa. I have as little to do with negroes as I can, and voting for them is out of the question.
Russian strategy is geopolitical, based on world regional powers and their strategic location. They have no interest in world conquest, just a buffer zone against outside invasion.
Trump has a much better strategy for his 2nd term. It starts with who he surrounds himself with and appoints to various positions, less hostile legal environment due to his picks, and reclassification of 50,000 midlevel federal bureaucrats as political appointments, which is really the key. That’s the heart of the derp state. And he has excellent people already prestaffing.
Have you read much of anything by Dugin? You need to read as much as possible of Dugin ( and Solzhenitsyn, among others, but Dugin especially)to understand Russian strategy.
@Real American
Let’s agree to disagree on that then.
Randall Terry only has name recognition for his attempt 2012 democrat run because of the failed super bowl ads. Operation Rescue has name recognition, but nobody thinks to connect Terry’s name to that without already knowing about it in more detail.
Meanwhile, Taylor Marshall is one of the, if not the, most famous Christian apologist in the United States. While he is a catholic, his is a household name among every (non-protestant) Christian denomination.
You have to keep Russian history in mind. It’s about defense. There’s always outside invasion, Mongolian, French, German, etc. So the strategy is all about defense, not world liberation. Russia needs a zone of influence. It’s not in a mission to save England or America. Liberating America is for internet memes and funny videos in Russia, not serious conversation.
@Defund the Left
Nobody said anything about world conquest, I said liberation and denazification. As in “Ukraine”. Russia isn’t conquering “Ukraine”, but liberating and denazifying. That’s what the EU and the US also desperately need.
@Wind Farms Kill Whales
Of course, both father and daughter. Great stuff!
The vast majority of American Christians are protestant, and the vast majority of Catholics barely even go to mass and confession , much less familiarize themselves with Christian apologists. It’s unlikely that he’ll have a groundswell of support among LDS, Orthodox, etc. Of the people who do know who Marshall is – that doesn’t translate into knowing he has a “campaign,” much less writing him in for president.
Terry already has what he needs – over ten states ballot access, which allows his strategy to kick into gear. Since you read his faq, you already know this. That and only that gives his campaign value, not how many people know who he is, which is completely besides the point – Terry says vote Trump, point one in his FAQ. His biography and name recognition mean zero – only the ad funding matters, and the fact that tv stations now can’t turn down the ads for the next 6 months .
At St. James Park in San Jose, CA, on 23 March 1968, seven people were behind Robert F. Kennedy, Sr. Each holding a large placard of a letter or a number. I was one of them. The letters were F K R and the numbers one
sided were 1 8 9. The last was was a two sides placard with 4 on one side and 6 on the reverse.
When Robert F. Kennedy,Sr., stated his
Speech the line-up changed from RFK 1968 to RFK 1984. That sign followed
RFK around all the way to the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles on the night of 4 June 1968.
The sign was a joint effort of two YAF Chapters, viz., San Francisco State College Young Americans for Freedom and Stanford Jr.University Young Americans for Freedom.
YAF placed a informer in the RFK campaign that informed National YAF of RFK travels between March to June of 1968.
I have been thinking as to where those placards ended up after June 5, 1968?
Any ideas who currently have those 7 placards?
Nuna trolling is all about taking the least significant part of anything and making it the focus while ignoring the overwhelmingly larger or more significant aspects. It’s objective is to waste people’s time so they’re not using it more productively. It has unlimited time for this, probably because it is paid to troll. And or has no life, purely keyboard warrior / troll for lulz / misdirection operation.
The letters were
Hector, I missed your reply earlier. Supposing even that slate reported correctly, which I’m not going to assume but let’s assume it for discussion. Kennedy has volunteers, unlike American Select and No Lube. That makes a big difference.
He is also taking those one state parties, which also makes a big difference – just look at Michigan and California alone.
But even if you’re not looking at those thing, see the other 3 points. I’d add the built in checkbook with Shannahan. They don’t really even have to fundraise except to give would be donors a way to show support and feel like they’re part of the team.
The most important point is that he doesn’t want to take the publicity hit of running for the l.p. and losing. And knows he would. That’s not an issue with those other one state parties. If he tries to make the deal with them and fails, no one notices. With libertarians, media would notice. With those other parties, there’s no party base to persuade to start with, unlike with libertarians.
He wouldn’t take a chance on libertarians giving him a vp other than Shannahan – Johnson barely got Weld – or the lnc pulling his nomination afterwards. He wouldn’t want to run on the same ticket with the Q Anon Shaman and some of their other candidates, and they may feel the same way about him .
He already announced he won’t do it. He’s not in line with their platform by a long shot. He doesn’t want their “baggage”, which a lot more voters are aware of than the AIPs. He doesn’t want to answer for them.
There’s lots of reasons, but the bottom line is he shouldn’t and won’t waste his time running for and losing the libertarian nod.
Russian Citizen, good point. As a fellow Russian Citizen, the idea of liberating all of Europe, much less the USA, is absurd. Our military mission is defensive. We have a geopolitical position to protect – central Eurasia, not the world.
Personally, I’m for much more local government, but that’s a different issue.
Probably, but it may not be trolling. He or she might just be a crank. It comes off just like trolling. The only difference is in the motivation. It looks the same from the outside, but the crank doesn’t realize he or she (usually he) is a crank. On he contrary, he thinks he’s the smartest guy in the room, and maybe that it’s who ever bothers to interact with him is the troll.
I might give Nina the benefit of the doubt here – crank, rather than troll. My gut says you’re right, and it’s a troll. Reality is – it makes no difference. Functionally, they are exactly the same, and should ideally just be ignored.
This may be relevant to this discussion and points raised or discuss above
Also, Randall Terry acceptance speech which is part of this article
Trolls always think they’re the smartest person in the room. Sometimes they are, sometimes they’re not. But, you’re right. People who actually are smarter than them simply ignore them. Anything else helps them achieve their attention whoring mission.
Escaped, you’re oversimplifying. Read those two links to see why.
Also, as a point of technical detail, tv stations can turn down the ads until the last 60 days before the election, but those are the most crucial. And, as the P or VP candidate or campaign manager says (I’m not going to look up again who said it since it’s not my main point), they have some smaller stations willing to accept the ads in the meantime while they ramp up donations.
Your larger point is correct: Terry’s campaign has value only because of the ads. The details are significantly more complex.
Nuna, I’ll be a hypocrite and engage you, very briefly if your answer is wrong or qualified.
If someone holds a gun to your head and says you vote for Trump, Biden, or I pull the trigger. There are no third parties or independents or write in lines. You have one minute to decide, or one minute to live.
In your mark. Ready. Set. And go;
Biden is a traitor,
Even if I was as racialist as you are, I’d still vote for a black candidate who has no chance of winning, particularly for a low importance spot like VP – a fire extinguisher for an unoccupied and extremely fireproof building located in the Chilean desert where it hasn’t rained in hundreds of years.
Not voting for Buchanan because of Foster is not very logical. For her race to matter, even to your level of race awareness, extreme long shot Buchanan would have had to both win the Presidency and die in office.
Basing your vote on such a low probability outcome isn’t what I would consider sound logic. But then, making race more important than content of character isn’t what I consider sound logic either.
I understand it if your concern is with long term racial mix of the country, as your write in candidate wrote about in his book My Awakening regarding his trip to India as a youngster. But, supposing again the unlikely event that Buchanan won and was, say, temporarily incapacitated with disease, and an immigration related bill landed on acting president Foster’s desk. Do you think whether she signed it or not would hinge on the amount of melanin in her skin?
That is, if you actually think.
As for Foster’s divorce: whatever her publicly stated reasons, what goes on between a married couple leading to divorce is way more complicated, and their business alone – and, also, not particularly relevant when chances of actually holding office are extremely remote.
I voted for Buchanan. If I was a white nationalist, I’d have still voted for Buchanan, Foster not withstanding. Buchanan never claimed to be a white nationalist, so there wasn’t a single hypocrisy in his choice of Foster. He did have policy proposals which would have moved things in a direction both American nationalists like me and white nationalists like you would have found very preferable than the actual policy trajectory we are on.
As for your write in choice, even if you share his white nationalist views fully, he’s personally a disreputable grifter, for which he went to jail. He rips off the people in your own movement to live high on the hog, and in ways that are highly dishonest. That’s far from the worst thing to be in the white nationalist movement, which is chock full of pedophiles, federal informants, alcoholics, drug users and dealers, wife beaters, child abusers, closeted homosexuals, career felons, and the mentally ill.
Liquor up and down: I don’t know about Nuna, but I’d easily vote for Trump, however imperfect he is. As a realistic matter, that’s the choice our nation faces.
In his acceptance speech which you linked (thank you), Terry says Trump is very imperfect, but easily better than Biden. I agree. If the election hinged on my vote, I’d vote for Trump.
In the real world, I do not vote in a swing state. Therefore, the election won’t hinge on my vote, which would be very unlikely even if I did, but is particularly unlikely since I don’t. Thus, the most rational thing for me to do personally is to spend whatever time I would have spent voting doing something else. As a donor, I’ll support Trump and Terry.
Since I can donate to both of them, that’s exactly what I am doing. Trump, because I’d rather have him serve as president of the US than crooked Joe, and Terry, both because his ads will help Trump win and because his ads will help turn the tide of public opinion against normalizing and thus legalizing murdering innocent babies. His ads and campaign will also help build and promote the Constitution party beyond this election, which will put rightward pressure on the GOP moving forward across a broad range of issues – which is exactly what I’d like to see, along with beating the femocrats.
What do you mean, Trump is imperfect?! Blasphemy! Just ask Trump, or the many evangelicals who follow his carnie act like it was the Grateful Dead or cheer him on like their favorite team or tv rassler.
If you ask Trump, he all but admits he’s the second coming of Jesus. He’s the best at everything. The smartest, most honest, most wonderful person who ever lived. Even the greatest athlete, at any sport. He can walk on water, heal the sick with bleach injections, and bang hundreds of sluts and brag about it, but still commit no sin. He can even sell you the Holy Word of God, and for an additional charge, autograph it, as the author.
Trump is the freaking king of the Jews. Anyone who read Trump’s second most popular book after Art of the Deal knows who the king of the Jews is. The same guy who is the best at everything ever who ever lived.
Trump superfans expect his presidency to rise from the dead. If they could, they would burn you at the stake for blasphemy for denying the divinity of Donald Trump, before strapping on their armor in a new crusade to take the holy land from the Saracens.
Comintern had successor organizations. It’s not hard to look up. Why do you ask?
We’re an 88 Rock N Roll Band!
Ah yes, I must be either a troll or a crank.
Not the nazis who can’t keep their story straight because they have no clue what they are talking about. Not the nazis who keep contradicting themselves while they desperately scour their “ministry of information policy” censored internet for scraps to make themselves sound less like the banderite sockpuppets and regular puppets they are.
But me, the one who hasn’t changed their position one iota and stands behind everything I’ve said. The one who’s words are consistent with themselves and with the facts.
But of course. After all, reality is merely an evil construction of God Almighty’s, aimed at ruining your totalitarian globalist utopia…
Kindly pull that trigger already, Liquor up, liquor down.
And, MaxZim V Zaslon, assuming you are sincere and not just another sockpuppet, you must understand that before there can be any decentralization and local government, the threat from those hostile towards self-rule must be dealt with.
Donetsk, Luhansk, Crimea, Transnistria, Abkhazia, South Ossetia all depend on Russian protection currently. Kosovo, or rather the Republika Srpsk, depends on Serbia. Artsakh used to depend on Armenia before they were betrayed. Before there can be independence referenda, the freedom to hold such referenda must be won.
And yes, the idea of fighting abroad to liberate and denazify distant lands goes against the traditional Russian view of a multipolar world. But it has unfortunately become necessary nonetheless, because in the 21st century, spheres of influence are unfortunately no longer limited by geographical proximity. Russia and her satellites are the last bastion of freedom and Christendom today, the Third Rome.
If Russia leaves the rest of the world to solve its own messes, then in doing so she is deserting all innocent victims of those countries and turning its back on God’s mandate.
You used too many words. Your first sentence summed it up. Bang, bang, you’re dead. Buh bye.
You wish.
What kind of honorless coward would choose to vote for either of two candidates who betrayed their country, their own voters and their professed faith, rather than take the bullet?
Tell me, does it bother you that my vote is worth as much, or rather as little, as yours?
Voltaire had an active correspondence with Katarina urging her to liberate Constantinople and make it the Russian capital.
Are there any modern parties advocating for the same?
@Jim Riley
LDPR (Liberal Democratic Party of Russia), maybe? Founder Zhirinovsky used to express a desire to liberate Constantinople. Not sure about making it the Russian capital though.
Since Roque De La Fuente is not in the race for POTUS, I am leaning to Donald
TRUMP. I expect a great support of the rank and file of AIP will be backing Trump for POTUS.
Parties aren’t a big deal in Russia. There are people who talk about new crusades to Jerusalem and pyramid power in Egypt. The troll insists I didn’t live in Russia, but I did. I’m on a group text chat also with Max and others here who live in Russia, have lived in Russia, or study Russia. Max got me and a bunch of us here months ago from that chat
Ldpr is not super serious. Max was involved with them previously, but not since after Zhirinovsky died , he’s not s fan of Slutsky.
I didn’t get into politics much in Russia. I wasn’t into US Politics before Trump either. Trump is the only presidential candidate in the US I Ever voted for. I’ll vote for him again this year. Probably in Georgia. Since it’s a swing state and Florida is not. I split time between the two. I also lived on the Mexican border before.
Like Russian Citizen said, I forgot this thread or another – nobody takes liberating the world seriously in Russia. It’s common fodder for internet memes and funny music videos – battle for Washington, etc. Funny shit, but, again, not serious.
I’ve never heard anyone say make Constantinople capital. Moscow is considered the third Rome. Constantinople * Byzantium, Istanbul * is the 2nd. St Petersburg was a czarist capital for awhile signaling alignment more with the west. Kiev was actually capital a long time ago. It’s firmly Moscow now.
Max popped in here but he told me he’s swamped for another week or two at least. Easter is coming up on the 5th, this Sunday, plus he has business matters he’s pretty swamped with .
Zhirinovsky is a funny guy. I supported him, like Max, more as a comedian who made politics fun. He didn’t take his rants too seriously, neither did anyone really.
Russian people tend to be cynical, much more than Americans. They like Trump in American politics because he’s not boring. As an American of Russian heritage in Russia, I liked Zhirinovsky for similar reasons.
Troll, please take bullet, sooner the better. We face a binary choice as a country in this election and our freedom and sovereignty from Beijing hang in the balance. I like Terry because he’s actually going to help not hurt Trump and help end the abortion holocaust in America at the same time. Terry says vote Trump, so I will.
Troll, nobody is bothered by your vote. Vote how you want. Go on and take a dump in the voting both with equal effect. If you don’t vote in a swing state, your presidential vote means nothing. Even in a swing state the chances of it being decisive are next to nothing. It’s self expression. I’ll express to the best of my ability and put Biden in correctional facility. LOL. White guy with attitude.
Booth , both lol
I should stop posting, too many drinks
I just noticed the troll mentioned Transnistria. It’s a place frozen in time, kind of a living museum of Andropov/Chernenko era communism. My mom is from near there in what used to be Moldavia, now Moldova. Before that it was Bessarabia, a province of Romania until the Great Patriotic War/ ww2.
Culturally and linguistically, Moldavia, including Transnistria, are basically Romanian, not Russian. There’s some Russian influence from Soviet occupation times. But it’s a flashpoint because Romania is part of EU and NATO, so Moldova has not rejoined Romania, but there is a movement there for that. Or to join EU/NATO on their own.
At the same time, there’s a movement to reconstitute the USSR as a Eurasian Union, just not communist. So Moldova is in a quandary, sort of like the Baltics. Finland and Poland are already EU/NATO, but they were only Russian Empire, not USSR. Much of Poland was actually German until the world war.
Anyway, Transnistria is effectively seceded from Moldova, recognized by Russia but not a lot of countries. It’s not capitalist. I have many family members in Moldova, including in Transnistria.
LOL, the troll begged liquor up and down to kindly pull the trigger already. Then licker pulled the trigger and the troll says you wish. Priceless comedy!
From Wallace to RFK,jr.? If the AIP nominates RFK, Jr. then one of them is getting fooled. I hope the voters are not fooled. It’s one or the other.
99% plus of voters think it just means independent, and they’ve been selling their ballot line for a while now.
Politics makes for Straaaaannge bed fellows.
* selling ballot lines.