Hawaii Democratic Party Will Not Appeal Decision that Put Robert F. Kennedy’s Party on the Ballot

On April 30, the chair of the Hawaii Democratic Party said that the Democratic Party will not appeal the decision of the Elections Commission that the We the People Party is on the ballot.  We the People is the vehicle for Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., to appear on the ballot in Hawaii.  It is conceivable that the party will have candidates for office other than President.  Any Hawaii adult citizen is free to run in the party’s August primary for Congress or state legislature.


Hawaii Democratic Party Will Not Appeal Decision that Put Robert F. Kennedy’s Party on the Ballot — 10 Comments

  1. Maybe this one was too embarrassing even for the otherwise shameless democratcrats.

  2. As an alumni of University of Hawaii I have no idea why the Democratic Party was attacking the We the People Party in the first place. Any explanation of the reason?

    Next as to the American Independent Party endorsement on circa 28 April 2024. I have questions as how the AIP
    Party rules were skirted set up in the first of three lawsuits (Sacramento suit against that gave Alan Keyes the
    Ballot spot in 2008).

    Mr.Rossi should know those rules because of the legal work he did from Roque De La Fuente in his race for POTUS. I expect I will be deposed as to these AIP party rules by the Democratic Party of California that were not followed. Attorney Robbie Anderson is well aware of the short coming of AIP rules. Because of attorney client privilege, I will not let the attorney used in 2008 – 2010 reveal what went wrong circa 28 April 2024 in Sacramento, CA.

    As far as I am concerned the Democrats can pound sand.

  3. Mark: because power hungry demon rats aka democratocrats delude themselves that they can somehow hang on to power if they knock opponents off the ballot. They tried to do it to TRUMP too. They’re notorious for bullying smaller parties and independents off the ballot since they believe they own people and votes.
    They are totalitarian bullying thugs in thrall to the red Chinese dictatorship.

    I don’t understand what you talk about in Between your start and finish,but I fully agree about femocraps pounding sand. I hope They pound it all the way to gehenna.

    Paul Rossi,Esq, of PA now works for RFK, Jr. he was employed by Roque De La Fuente before Kennedy for the same issues on ballot access. Robbie Anderson is am attorney with the CA Secretary of State and knows the rules that went down in 2008 in court over Alan Keyes ballot access that would apply in 2024 for ballot access of RFK, Jr.

    I will not help the Democratic Party in Califoria with the flaws in the procedures on 28 April 2024. Nor will the attorneys I hired for the Chairmen of the AIP between 2008 – 2010 provide them information on the fishing exposition either. Let the Democratic Party of California pound sand.


    I am not in agreement. I just will block a fishing expedition of the Democratic Party of CA. I will direct the attorneys used in 2008 – 2010 to not provide information under attorney client privilege. Let the Democrstic Party of CA pound sand!

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