Natural Law Party Appears to Have Regained its Qualified Status in Florida, but Secretary of State’s Website Still Doesn’t List It

On April 30, the Florida Secretary of State sent a letter to the state officers of the Natural Law Party, saying its application for qualified status has been approved.  However, as of Friday, May 3, the Secretary of State’s website still doesn’t include Natural Law as a qualified party.


Natural Law Party Appears to Have Regained its Qualified Status in Florida, but Secretary of State’s Website Still Doesn’t List It — 11 Comments

  1. Is the Natural Law Party going to put RFK Jr. on the ballot for President in Florida?

    What about the Reform Party? Have they been re-recognized by the state of Florida? Will they put RFK Jr. on the ballot for President?

  2. Andy, those are good questions and the answers are not known. As to the Reform Party, it is not now a qualified party in Florida.

  3. What if they hold a party and nobody came? A question for the meditation and levitation session.

  4. Has the Rrform Party filed the paperwork to be recognized as a political party in Florida again?

  5. Political parties can submit their candidate’s name in September in Florida.

    The question is whether the Republican FL SOS will try to block the Natural Law Party from being recognized.

  6. The “Florida Natural Law Party” is in the SOS data base, though there is no link to campaign documents.

    The list of parties was last updated in October 2023.

  7. Re Reform Party of Florida. They have regained their recognized status as a minor party in Florida and have chosen RFK Jr in an effort to gain some legitimate status once again for the grand total of their previously 1400 registered REF voters in Florida (Wow) and with the lack of any other legitimate organization and who is reaching out for any viability as their presidential candidate, RFK Jr has accepted. This is the party who has allegedly been around since the mid-1990’s without any achievements except frequently endorsing for president the perennial loser Rocky DeLa Fuente.
    Re Florida Natural Law Party, they are on the list since 4/30/24 but do not show any financial or political activity. It will soon be gone also.
    Re minor parties in Florida. Early 2024 indicated a total of 12 with the later addition of FL Natl Law on 4-30 and Reform in June, making the total 14. However, there are three who have received Revocation Notices and will likely be gone soon and a forth who may soon lose their status also. Our message to all of these start ups, especially in this most important national election cycle in modern times is to forget your wanna-be dream and direct your efforts to saving our democracy and ending the chaos that is tearing this country apart by joining in efforts to ensure our country is at least given another term of stability and a chance to recover from this chaos. As an FYI point of information. The 3rd largest party of registered voters in Florida (240,000+) is still the Independent Party of Florida (IND) and we are actively seeking genuine Indy’s to start up local chapters and to find viable and true reform minded candidates to run for office as IND. While we have in the recent past supported many D candidates for state and national office, it has been our decision to do so to prevent the country from falling into an autocratic and possible dictatorial government run by corporate America and Dark Money, which can happen sooner than one might think because we have already gone past first base and are standing on second with this potential future facing our country. Florida is a prime example with its super-majority GOP legislature passing unbelievably bad bills supporting radical movements and organizations, with its super-majority state Supreme Court and with a Governor who has openly stated I will run this state as I see fit. As Robbie the Robot so adroitly warned us many years ago, Beware Will Robinson, Beware!!!

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