No Labels Asks Wisconsin to Withdraw its Petition for Party Status

On May 8, No Labels asked the Wisconsin Election Commission to withdraw its petition for party status, even though the staff has already determined that the petition has enough valid signatures. It is not clear what the state will do; there is a meeting on May 14. See this story.


No Labels Asks Wisconsin to Withdraw its Petition for Party Status — 20 Comments

  1. I’m glad people here agree with me that they should not have the right to say no. They were obviously asking for it, and we all know that once you do that, you can’t just change your mind and say no all of a sudden.

  2. Only the GOP, DEM, Constitution, and Green Parties are qualified in Wisconsin. No Labels seems to be trying to avoid the fate of the Constitution Party, Green Party, Alliance Party, Natural Law Party, Americans Elect Party, Reform Party, etc. Every 3rd party that runs a serious candidate ends up slowly collapsing except for the Libertarian Party and the American Independent Party of California. When No Labels run someone, it’s going to be someone they think could actually win instead of one just acting like a spoiler.

  3. American Select didn’t run anyone either. At least,not willingly.



  5. Is that how Democrats get their shit on the ballot- having pets sign them?

  6. It’s bad enough you’re having pets sign, but now they’re signing for other pets?

  7. The Animal Rights Party would disagree, on condition that they are the only ones qualified to interpret how pets want to vote, naturally.

    In all seriousness though, I feel bad for the No Labels Party. They’ve gotten bullied into this. I wouldn’t trust them as far as I can spit, but the way they’ve been harassed by “Citizens to Save Our Republic”, “The Lincoln Project”, “Third Way” and other such uniparty freikorps (predominately Democrat ones) is illegal. And the fact that the DoJ dismissed their complaints, just shows that the Biden administration is behind it.

  8. They didn’t get bullied into it. They predictably failed to find the kind of candidates they wanted, just like in 2012. The whole thing is a shakedown scam by millionaire consultants of billionaire donors.

  9. You are the one telling pets to sign for other pets you fucking retard.

  10. They’ve already qualified. They should not be allowed to withdraw teh application now.

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