New Florida Registration Data

As of April 2024, these are the number of registrants in Florida qualified parties: Republican 5,239,600; Democratic 4,346,491; Independent Party 242,330; Libertarian 35,357; Conservative 19,903; Constitution 16,434; No Labels 8,355; Green 7,841; Boricua 5,974; Coalition with a Purpose 3,283; Ecology 2,919; Socialism & Liberation 1,894; Peoples 1,321; Forward 496; independent and miscellaneous 3,530,804.

Percentages are: Republican 38.92%; Democratic 32.28%; Independent Party 1.80%; Libertarian .26%; Conservative .15%; Constitution .12%; No Labels .06%; Green .06%; Boricua .02%; Coalition with a Purpose .02%; Ecology .02%; Socialism & Liberation .01%; Peoples .01%; Forward .00%; independent and miscellaneous 26.23%.

Percentages in October 2023 had been: Republican 37.82%; Democratic 33.11%; Independent Party 1.60%; Libertarian .26%; Conservative .08%; Constitution .08%; Green .06%; No Labels .04%; Boricua .02%; Ecology .02%; Coalition with a Purpose .01%; Socialism & Liberation .01%; Peoples .01%; independent and miscellaneous 26.86%.

The Natural Law Party is also a qualified party, but it had not been when this tally was prepared. Thanks to Tim Thornburn for the data.


New Florida Registration Data — 20 Comments

  1. Thanks to DeSantis , Republicans still gaining. I still remember before DeSantis came along, Democrats led Republicans by over 200,000 and yet the Trumpers led by Laura Loomer destroyed DeSantis. Trump will only have himself to blame when he doesn’t win again in 2024. Most DeSantis supporters will not vote for Trump. I know I won’t and I voted for Trump in 2016 & 2020.
    Kennedy 2024 for me. Had enough of Big Pharma. Big Pharma owns Trump.

  2. I’m just glad to see that more new parties and more choices are being created. The 2 party system ends after this year’s election cycle.

  3. Correction: the vast majority of desantis supporters, including desantis himself, will vote for Trump.

  4. And Trump will win again. By way more, thanks to 4 years of Biden..another Biden win after that would be so implausible, the sinister left would learn what a real insurrection is..and even they’re not that stupid. Evil, yes. But not stupid. At least not to that extent. It would be suicide for them.

  5. Russia would have to take it, and has many other priorities. Getting in a war with a nuclear power on another continent while there’s plenty to do much closer to where most Russians live seems highly unlikely any time in the foreseeable future. Alaska wouldn’t give Russia much of anything it doesn’t already have plenty of anyway, even if it could be had at a somewhat reasonable cost in risk and effort. It’s kind of like when the US gave up occupying Cuba, only a lot more so.

    The czar got greedy and shortsighted. That’s not any more likely to be undone any time sooner than, say, some then owners selling the island of Manhattan for what seemed like a reasonable price at the time. It’s like the dude who ordered pizza with bitcoin in 2009 or 2010. What’s done is done. We’ve all done stuff like that at some point, in one way or another.

    How might Alaska end up being part of Russia again, even slightly realistically? The US would probably have to break up into pieces first. If that happens, Russia may well break up into pieces before that, or around the same time. Or, maybe the US financial bankruptcy might become so severe that it will be desperate to sell anything it can, and Russia will be in a position to buy. If that ever happens, it probably won’t be for many years.

    It’s probably much more likely that the Russian far east will fall out of Moscow’s control, or perhaps under Beijing’s, well before that. In an economic sense, that’s already happened to a pretty large extent.

    But I guess we’ll see.

  6. There’s no such thing as too obvious. No matter how obvious you make it, there’s still people who fall for it. So, no need to worry. You can tell people you live under a bridge and eat billy goats, and they’ll still try to negotiate the price of your wears for however long you engage them. If I’m concerned about anything, it’s how easy it is. What’s the point, even? Shooting fish in a barrel is a feat of great skill by comparison.

  7. A lot of people in the west really don’t understand the Russian sense of humour. You can find people in Russia talking all the time about things like taking Alaska back or liberating DC. Some of them sound completely serious to the Western ear. They’re not.

    Ideas about a new military crusade to take Jerusalem and the Holy Land for Orthodoxy are more serious, and they’re not serious either. Dogs chasing cars, I guess you can call it. It’s exercise of a sort, not true pursuit.

    If you ever go on a dating service and think you made a real connection and then just never hear another word, whether you try to reach out again or not, you fell for something similar. Congratulations, you’re an unwitting practice partner.

  8. Make Florida Seminole. I don’t mean college football. Gators fan here, especially when they eat tourists, snowbirds, and carpetbaggers. It helps keep nature in balance, controls pesky pest populations, and is fun to watch if you’re patient or just happen to be in the right place at the right time.

    There’s folks who make fun of the Florida Man, or think they understand him. Those folks didn’t grow up in the glades and don’t have gator DNA in their veins. If you don’t know what you’re hunting, you’re it. It takes a while to really get it. Like, more generations than you can count on your fingers, or probably even your toes too. When it’s in your blood, it seems obvious. When it’s not, it might, but that’s just your mind playing tricks on you because you have no idea what was in your drink.

  9. Petya, the really overlooked obvious thing is that it’s mission isn’t any more complicated than to waste our time. It being intentionally absurd is just to get attention. Give regards to Ksenya and the kids from me and Yulia, and hopefully we will see each other in person before they all grown up and have kids of their own.






  11. Florida Native – a lot of us here are from the other end of Florida, up by the Georgia line.

    We got here several months ago thanks to Maxim Maximovich, who is our professor or group leader of sorts on an invitation only group chat of like minded people with interests in Russia, pan-nationalism, cultural traditionalism, localism (devolving government to a much more local level and radically simplifying government and law), survivalist/prepping stuff, agriculture, military matters, law enforcement, racial realism, cybersecurity, patriarchal families, etc.

    A lot of those from that chat are kin and descended from the original English speaking white settlers of this area 200 years ago – the original “crackers” and US cowboys, mostly with ancestry from northern England, Scotland and northern Ireland before that. Do they qualify as native under your definition or is it only the American Indians?

    I’m not, I only moved to the area a couple of years ago. My parents are from Russia and Moldova and we’ve moved back and forth between ex USSR countries and the US a couple times. In the US I’ve lived in Texas, NM and Arizona along the border and worked for the Border Patrol. I had a similar job in Russia. I’ve lived in other parts of Florida and Georgia growing up. My wife is from Russia and has only been in the US since the last time I moved back here 2 years ago.

    I’m currently back to the land – farming, hunting and fishing alot. I’m not native, but I’m not the hunted not the hunted around here, LOL. The guys on here who have had their families here for 200 years, I know several of them irl, let’s just say we know the lay of the land around here real well for whatever happens, two legged animals or more legs than that.

  12. Russian Citizen is correct about Russian humor, btw. I’m also a Russian Citizen and dual US natural born citizen, and my wife is a naturalized US citizen now thanks to me. Our kids are dual citizens also.

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