Nebraska Primary Election Returns

On May 14, Nebraska held primaries for four parties. See the results here.

The Libertarian presidential primary unofficial results are: Chase Oliver 294, Charles Ballay 237, Jacob Hornberger 192, Lars Mapstead 172, Michael Rectenwald 119, Mike ter Maat 64. The candidates were listed in alphabetical order. Here is the sample ballot.

The Secretary of State didn’t permit the Legal Marijuana Now Party to have a presidential primary, because the Secretary of State said there were no newspaper stories about any individual that might be seeking that party’s presidential nomination. The Nebraska law tells the Secretary of State to put presidential primary candidates on the ballot if they are discussed in the news media. That does not mean the Legal Marijuana Now Party can’t choose a presidential nominee for the November ballot.

For the 6-year U.S. Senate term, no one entered the Democratic primary. No Libertarian did either, but the Legal Marijuana Now Party had a cotested primary, which was won b Kerry Eddy. There will be an independent candidate on the November ballot for that Senate race. Both of Nebraska’s Senate seats are up this year.


Nebraska Primary Election Returns — 18 Comments

  1. In Nebraska, Biden was breaking 90 percent of the vote against Rep. Dean Phillips (D-Minn.), even as Trump was stuck in the low 80s against Haley. At 23 percent in Douglas County, metro Omaha and the population center for that state’s 2nd Congressional District. Biden won the Omaha district’s electoral vote in 2020 thanks to GOP defectors, and Tuesday’s primary showed they’re still not on board with Trump and Biden could win one of Nebraska’s electoral votes for a second time. In the district, Rep. Don Bacon, a moderate Republican who said he doubted he’d vote to impeach Biden, easily won the primary against a MAGA challenger, Dan Frei, who had the support Nebraska’s Trumpy Republican party apparatus.

    Seems like Trump didn’t do well in Nebraska.

  2. He did fine. Try posting the raw votes. Trump will carry Nebraska comfortably in November. I predict he will carry the 2nd as well, which is less obvious right now.

  3. Very disappointed that the Libertarians had no candidate for US Senate. Very Disappointed.

  4. Libertarians are a bad joke. Trump and Ramaswamy are their headline speakers.

    Party separate and distinct from all others fail. I’m sorry I ever had anything to do with that party. I hope they die in a fire , which is exactly what I expect will happen at their national convention starting a week from today and through that weekend.

  5. Check out the articles about the credentials committee on that site. It’s been a while since I was a dues paying member of the LP, but I’ll go ahead and formally rescind my signature membership as well, and recommend others who still have one do so as well. If I still has a membership card I’d cut it up and send it to them together with my letter rescinding my membership.

  6. Trump is not the headline speaker at the upcoming Libertarian national convention. He was invited to answer gripes about his policies when he was president.

  7. Officially, that’s the excuse. I do not believe them when you consider the other facts. Why is Ramaswamy invited? What’s up with the credentials mess and voter gravity?

    When you take all those things together, it becomes pretty obvious the long standing suspicions were correct. The current party leadership is an alt right MAGA Republican hostile takeover under a false flag.

    They only pretended to be libertarians in order to worm their way in, and came up with libertarian enough sounding rhetoric to get enough libertarians to go along and believe them. And now they’re violating every bylaw and anything else to make sure they remain the ruling clique after the convention.

  8. Robert F. Kennedy has signed up for the Libertarian convention that will occur next week. Possible that he will indirectly try and seek the Libertarian nomination even if he officially declined to seek it. Each state libertarian party will have its say for nomination of both presidential and Vice Presidential candidates. It would be interesting to see if RFK will be chosen and if he is chosen would he accept it if his VP candidate is rejected.

  9. No, it is not possible. For one thing, it’s not confirmed by the party he will actually be there. He may have been speaking off the cuff when he claimed he would. For another, he already said he would not. For a third, he does not line up with them on issues. For a fourth, his VP is even less popular with libertarians, and he doesn’t want them to nominate a different VP, which they can do. For a fifth, the lnc has the power to pull a nomination any time through election day. For a sixth, he doesn’t want the embarrassment of going there and publicly losing the nomination. For a seventh, he may not want to be associated with the party’s platform or its down ticket candidates such as the Q Anon Shaman any more than they want to be associated with him. For an eighth, he doesn’t need them – his campaign has more than enough money for ballot access. For a ninth, the party name next to his name is historically a drag on candidate performance or results.

    So, in short, it will not happen.

  10. Of course, he would not accept their nomination, which they would not offer anyway, without his VP. She has way more money than they do put together and he would look like a total flake announcing his VP then dumping her. One of the many reasons there is zero chance of this happening.




  12. “The Nebraska law tells the Secretary of State to put presidential primary candidates on the ballot if they are discussed in the news media.”

    What the heck?! Who came up with this genius law at what point in history? How can Nebraska combine its sensible split electoral votes system with such insanity?

  13. Many states have that’s election interference.

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