New Connecticut Registration Data

As of May 16, 2024, these are the number of registered voters in Connecticut: Democratic 798,205; Republican 466,908; Independent Party 29,136; Libertarian 2,996; Green 1,350; Working Families 298; We the People 19; independent and miscellaneous 919,524.

Percentages are: Democratic 35.98%; Republican 21.05%; Independent Party 1.31%; Libertarian .14%; Green .06%; Working Families .01%; independent and miscellaneous 41.45%.

In October 2023, the percentages had been: Democratic 36.10%; Republican 20.78%; Independent Party 1.33%; Libertarian .14%; Green .06%; Working Families .01%; independent and miscellaneous 41.58%.


New Connecticut Registration Data — 26 Comments

  1. Even in Yankeeland, they’re getting sick and tired of the evil satanic demon rats and their illegal alien crime invasion that’s poisoning our nation’s blood.

  2. Everyone is getting fed you with senile traitor Beijing Biden selling out our homeland to the stinking red Chinese Communist scum.

  3. Harris is not the nominated candidate at either of those dates. Trump’s VP pick will have to debate Shanahan.

  4. He may pick off the whole tristate area, with a Kennedy assist.

  5. Yet another state where the LP is down substantially. 3,351 in Nov 2022 to 2,996 today – down 10.6%.

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