Three Petitions Submitted in North Carolina for New or Previously Unqualified Parties

Three petitions for new or previously unqualified parties are being submitted in North Carolina this year: We the People, Constitution, and Justice for All. We the People supports Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., for president. Justice for All supports Cornel West for president. See this story.

Already on the ballot are the Republican, Democratic, Libertarian, and Green Parties.


Three Petitions Submitted in North Carolina for New or Previously Unqualified Parties — 20 Comments

  1. The Constitution Party went off the ballot in North Carolina in November 2020 because it didn’t poll as much as 2% for governor or president, and neither had they been on the ballot for president in at least 35 other states. The Green Party also went off the North Carolina ballot in November 2020. However the Green Party did a petition drive in 2022 which succeeded. In North Carolina, if a party gets on the ballot in a midterm year, it is also automatically on the ballot in the following presidential year, so Greens got 2 elections for one petition drive.

  2. We need to also remember that the Constitution Party of North Carolina actually faced a technical snag. Apparently the Petition search on the State Board of Elections website “accidentally” counted more signatures than they really had due to an error. Luckily they were able to get back up, but they still are in the process of getting certified. This delay has put them behind through no fault of their own.

  3. North Carolina could be in play this election. Watch those third party candidates there, especially Kennedy.




  5. While it is generally true that support for third party and independent candidates dwindles as the election approaches, in close elections there can still be enough of them to impact the election. This election will be no exception.

  6. In particular, the demographics of North Carolina are changing. Lots of new people of all types are moving in. As a result, elections in North Carolina have been getting closer, and redistricting battles have become more intense there. Hard to predict how all those new voters will impact the election there.



  8. Actually, there are a fair number of Hispanics and Asians that have been moving into North Carolina recently. Maybe not enough for most people to notice, but in a close election, they could matter.

  9. They’re also trending much more Republican than in past elections, like black men.

  10. In any event, with Kennedy in the race there’s a good chance that several states that weren’t considered swings might become such. North Carolina has a good chance to become one of these, IMO.

  11. IMO, Kennedy’s impact will be similar to Gary Johnson’s in 2016. He will flip some states to Trump, and others to Biden.

    Anyone on either side who thinks that the election won’t be close is living in a partisan echo chamber. There is no evidence to suggest that it won’t be close.

    I think that the only thing that could dramatically change the direction of the election is if one of the major party candidates dies or becomes seriously ill before election day.

  12. No. His impact will be overwhelmingly in Trump’s favor, because a lot more of Biden’s support is soft support and because he’s mostly a leftist on most issues. Also, because Trump will debate him, whether he qualifies for CNN or not – there’s other venues, Fox, etc.

    And there’s plenty of reason to think it won’t be close. I monitor plenty of enemy media and do not live in an echo chamber at all.

  13. Democrats are going to ramp up their cheating tactics. That’s my major concern.

  14. They won’t be within plausible range. By November it’s going to be so obvious it will be a Trump landslide, they would only start a war if they try to claim Biden won. They’re not that stupid. They’ll keep it to making it seem it will be closer than expected at that point.

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