Illinois Ballot Access Case Has Hearing Tuesday, May 21

An Illinois state trial court will hold another hearing on Tuesday, May 21, in Collazo v Illinois State Board of Elections, the case over the new Illinois law that deprives qualified political parties of their ability to nominate someone after the primary is over. The Republican Party, which filed the case, seeks a preliminary injunction against the new law. The Illinois Democratic Party is seeking to intervene in the case in support of the law.

At the first hearing in the case, on Friday, May 17, the judge declined to issue a temporary restraining order, but given the fast action coming up concerning a possible injunction, that point is moot.


Illinois Ballot Access Case Has Hearing Tuesday, May 21 — 1 Comment

  1. No post-primary nominations. No post-deadline certifications. No more arrogant games. Just have your paperwork in order on time, as if you were a regular taxpayer or something, instead of reveling in the knowledge your party will never be held accountable for breaking the law.

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