Georgia Libertarian Party Asks to Amend Complaint in Georgia Ballot Access Case

On May 21, the Georgia Libertarian Party asked a U.S. District Court to amend its Complaint in Cowen v Raffensperger, n.d., 1:17cv-4660.  This is the case filed to overturn the Georgia law on how a candidate can get on the November ballot for U.S. House if the candidate is not the nominee of a party that polled 20% of the vote in the last election.  The law is so severe that even though it is 81 years old, no minor party candidate for U.S. House has ever been able to comply with it.

The Libertarian Party request to amend the Complaint notes that the Georgia law was recently changed to allow any minor party to be on for president if it is already on for president in 20 other states or territories.  This opens up the state for the Libertarian Party to argue that the entire Georgia ballot access scheme involving minor parties violates Equal Protection.  Minor party presidential candidates can be on in Georgia even if they have no support whatsoever inside Georgia.  By contrast, minor party nominees for all other partisan office are kept off the ballot with prohibitive petition requirements.  Even the statewide petition is so strict that no minor party has completed the statewide petition since 1996, when the Reform Party did it.  Although Pat Buchanan petitioned in 2000, he did so as an independent candidate, not as the Reform Party nominee.


Georgia Libertarian Party Asks to Amend Complaint in Georgia Ballot Access Case — 24 Comments


    BROWN 1954


  2. We should unite as Republicans so long as Trump and MAGA are in charge of the GOP.

  3. RINO Trump has proven he and MAGA are mutually exclusive.

    Rand Paul? Yes please. Ben Carson? A-okay. Ron DeSantis? Ehh sure. Vivek Ramaswamy? Why not. Donald Trump? Burn in hell.

  4. Trump alone can save us. Trump is the way, the truth, and the life.

  5. Barring more miraculous divine intervention, Russia alone can save us. Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man cometh unto the Father but through Him. And Russia is the last bastion of Christendom on Earth. Moscow is the Third Rome. Putin is the imperfect human vessel of the Holy Ghost.

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