Update: Chase Oliver has offered Mike Ter Maat the Vice-Presidential spot and Ter Maat has accepted.
Michael Rectenwald: 334
Chase Oliver: 286
Mike Ter Maat: 225
Update: Chase Oliver has offered Mike Ter Maat the Vice-Presidential spot and Ter Maat has accepted.
Michael Rectenwald: 334
Chase Oliver: 286
Mike Ter Maat: 225
“No! Not Trump! Give us Barabbas!”
Why would Jesus Trump be treated any better the second time around?
Oliver-TerMaat, 6th ballot.
Seethe and cope, lol
Rectenwald offered it too.
TerMaat prefers Oliver, but yes.
“Seethe and cope, lol”
It’s your retarded party. Continue to be irrelevant.
Party could always choose a different VP.
No, it’s most definitely not my party. I don’t know how you reached that conclusion. They’re not one of the choices I’ll consider, regardless of who they nominate. Neither is Trump.
With both of the remaining presidential candidates wanting the same VP, I’d expect it would be their VP pick. We’ll see.
If they tie under 50% and NOTA makes up the remainder are they both eliminated and NOTA wins?
No. They vote until someone gets 50% plus one, or LNC picks ticket after adjournment.
I don’t know who you are and I don’t care. I don’t care who you vote for either. It’s completely irrelevant just like the Libertardian Party
Great, the feeling is mutual. I don’t know why my name is in quotes, but whatever. We agree about libertarians.
LNC2024 Presidential Nominee Results (Round 6):
Chase Oliver: 423 votes – 49.53%
Michael Rectenwald: 382 votes – 44.73%
NOTA: 44 votes – 5.15%
Other: 5 votes – .60%
7th round will do it, right?
7th ballot is Oliver vs NOTA
I almost wish I went, just to cast this NOTA vote.
The Constitution Party
Not as many as you, CP Fan. Your rhyming skills suck almost as much as you do.
Progressive left has a sick mind.
Your actual view, but you hate yourself too much to not put it in quotes.
CP: You sure do spend a lot of time fantasizing about gay sex for someone who purports to be straight.
You have the sick mind, progressive leftist just diagnosed it.
That’s because he’s not straight.
Go away commie Perry.
No, you go away, troll.
Kent, you got it locked down.
Michael Rectenwald had already offered Mike ter Maat the Vice-Presidential spot. But ter Maat chose Oliver over Rectenwald thereby completely throwing the sixth round of voting… What an absolutely brilliant bit of treacherous conspiracy and scheming backstabbery!
Of course, it also doomed the Libertarian Party ticket and perhaps the entire party, but hey – that was likely ter Maat’s goal all along. His platform had far less in common with Oliver’s than with Rectenwald’s, so presumably he was planning this move since day one. He might be an unprincipled career politician, but he’s demonstrated that he’s suitably slippery by managing to go from not even qualifying for the debate all the way to being the kingmaker of the convention. What an absolute snake!
NOTA would have definitely been the more intelligent choice.
Jackie Perry complaining on IPR that the BAN comments are a cesspool, while Darryl Perry trivializes the J6 hostages’ martyrdom and calls it bigoted to recognize that stereotypes are earned not given, makes me want to know what my fellow Constitution Party fan wrote. And the fact that CP burn implies it was in the form of beautiful poetry, and it apparently elicited a strong enough response from Progressive leftist that it too was deleted, only makes me want to know all the more. Fortunately, IPR is apparently tweeting out censored BAN comments these.
*the fact that David implies it was in the form of beautiful poetry
*Fortunately, IPR is apparently tweeting out censored BAN comments these days.
I didn’t imply that. I mentioned the child porn fan sucks even more than his childish attempt to rhyme. Sucks more was a direct reply to his juvenile question about Chase Oliver regarding fellatio posed in the manner of a failed nursery rhyme.
I doubt IPR is tweeting out censored BAN comments, given that they censor way more then BAN does.
@Dave So yes, you did imply that the Constitution Party fan was writing poems… as well as that you have a sick mind.
@David That’s what Knower of Things said. But who knows – no pun intended – since it turns out, I am blocked from viewing IPR’s tweets.
You could try learning to read. I said the kiddie porn fan sucked at rhyming, not that it wrote poetry. I said the kiddie porn (cp = child porn) fan has a sick mind, not that I do. Knower of no things said that deleted comments here got posted to the blog iprx d0t WordPress d0t com, not that they were tweeted by ipr. I have to write it out that way or my comment won’t post. Maybe you’re not too stupid to decipher that.
As for being blocked on Twitter, Idk. They’ve made it to where I’m blocked from all of it unless I make an account and log in. You may be having the same issue,or maybe it’s something else.
Wait the guy who can’t keep his name straight between two back to back posts, is telling other they need to learn to read
How beautiful! CP = Constitution Party, but you know that full well – unless you wish to admit that you cannot read? If your head is so full of pedophilia that you see it everywhere, you should seek help before your sick and twisted mind brings any children to harm.
What Knower of Things actually said was “Some of the deleted comments here were posted on IPR-X. Check it out.” I assumed that he was referring to IPR’s X account, since I have never heard of your shady wordpress blog before this very moment. Shame on me for such ignorance, I’m sure.
Dave is short for David. Even you can’t be too stupid to know that. Child porn has fans, which “cp fan” sounds like one of based on the deleted comments. Do parties have fans? Parties have members, not fans, as far as I know.
I think I’ve heard of a misnamed constitution party before. I forgot that they existed. If I remember correctly, they’re even more retarded than republicans and libertarians, as difficult as that may be to imagine. I guess constitution party fanatic makes sense, since they are religious fanatic hypocritical windbags, although I didn’t make that connection earlier. Most of them probably are sick and twisted enough to be child porn fans.
It’s not my shady blog. Probably blower of things blog. It’s been mentioned here enough times. Maybe you’re new.
New enough not to have seen you mention it. Ironically, exactly as new as BAN’s coverage leading up to this year’s CP convention.
CP fan said before, in one of the comments that was not deleted, that CP stood for Constitution Party. So I feel like you are being deliberately obtuse; especially because you also accuse me of not knowing how to read as result of lacking context/knowledge on specific abbreviations. Meanwhile, IPR-X wasn’t spelt out, but CP was.
The Republican Party have become totalitarian statists, like the Democrats. The Libertarian Party have become libertines and neolibs. The Constitution Party is where all the real republicans and libertarians have moved to.
And yes, Dave is short for David, of course. But when you make two posts back to back, one as Dave and one as David, is it really that far-fetched to believe the second deliberately chose a name different from the first so as to avoid confusion?
Ok, whatever. You’re getting exceedingly pedantic and boring. Republicans, libertarians and the constipated party are all far from my views, if I hadn’t made that clear enough. It’s disturbing, if not surprising, that the constipated party has fans rather than members.
I don’t generally mention IPRX. The site’s proprietor, I think, is usually the one who mentions it. That’s not me, if I was somehow unclear on that earlier.
I go by both Dave and David, like most guys named David. Which I put into a name field of a comment is pretty random and unimportant to me, although for some reason you are stuck on it. Whatever, that’s your obsession, not mine. You can call me either one, or for that matter whatever else you want, although there might be things you could call me that would cause you to be ignored going forward.
No obsession, merely a desire for clarity. I don’t go around calling people names unless they’ve really, really earned them.
You seem to be in a rather aggravated mood. It is perfectly acceptable for us to leave or to end the conversation here, or at any other point either of us so desires. The same naturally goes for the discussion in the other thread. Please don’t feel pressured to continue talking when that is not to your desire.
Have a nice day. Maybe try to be a little bit less prejudiced, as it tends to elicit responses in kind.
I’m fine. Not particularly aggravated, although I do have other things to do. In any case, you can use Dave or David interchangeably. I’m not feeling pressured to keep talking. I’m open to it, as time allows.