Approval Voting Party Nominates Blake Huber for President

On March 16, the Approval Voting Party, which is ballot-qualified in Colorado, nominated Blake Huber for president.  His running mate is Andrea Denault.

Huber was also the party’s presidential nominee in 2020.  That year he got 355 votes in Colorado, the only state in which he was on the ballot.  In 2016 the party ran Frank Atwood fpr president.  He was only on the ballot in Colorado, and he got 337 votes.


Approval Voting Party Nominates Blake Huber for President — 32 Comments

  1. I’ve helped Frank and Blake promote Approval Voting in Colorado for over a decade. They are obviously a single issue party and openly encourage supporters to vote for someone more likely to win under our current Plurality Voting or “name your first choice then shut up.” I think they hold the distinction of getting the fewest presidential votes in 2020 of a party on two or more state ballots.

  2. I need to be validated with approval, and will trade sex for approval. I’m not smart enough to decide if I would vote for the approval party candidates, but I’d love to party with an approval party crowd. They don’t let me vote anyway – some dude in an ugly black dress said something about me getting mental – so that’s probably a good thing because I always want to approve everyone and have them all approve me.

  3. Again, huh? Huber was on the ballot for Approval in 2020 in Vermont and Colorado. He got 54 votes in Vermont and 355 votes in Colorado for 409 total. They would have been better off picking Kennedy. Huber isn’t going to drain enough votes from either party to change the balance of power. At least it’s another minor party to cross off the list, so good to know.





  5. @Q, there are around 20 parties with ballot access that can still nominate a candidate including Alliance, Reform (Florida), Working Families, Working Class, Liberal (the Libertarian split-offs), Peace and Freedom, etc.

    @Libertarian in Colorado, yes Huber got the fewest votes for a candidate with ballot access in at least two states. Six other candidates that had ballot access in only one state lost to him. He came in 30th place in the election (if you don’t count the Bernie Sanders write-ins).

  6. Sorry, question was unclear. It was about the parties on the Colorado ballot, which was why I said 9.

  7. Where did I get 9 from? I’m looking thru article and prior comments and not finding it.

  8. @Q According to my list, the American Constitution Party (Constitution), Approval Voting Party, Colorado Center Party, Forward Party, Green Party, No Labels, and Unity Party of Colorado are the minor parties of Colorado. The Constitution (Terry), Republican (Trump), Democrat (Biden), Libertarian (Oliver), Green (Stein), Approval Voting (Huber), and Unity Party (West) all have candidates.

    No Labels said they would have no candidate and Forward probably won’t have one either. That means that only the Colorado Center Party has yet to pick a candidate. Per their website, they believe “Democrats spend too much money, continually increase taxes, disrespect our immigration laws with a purposely open border, and ignore the crime on our streets. Republicans try to create extreme restrictions on abortion, embrace election conspiracy theories, and bring chaos to government.” While I don’t agree with them, based on what I read, they may back Kennedy if asked.




  10. Very well, ever since we hooked up and came together with the Polish Retard Sex Workers Party.

  11. :

    “Hailing from North Dakota, Andrea is a Turtle Mountain Anishinaabekwe who was active in the occupation at Standing Rock during opposition to the Dakota Access Pipeline. She’s a longtime advocate for the related intersecting issues and prioritizes economic justice, environmental policy, and antiracist work. […] She has partnered with and volunteered for the ACLU, NAACP, AFL-CIO, DSA, LWV, and dozens of other advocacy groups. […] Currently a political consultant, Andrea previously studied Journalism and Economics in Colorado, worked in marketing, and was a human rights lobbyist focused on LGBTQ, refugee, and Native American issues.”

    See this is why we can’t have nice things. Way to immediately destroy any credibility the party might have had.

  12. @Q Poland is doing pretty shit. The ruling Law and Justice party has completely sold out its voters over Covid-19 and Ukraine, like Trump but on steroids. And the only politician speaking out against the banderites who has not been jailed and/or barred from seeking office yet, Janusz Korwin-Mikke, was kicked out of the party he himself founded, KORWiN-New Hope, for speaking out.

  13. If I’m not mistaken, law and justice is no longer ruling. I’ll have to look it up again to make sure.

  14. Donald Tusk of Civic Platform was pm From 07-14 and since 23. Law and justice was turnt out at the last election. You can claim vote fraud, but you can’t claim they’re in office.

  15. Law & Justice (PiS) is one of the two ruling parties in Poland, the other is indeed Civic Platform (PO).
    PiS supplied the current president (Duda) and dominates the house of representative (sejm), European parliamentary delegation, regional assemblies and city president.
    PO supplied the current prime minister (Tusk) and dominates the senate.

    The difference is that the PO were always leftist totalitarian EU suck-ups. Whereas the PiS weren’t when they came to power, but became that way since then.

  16. I think Tusk/PO currently have more power in govt but maybe I misunderstood their system.

  17. It’s a coalition government, so both PiS and PO collect a bunch of small satellite parties around them to try and get control. Currently the PO’s “Civic Coalition” is in charge of the cabinet, while the PiS’s “United Right” runs the shadow-cabinet.
    So I’d say you are correct that PO is currently running the show, but only in so far as PiS allows them to: if PiS doesn’t want something, it gets blocked.

  18. And speaking of Poland, if you will pardon me continuing to beat this horse since I don’t think it’s quite dead yet:

    ‘Nevertheless, the new leftist Polish coalition government under Donald Tusk, comprising the Civic Coalition (KO), Third Way (Trzecia Droga), and The Left (Lewica), has unveiled plans to push for legal recognition of same-sex unions and criminalize those who say that there are only two sexes.

    Shortly after the Tusk government assumed power, the Polish Ministry of Justice suggested draft amendments to Poland’s Penal Code that would impose a sentence of up to three years in prison for actions including insults against people based on their claimed gender, sexual orientation, or other factors.

    “We already have the project practically completed. Now it will be sent for inter-ministerial consultations,” Secretary of State at the Ministry of Justice Krzysztof Śmiszek informed Radio TOK FM.

    “Now – like other racist or xenophobic crimes – also those based on homophobia or transphobia will be prosecuted ex officio and will be treated as racist hate speech,” Śmiszek asserted.’

    So Poland’s new deputy minister of justice thinks homosexual and transsexual are races… Time for the liberation and denazification of Poland. Keep pushing west, Russia, Christians everywhere are waiting to welcome you with open arms.

  19. If Russia is going to push anywhere, it’s south, not west. The cost – benefit ratio if the latter is prohibitive.

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