Georgia Files Brief in U.S. Supreme Court in Defense of Electing Public Service Commissioners in At-Large Elections

On September 28, Georgia filed a brief in the U.S. Supreme Court in defense of its law that Public Service Commissioners are elected in at-large partisan elections.  Rose v Raffensperger, 23-1060.

The court fight over whether the elections should be at-large or by district has resulted in eliminating any election for that office in November 2024.  That has implications for ballot access.  A qualified minor party stays on the ballot in Georgia by polling 1% of the number of registered voters for any statewide office.  With no Public Service Commisioner in November 2024, the only statewide office will be President.  The Libertarian Party, the only ballot-qualified third party in Georgia, generally doesn’t meet the Georgia vote test for President.  It only did so once, in 2016.  But usually that doesn’t matter because the party always easily meets the vote test for Public Service Commissioner and for U.S. Senate, the only two other statewide offices up in presidential years.  By bad luck, there is no U.S. Senate election in Georgia in 2024, so the party will lose its qualified status if it doesn’t meet the vote test for President.

That qualified status only applies to statewide office.  It doesn’t apply to district and county office, so even though the Libertarian Party is qualified in Georgia now, it is only qualified for statewide office.  That is why neither it, nor any other third party, has ever appeared on the ballot in a regularly-scheduled U.S. House election.  Special elections for U.S. House don’t require any petitions so there have been minor party candidates in special U.S. House elections in Georgia.

The U.S. Supreme Court will probably decide during June whether to hear Rose v Raffensperger.  If the Court refuses to hear it, then the state will have won the lawsuit and someone at that point might sue the state to force it to hold a statewide Public Service Commissioner election in November 2024.  However there would be no clear solution as to how the Democratic and Republican Parties would nominate for that office, because the primary was held on May 21.


Georgia Files Brief in U.S. Supreme Court in Defense of Electing Public Service Commissioners in At-Large Elections — 24 Comments



  2. The LP did just happen to nominate a presidential candidate from Georgia, but that probably doesn’t make much difference.

  3. Georgia would rather eliminate an election, rather than give a third party a chance for ballot access.

  4. I hope that Georgian Chase Oliver can rally the residents there to exceed 1%.

  5. Whitfield supports child abuse and covid mandates. What a fucking retard.

  6. 74 LNC delegates, 59 of whom voted for Rectenwald in the penultimate round, supported keeping ballot access more than they opposed child abuse and covid mandates. I strongly disagree with them, but to say that they support child abuse and covid mandates seems a bit of stretch. Similarly all that Whitfield said here, is that he wants the LP to maintain ballot access in Georgia.

  7. Chase Oliver supports covid mandates and child abuse. This is who they voted for. Apparently they value ballot access over principles. Why not nominate Bernie Sanders? He would get plenty of votes nationwide based on name recognition alone.

  8. “Apparently they value ballot access over principles.”
    Indeed. But is that the same as opposing principles?
    I guess in practice maybe it is. “He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad.”

  9. Chase Oliver is not in favor or covid mandates. Please see the Youtube video of his speech at the Des Moines Register in August 2023. Here is what he said: “I want to tell you a little bit about some of the most important issues we’ve been having going on we had just got through the worst pandemic that we’ve had in a long time and that pandemic was not necessarily bad because of the disease itself it was bad because of our government’s response to that pandemic. I have family members who lost their business due to arbitrary lockdowns and I can tell you right now
    there are people all over this country who had to say goodbye to their loved ones as they died through plate glass because they couldn’t touch their loved one when they passed away. We need to have an advocate in the White House who remembers the next time something happens that we’re not going to arbitrarily Lock down our country we’re not going to force things upon people we’re going to let peaceful people make their own decisions and I think if we had done that we would have less people dying alone in nursing homes because of covid we would have had less businesses going under because government decided that your business is not essential but those big box stores down the street those businesses are essential and
    that’s exactly what happened to a family member of mine. They had a flower shop and they loved it they loved making flowers for weddings and and corsages for prom and for funerals they did all that stuff but when covid hit they were told your business is not essential you need to shut your business down. And her business did not survive. You know who did? The Lowes down the road who has a garden center they’re selling flowers too but they’re considered essential because they have some certain items that the government said well we got to let them be open. And so my family member, her business went under. Guess what she did for a little while to make money? Worked at Lowe’s in the garden center so she lost her dream she lost what she wanted and then she was forced to work in giant corporate big box stores making a lot less money, having a lot less freedom.
    I will never ever stand for that. As your president if I’m elected I will support your right to make those decisions and that regards everything around your health care too if you want to take a vaccine take a vaccine if you don’t want to take a vaccine don’t take a vaccine. That’s your business that’s not my business and that’s certainly not the government’s business and so this pandemic which has robbed us of so many civil liberties is something that we need to fight back against we need to roll back every single bit of power the government gave itself in the wake of
    the pandemic.”

  10. Jeez Whitfield stop being a fucking retard. His actions and photos speak louder than his words.

  11. His photo said he was for masking and distancing personally, not as government mandates . He’s said he’s against mandates explicitly. Your definition of child abuse is bs as well.

  12. 74 = 497 – 423 = (votes for Chase Oliver in the 7th round) – (votes for Chase Oliver in the 6th round)
    59 = 382 – 300 – 23 = (votes for Michael Rectenwald in the 6th round) – (votes for NOTA in the 7th round) – (write-in votes in the 7th round)

    Figures come from

    That second calculation is flawed though, since it doesn’t properly account for NOTA and write-in votes from the 6th round, not differences in the total number of votes cast between the 6th and 7th round.

  13. Personally having supported masking and distancing is still not the same as supporting mandates. Stop spreading lies. Different people can have different preferences and opinions, mandates are when they try to force them on others. Trying to force people to not mask or distance is a form of trying to force your beliefs or preferences on others just like other way around.

  14. Tyler is another commie retard. All of Chase Oliver’s fan boys love masks jabs lockdowns and mandates.

  15. Round 6 saw 423+382+44+5=854 votes cast.
    Round 7 saw 497+300+23=820 votes cast.
    So number of votes cast decreased by 34.
    NOTA went from 44 to 300, so an increase of 256.
    Write-ins went from 5 to 23, so an increase of 18.

    We don’t know how the round 6 Rectenwald voters dispersed themselves in round 7. But I think it is relatively safe to assume that people who voted either Oliver or NOTA in round 6, did the same in round 7.

    So if we assume the same people who wrote-in during round 6, all did the same in round 7, then 74 Rectenwald voters switched to Oliver, 256 switched to NOTA, 18 wrote-in and 34 didn’t vote.

    However, if we assume all the NOTA votes, write-ins and abstention in round 7 came from Rectenwald voters, then only 25 Rectenwald voters switched to Oliver.

    On the opposite end, if we assume that none of those who voted in round 6 but not in 7, were Rectenwald voters. Then 110 Rectenwald voters switched to Oliver.

    So anywhere between 25 and 110 Michael Rectenwald voters ended up voting for Chase Oliver.

    I think that’s right. Let me know if I made a mistake.




  17. Jerry is a commie retard. Oliver explicitly said he was and is against mandates. Zero evidence has been presented to the contrary. The only thing presented was that he was personally in favor of the personal choice to mask and distance. He can have his religious beliefs yet be against mandates that others act accordingly from government. Commie retards like jerry don’t understand how that can be.

  18. I think people aren’t appreciating the difficult nuances that I am unaware Oliver stating anything about one way or the other.
    For example, say you are against mandates, then what about social pressure? If a private business is not allowed to deny customers without mask/jab/etc. then that violates the business owner’s freedom of association. But if they are allowed to deny customers, then the government cannot go around trying to “convince” all business owner’s to do so.

    A true libertarian, would be for a ban on experimental and unproven drugs, and would call out gene-therapy being mislabeled and falsely marketed as “vaccines”.

  19. Nonsense. Libertarians are not for bans on any drugs. Or mandates to take any. Oliver has or had a religious belief in masks and social distancing but opposed mandates. Simple.

  20. Thanks, David, Tyler and Nuna for your posts. Very informative.

  21. Georgia being a swing state the chances of 1% there are low. Everyone I know in Georgia is aboard Trump train and believe Trump alone can save us.

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