Nevada and Utah Constitution Parties Nominate Joel Skousen for President

On Monday, May 6, the state committees of the Nevada Constitution Party, and the Utah Constitution Party, nominated Joel Skousen for president, even though the national convention of the Constitution Party had nominated Randall Terry for president.

Terry has already obtained ballot access in Utah as an independent candidate, so both he and Skousen will be on in Utah.  However, Nevada has a difficult ballot access law, so Terry is unlikely to qualify in Nevada.

The name of the Nevada Constitution Party is the Independent American Party.  It has been ballot-qualified in Nevada starting in 1974, long before the Constitution Party had been formed in 1992.


Nevada and Utah Constitution Parties Nominate Joel Skousen for President — 37 Comments

  1. Since the constitution party formed, did the Nevada IAP always nominate their candidate for president previously?

  2. Since both parties currently have ballot access, this is going to lead directly to their disaffiliation. The national party bylaws are clear on this: Bylaws dated 11.12.22, Article II, Section 2.2, 2nd paragraph. (Utah made the Motion and seconded by Nevada – ironic, huh?) “A state affiliate shall place the presidential candidate and vice-presidential candidate who were selected in the National Convention on the ballot in their state.”

  3. And, FYI, Terry probably won’t be on the ballot in West Virginia either because the state party’s gubernatorial candidate was also a convention delegate and voted for Skousen in Salt Lake City. Thus, he has removed the presidential nominee/stand-ins from his ballot access petition here; only circulating petitions just with his own name on them. Moot point since in doing so he’s ticked-off most state party members and now doesn’t have enough help to collect the required number of signatures for his own access anyway. But we shall see. Being that the West Virginia CP is not currently qualified, the national party bylaws don’t yet apply to it.

  4. BTW, the 11.12.22 national party bylaws modification was due to various states refusing access for the party’s odd 2020 nominee, Don Blankenship (Democrat, West Va.). Interesting how stupid little things end up having big repercussions.

  5. If Nevada and Utah get disaffiliated, there go most of the rest of their registered voters. They already lost the “largest third party” in voting registration talking point in 2008 when California AIP pulled out.

  6. How many states does Terry have as CP currently? How many as independent? Which states?

  7. And the Constitution Party shatters. So much for Randall getting on the Georgia ballot. Georgia allows people to get on the ballot if they are already on the ballot in 20 other states. I don’t think that counts if that the Constitution party is split and nominating two different candidates.

  8. It counts if he gets 20 states, which he will. Losing one state doesn’t change that equation very much.

  9. Also Randall is on the Ballot in Alaska, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Michigan, Mississippi, Nevada, Oregon, South Carolina, Utah, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. Well, Nevada is up in the air now, but I think Randall is still on it. That’s 110 electoral votes that Randall has access to, not counting the automatic write-in states of Alabama, Iowa, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont. Randall also has a petition
    in progress in North Carolina.

  10. That’s just what’s on Wikipedia and we all know how accurate Wikipedia is which is… not at all. XD

  11. Also, Idaho CP and Oregon CP have been disaffiliated for some time. Running Skousen or someone else? I dunno. Terry has his own access in Idaho as an Independent, so Idaho CP may run someone else. Terry is petitioning in Virginia (unaffiliated) as an independent; I have seen their forms – PITA 2-sided legal size.

  12. I’m fairly sure they do not have ballot access in NH. So, it’s conceivable either or both or neither could be on there.

  13. Small parties continue to shot themselves in the foot when they have the opportunity to grow…. I am disappointed in both states..they are “taking their ball and going home”..they wanted Skousen.. now they will split the party yet again..

  14. Why does Skousen want to be on the ballot if, as reported, he believes over 300 million illegals came in under Biden with half of those already being illegally registered to vote?

  15. I like Terry, however I would write in Skousen here in Tennessee.

  16. Tennessee has very easy ballot access. Skousen could easily get on the ballot there if he wants.

  17. For presidential independent candidates. It’s very difficult to qualify a party there.

  18. This reminds me of the events in Kansas City in 2008 within the California delegation from AIP. During my tally as the elected Chairman of that delegation the poll was 80% for Dr. Alan Keyes. There was Dr. Don Grundmann crying because he was the only member of the delegation that would vote for him. Then he switched his vote making no votes for Grundmann. Now he is the Chairman of the Constitution Party of California and was removed from the National Constitution Party.

  19. To be fair, the CP pushing for antisemite Chuck Baldwin over the Alan Keyes was their lowest point ever. They deserved to lose California. A shame that the AIP hasn’t run a single decent ticket since Keyes/Drake 2008. But California disaffiliating is not really comparable to what’s going here.

    Russophobe Joel Skousen tried to hijack the CP convention, held on his home turf of Utah. He tried to change the rules mid-game so as only to allow a single vote per representative physically present, the overwhelming majority of which were of course his Utah delegation. He tried to remove God from the party platform, presumably in order to curry favor with his Mormon entourage. He was given 99 minutes of speaking time, including a chance to respond to Randall Terry who himself got his speaking time cut short, while every other candidate only got 18. Despite all this blatant rigging, Skousen still managed to lose. So now he is trying to exact his revenge by poisoning the well for everyone.

    How many Mormons made it as far west as Nevada, I suddenly find myself wondering?



  21. Nevada is heavily LDS, especially rural areas and multigeneration Anglo residents. Their CP/Iap especially. Right next to Utah.

    Looks like cp and lp both fracturing with different states nominating different candidates tickets, so the right wing minor parties will be a non factor going forward like all the dozens of parties named some type of socialist .

    That doesn’t mean their ideologies will be irrelevant, just the parties with those names.

  22. Just be glad that the Socialist/Communist parties can’t find any sort of unity. There’s entirely too many Trotskyist parties in America. Bunch of violent lunatics.

  23. At least the American Solidarity Party is staying unitted. If libertarians are right-wing, then so is ASP.

  24. ASP is more tax and spend so probably more leftwing. LP is for tax and spending cuts, therefore right wing in current US terms.

  25. Pretty soon could be as many right wing minor parties on the ballot in this or that state as there are now Marxist minor parties with LP and CP both fracturing

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