Ohio House Passes Bill to Ease Deadline for Parties to Certify Their National Tickets

On May 30, the Ohio House passed HB 2, which moves the deadline for qualified parties to certify their presidential and vice-presidential nominees from 90 days before the election to 65 days before.  It also passed HB 1, which bans foreigners from spending money to influence initiative campaigns.

The bill easing the deadline applies to all future elections, but it only applies in years when a qualified party asks for the later deadline in advance.

On May 28, the Senate had passed a bill making both the deadline change and the campaign finance change.  That bill is HB 271.  Because that bill is not identical to the bills passed by the House,  no bill has yet passed the entire legislature.


Ohio House Passes Bill to Ease Deadline for Parties to Certify Their National Tickets — 8 Comments

  1. With the LP nominating a communist, Trump is the only person I would vote for.

  2. Wait, in the regular session, wasn’t part of the hiccup that the House refused to pass a bill that included the foreign ban?

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