Diane Sare, Independent for U.S. Senate in New York, Submits 70,000 Signatures

On May 28, the New York deadline for independent candidate petitions, Diane Sare submitted 70,000 signatures to meet the requirement of 45,000 signatures.  She also petitioned successfully for U.S. Senate in 2022.  Her ballot label is “LaRouche.”  Thanks to Darcy Richardson for this news.


Diane Sare, Independent for U.S. Senate in New York, Submits 70,000 Signatures — 28 Comments

  1. The Green Party submitted 42,000 signatures for New York

    “The Libertarian Party, which has achieved ballot access in every state in the past 2 presidential elections, was only able to submit less than 4,000 signatures” Lol 💀

  2. By filing at least some signatures, that gives a candidate/party standing to challenge the New York requirements.

  3. Wow, I thought she was running for president. Impressive that a LaRouche candidate got that many signatures, especially for Senate?

  4. Impressively, Diane’s petition drive relied exclusively on volunteers.

  5. I’ve seen a report that the Stein campaign actually turned in about 112,000 signatures but the board decided 70,000 of them were invalid. Will try to follow up and find substantiation. (As, I presume, the campaign will follow up in the NY state or Federal courts.)

  6. Could the LPNY run RFK as their presidential candidate since he has enough signatures already, or would that require him to start from scratch because he qualified as an independent?

  7. Having run for local office a couple times I’m always surprised by these stories of Presidential campaigns have low signature validity rates.

  8. It seems unlikely Stein managed 112 k, even raw. LPNY might endorse who they wish, but that would not make their endorsee to appear listed on the ballot as a Libertarian. Unless their court actions are successful in time, they’ve failed in creating that ballot line for this round. They have no ballot line to offer, but can endorse as they see fit, regardless of how compatible or incompatible their endorsement might be with being a state affiliate of a national party which had a presidential nomination convention.

    Regardless of who they do or do not endorse, there is no current legal mechanism for their endorsement yielding a ballot line in a future election for them, regardless of endorsee performance.

    The petition deadline has passed, so they will need to win in court or try again in a future year if they are to have a ballot line again..

    As for signature validity rates, they can vary a lot, depending on where, how and by whom they are collected and what quality controls are or are not exercised during the collection period to incentivize autograph collectors accordingly.

  9. @Nuña,

    In New York, independent candidates have a party label. If the candidate (for governor or president) receive the required number of votes, the label becomes the name of a recognized party. Party officials can then form a party by submitting party bylaws, and voters can enroll with the party. In the past groups of individuals have run for election to the central committee and taken over a party shell, and renamed that party. That is why Larry Sharpe was running as a stand-in candidate in New York.

    RFKjr is running as the candidate of We The People party in New York, and he will have that label for the general election.

    As a curiosity, the LPNY was urging circulators also help circulate Sare petitions, since they did not have their own candidate.

  10. Very weird. What common ground on issues exists between libertarians and larouchies ?

  11. @Bugged Apple,

    RFKjr/WTP submitted 16316 petition pages.
    Ware/Larouche submitted 8116 petition pages
    Stein/Green submitted 6709 petition pages.

    New York petition pages hold 10 signatures, so the RFKjr averages around 8.3 signatures/page.

    Cornel West/Justice for All submitted 629 pages.
    Chase Oliver/Libertarian submitted 384 pages.
    Shiva Ayyadurii/Dr. Shiva submitted 150 pages.

    It does not appear that the Larry Sharpe/Libertarian petitions were submitted.

  12. @Wind,

    The Libertarian Party web page said that they had an agreement to double petition. That is a circulator can ask a voter to sign both petitions. The Libertarian Party web site had a link to the Sare website informing circulators how to turn in any collected sheets to the Sare campaign. It is possible that some/most Libertarian circulators did not double petition.

  13. Yes, but why? What’s the ideological or strategic common ground between the two? The two generally have opposite criticisms of the establishment .

  14. @Jim Riley @Bugged Apple Thank you for explaining how it works in New York

  15. Libertarians in NY did not get many signatures. The LP came nowhere close to making the ballot.

  16. @Wind,

    I Dunno. I went to the SBOE website and saw that no Libertarian/Sharpe petition had been filed, though a small Libertarian/Oliver had been. So I went to the LPNY website and went to their petitioning page.

    It looks like the Libertarian petition was generally a volunteer effort. They then had a section for the Sare petition. It stated, “When you go out and petition, we also urge that you ask voters to sign this petition for Diane Sare …” Perhaps “urge” was too strong a verb.

    Since any registered voter may sign an independent petition, maybe there is a custom in New York of gathering signatures for multiple candidates.

  17. All of Sare For Senate petitioners were supporters of Diane and volunteered their time. 70k signatures translates into three to four times that many people who came in contact with the Sare campaign. In doing that, the campaign was able to put its finger on the pulse of New Yorkers. One that describes what NY voters want is CHANGE! The change that is needed to alter the direction the nation has taken since the 1989-90 collapse of the Soviet Union and the emergence of the “rules-based order.” A frightening new world order designed to punish governments that refuse to go along with colonialism, IMF subjugation, de-industrialization, and material scarcity dictated to them by the Paris Accords. Americans are beginning to awaken from their sleep of Reason to realize that they must begin to take responsibility for the state of their nation before they lose everything that is dear to them, God, Country, and Family.

  18. Voters want change, quite literally, as many are reduced to begging on the streets due to inflation, while illegal influx, crime, Defund the police et. C make the streets themselves and especially anyone approaching you on them a thing to flee.

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