Marshall Burt, Elected to the Wyoming Legislature in 2020 as a Libertarian, but Defeated in 2022, is Running Again as a Republican

Marshall Burt, the Wyoming Libertarian elected to the legislature in 2020, but who was defeated running for re-election in 2022, is trying again this year, but as a Republican.  See this story, which says he still has the same political beliefs.


Marshall Burt, Elected to the Wyoming Legislature in 2020 as a Libertarian, but Defeated in 2022, is Running Again as a Republican — 88 Comments

    1/2 X 1/2 = 1/4


  2. And just like that, the LP loses yet another of its most successful candidates to the GOP. Good luck to him!

  3. If he maintains a good libertarian voting record if elected as a Republican I do not have a problem with it.

  4. Oh no, commie retard Whitfield won’t be donating. Whatever will we do?

  5. Them retards need to make up there mind and quit switching up beeps!

  6. @AZ He was consistently in favor of legalizing marijuana, as well as better against gun control than most Republicans.

  7. South Africa was much better under Apartheid, even for most blacks. Lincoln Chaffee already tried running as a libertarian, and few libertarians were interested.

  8. WY LEGIS 4/2024. —

    ST SEN 2 D , 29 R
    ST H REPS 5 D, 57 R


  9. How many parties won seats in Puerto Rico? Why is the AZ bot obsessed with Puerto Rico? Is its programmer from there?

  10. Burt interestingly mis-describes the causes of the “Libertarian chasm.” He should know it’s not between Trump supporters and others, but between the Mises Mice and Ye Olde Tyme Libertarians and began well before 2024. SOME of the Mises Mice may be Trumpists, but others are just alt-right alt-white folks in general, and many of them are also still in the GOP, and ready to reject even Trump-tagged primary candidates if not sufficiently wingnut for them.

  11. PUERTO RICO REGIME – 4-2024

    SENATE – 12 DPP / 10 NPP / 5 OTHER
    HREPS – 25 DPP / 21 NPP / 5 OTHER

    GUV – NPP


    READY FOR 269-269 TIE IN 12 AMDT IN NOV 2024 ???

  12. There are many Wyomings gobbled up within states like NY. We need microscaling of government. Even wyoming is too big. The U.S. should be about 3,000 countries.

  13. Sorry. I did not mean to call Burt butt. Google called him that on my behalf.

  14. SocraticGadfly is just Robert K Stock trolling. Ignore his retardedness.

  15. In the unlikely event the 10% poll has any relationship to reality besides none or inverse, 99% of the 10% will be back on board the Trump train before November . Additionally, they would be more than made up for by equal or larger numbers of Democrats, former Democrats and independents who will now be more, not less, likely to vote for Trump.

  16. You still need to get unstuck in addition to following your own advice

  17. Stop trolling: I am not SocraticGadfly. I NEVER use a pseudonym. I only comment under my own name.

  18. Who cares either way? You either have logical points or you don’t. Who is making them is irrelevant distraction . Part of the advantages of talking to people in a semi anonymous forum is removing the ad hominem distractions from discussions. Someone keeps trying to add them back in, for no good reason. While themselves posting anonymously under multiple names. This person is stuck in arrested psychological development and needs mental health therapy. Posting the same accusations / projections over and over in different articles here like a bot is not that therapy. It’s just an annoying distraction and an obvious attempt to keep some viewpoints from being heard or considered.

  19. You’re stuck on Stock lol. Literally nobody cares who you are or who I am or who anyone else is on here. Get another hobby or something more useful to occupy your time

  20. Stop trolling = mentally challenged , sexually abused, arrested development mental child, malicious troll , projecting hypocrite, waste of space, breath and air.




  22. I’m not a troll or a moron and I’m not attacking myself. I’m sick and tired of the troll moron who’s constantly claiming that anyone from the left (and even some people who are not) are Robert Stock and trolls etc in an effort to run them off. I’m not Robert Stock or even from the left myself, but there is no reason that only right wingers should participate in discussions here. The little piece of crap alt right Trumptard troll is the one who needs to stop trolling, and I say this even as someone who is leaning more right than left and quite possibly voting for Trump as the lesser evil myself.

  23. Are trolls etc. Actually, the biggest trolls, morons, and retards here are the ones who are constantly accusing other people of being trolls, morons and retards. And the person or people trolling under a lot of names is/are the ones accusing other people of doing what they’re doing.

  24. I’m not Taran either, and his politics views are disgusting if he’s serious, but I think he’s right about the biggest troll moron here being a boy or young man who was sexually molested and, if not actually still a child himself, stuck in arrested psychological development, basically mentally a child and trying to resolve his in the closet homosexuality through through trolling, juvenile homophobia, and projection.

    And then you have the AZ bot. Obviously, a bot can’t be a retard or a troll. But it was obviously created and programmed by a troll to simulate a retard.

    As for Robert Stock, yes, he is a communist Satanist, which are abhorrent views to me, but I’ve seen zero evidence that he posts under any names except his own, although it’s 100% obvious that the slimy little troll who keeps accusing him of doing that does.

  25. All of you are troll moron retards. Except me, of course. I’m wonderful. I know everything, and I can read minds. Trust me, because I said so. If you don’t agree, you’re a troll moron retard.

  26. Shut up, troll. If you’re not for Trump, you’re a commie who needs to be dropped from a helicopter, and probably Robert Stock. By the way, I’m not a troll moron and I don’t post under multiple names. Also, you’re gay and I’m not. And being gay is bad.

  27. I know you are, but what am I? Also, your mother. Let’s talk about your mother. I heard she shaves her head and wears combat boots. Your mother is so fat, she has her own zip code. She’s a dirty slut and carries a mattress on her back. This is all true. I’m not a childish troll. Believe me.

  28. Stuck on stock: yes, I’m serious. And it’s your oppressive capitalist system that’s disgusting. It’s not just disgusting, it’s an existential threat to the human species and Mother Earth. Short sighted greed could kill us all and kill our Mother, and you deny it or just don’t care. That is what’s really disgusting.


    Verdict changes nothing. The people who thought Trump was guilty and wouldn’t vote for him before are the same ones who think he’s guilty and wouldn’t vote for him now. The people who were going to vote for him don’t think he’s guilty regardless of what any jury says and will still vote for him even if he’s in jail.

    And he probably won’t be in jail. It’s more likely that he will get fines / probation. Even if he gets a jail sentence, he’ll probably remain free while on appeal. The appeal probably won’t be heard until after the election, which he very well might win. Whether the wins or loses, the conviction will probably get overturned .

  30. Shut up, commie. Fake news. Are you Robert Stock? Am I Robert Stock? Is Robert Stock even Robert Stock? Is there anyone who is not Robert Stock?

  31. Now “Taran” has returned. When the AZ BOT calls Stock and his personalities troll morons, you know you are pathetic.

  32. Taran is my real birth name. Tara is my mother’s name. I haven’t returned or left. I don’t always have time for your nonsense. Unlike you, I’m busy with a real life. I’m sure stop trolling is what your parents named you. Well, your mother carried you for nine months, give or take a couple, so she probably knew you would be a piece of crap troll. I don’t see where troll moron AZ called Robert Stock a troll moron or agreed with your claims that I or anyone else is Robert Stock, but I see where he called you a troll moron. Yes, I know you’re pathetic.

  33. You’re Robert Stock. You’re the troll, not me. It’s obviously true, because I say it all the time under a lot of different names. Everyone believes me, obviously. I wouldn’t say it if it wasn’t true.

  34. Being gay is not bad. I wish I was more gay. My ultimate goal is to transition to being a woman and be a lesbian. I’m still more attracted to women than men, but I’m doing what I can to be as gay as possible until I can become a woman.

  35. Ok, I guess I should admit I’m a gay communist troll too. I don’t if I’m Robert Stock. I’m so messed up on drugs and booze all the time, I have no idea who I am. When I say stop trolling, I’m mostly talking to myself, because I can never remember anything. I really do need to stop trolling, but I probably won’t. I’m way too addicted to it. Wish me luck.

  36. “Taran is stock” is the troll “stop trolling.” He is the terrible liar who needs to stop trolling.




    2ND AMDT DEAD ???

  38. Your posts are no exception to the troll moron rantings, unless you actually are a bot, which is always a possibility. CIA/NSA code breakers have better things to do. Nobody except the troll morons cares who they are. That’s assuming there’s more than one of you. The gun charge against Hunter is legitimate because he was a crackhead, and the last thing we need out there is crackheads with guns.

  39. Ron: I am none of those people. I have NEVER used an alias. I only comment under my own name.

  40. Ron and Phil are among the endless aliases of the troll who sometimes posts as “stop trolling.” He is obsessed with Robert Stock for some weird reason and is the only one making all the posts accusing various people of being Stock – basically, anyone from the left who ever comments here, anyone who calls him out for trolling, and some other people. He has admitted in the past that he was sexually molested and abused as a young boy.

    That’s really all we know about this troll, other than that he is a Trump supporter and uses so many aliases that if he ever did post his real name nobody would know. It’s possible that he doesn’t even remember it anymore himself, due to the nonstop trolling, substance abuse, and mental illness, which might include multiple personality disorder in real life and not just online.

    I’m not Robert Stock, and I don’t agree with his sick views. Maybe he posts under other names, maybe not. I’ve seen no evidence and I don’t care. The troll accusing him and various other people obviously does, though.

  41. Robert, it’s painfully obvious it’s all one person who is accusing you. He’ll keep doing it regardless of how many times you say that. You should really ignore him. Unless you’re doing it yourself, in which case you should get mental health help immediately.

    I should have said the troll is or pretends to be a Trump superfan. I’m not, but I might vote for Trump as the lesser evil or cast a protest vote. I have not decided yet, and probably won’t for a while. I know I won’t vote for Biden, but other than that, various options are on the table.

  42. This has been going on for several years from back when I was still a member of the Libertarian Party. I don’t expect it to ever end. I tried ignoring them for over a year, but imposters began posting using my name. I would rather periodically state that I do not use pseudonyms, then have my name used by these folks.

  43. Stuck on Stock is probably Stock himself. We do know Stock is mentally ill.

  44. Robert,

    It’s not going to stop him from impersonating and using your name. If anything, it will encourage him to do exactly that.

  45. “Stock needs help” is the same mentally ill childish troll. There’s no “we” there, just one child (actual or mental).
    I don’t see evidence that Robert Stock is mentally ill, unless you just mean his political and religious views.

    I think they are sick and crazy in a colloquial sense, not necessarily actually mentally ill. I see plenty of evidence that the multiple names troll who keeps accusing Robert and various other people, including me, of being the same person is in fact mentally ill himself.

  46. I have spoken to Mr. Winger. If anyone impersonates me in the future he will take down the fake post and block the user. That is why I resumed posting.

    I want to post to clarify misconceptions about Communism. I think that the people on this site should hear about what Communism is from an actual Communist instead of the Cold War Propaganda that most Americans believe to be true.

  47. I’m not a troll moron retard. I repeat, I’m not a troll moron retard. Anyone who says I’m a troll moron retard is a troll moron retard. Don’t be a troll moron retard, and don’t call me a troll moron retard, you troll moron retards.

  48. No they shouldn’t. Communism is fucking retarded, which explains why you are a troll using multiple names to push your retarded views.

  49. Tom: I have NEVER used multiple names. I only comment under my own name.

  50. It is mean to say it’s hilarious watching troll Robert K Stock becoming unhinged? Fitting for a communist Satanist retard like him.

  51. Everyone should support Trump. He will save America and root out the evils of communism.

  52. When an individual joins the LP, he must sign the non-aggression pledge. The party should also include a question asking the individual which party he intends to join after he inevitably leaves the LP.

  53. That’s stupid. For one thing, not everyone leaves. For another, some of those who leave don’t join any other party . And the ones that eventually will generally don’t know that when they join the LP. The pledge is also dumb, since lots of people disagree about what it means and or sign it in bad faith.

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