South Carolina Alliance Party Nominates Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

On May 25, the Alliance Party, which is ballot-qualified in South Carolina, nominated Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., for president.  In 2020 the party had nominated Rocky De La Fuente for president.  In 2016 it had nominated Peter Skewes for president.  When the party first qualified in 2016, it was named the American Party, but in 2018 had changed its name to the Alliance Party.

South Carolina has more ballot-qualified parties than any state except Florida.  Although the petition requirement to create a new party in South Carolina is not easy, the retention law is very easy.  A party can stay on the ballot indefinitely as long as it nominates at least one candidate for any partisan office every four years.


South Carolina Alliance Party Nominates Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. — 28 Comments


    You should of stated Roque “Rocky” De La Fuente.

    Also yesterday I had a talk with Richard Winger related to NRS 41.193 & NRS 41.195. Plus the statue monument of the Hon. David “Old Davy^ Rice Atchison at Plattsburgh, Missouri.

    It was during the period of Noon March 4, 1849 to Noon March 5. 1849 (just under24 hours Old Davy was Acting POTUS), however the Biden administration in a 1984 style cover up is trying to cover up American History by claiming that Archison was never the Acting POTUS so they can remover that statue from its place of honor because he.was a the
    Confederate States.of America.

  2. The Florida Reform Party is (or was?) affiliated with the Alliance Party, and they have a history of co-nominating the same tickets. So if that’s what you’re thinking of, then yes.

  3. It’s an uphill battle to get enough states to certify by June 20. Getting 15%+ is much more likely, as is actually qualifying for enough electors, but not having a sufficient number of those qualifications certified. The last one is likely to be a real stretch.

  4. As of yet, RFK does not have ballot access in Florida either through Reform Party-Florida or through Natural Law party-Florida although these parties did make him their candidate through other their subsidiaries from other states. Also Alliance Party in Alaska has ballot access and as of yet they haven’t made him their Presidential candidate. Would be interesting to see if they will give their vote to go. As well as the Liberal Party USA which broker away from the Libertarian party and has ballot access in Massachusetts and Virginia.

  5. The last one would seem aligned with Oliver. Perhaps Kennedy could be the first President of Alaska, although probably not before e.g. polar ice caps completely melting, global thermonuclear full scale exchange, extraterrestrials coming out in the open on establishment media channels, or other events of similar magnitude.

  6. The Alliance Party of Alaska is not ballot-qualified. It only has 66 registered voters in Alaska. It is possible it has done the Limited Party Petition (which qualifies a party for the presidential election but no other office).

  7. Alaska reference was to prospect of Alaskan Independence presidential nomination mentioned somewhere in discussions above.

  8. How did we go from the Alliance Party of Alaska to the Alaskan Independence Party? Unfortunately, I don’t think the former wants to secede.

  9. The CT Independent Party was an Alliance affiliate previously and Minnesota Independence Party still is. Odd that SC is going it alone with this announcement.
    I think Kennedy has a decent shot at the Oregon Independent Party nomination as well, but for now it looks like their decision is scheduled for late July or early August.

  10. Kennedy really is getting screwed over, by denial of secret service protection, disingenuously hinging debate inclusion on state certifications which will take longer than the alloted time while simultaneously pretending Biden and Trump are already nominated when they are not…you don’t buck the fascist establishment cartel without consequences, particularly as a prior adjunct member.

  11. @RW,

    Alaska has political parties and political bodies. To be recognized as a political body requires some paperwork. Voters may then register with the political body. Candidates in Top 4 elections may have their affiliation with a political party or body recognized on the ballot.

    In 2022, there were two Constitution Party candidates for the House, and one Veterans Party candidate for the Senate.

    The Veterans candidate got 35% running in a Bethel-area seat running against a Democrat.

    One Constitution candidate ran 5th in the Top 4 primary, but was placed on the general election ballot after another candidate withdrew. The other Constitution candidate qualified for another seat, but withdrew (it was a closely contested DR seat, and an R and the C withdrew to avoid splitting the Non-D vote.

    For presidential elections only recognized parties and “limited political parties” may have candidates. The recognized parties are Democratic, Libertarian, Republican, and Alaska Independence. The Limited Political Parties are Aurora, Constitution, and No Labels (No Candidates).

  12. Blaming anarchists and libertarians for the Floyd riots instead of socialists and communists, endlessly supporting and endorsing of Fauci, promoting log cabin republicanism and stabbing the J6 martyrs in the back, were all a mere prelude? How very comforting.

  13. You can nitpick all you want, and there’s plenty to nitpick. The practical alternative is far worse, and there’s just one. Trump is getting much better. You’ll see, eventually. You thrive on nitpicking, always missing the forest for the trees. Some people are like that, for whatever reason. We’re still going to win, and save America.

  14. Yeah, you go and do that, but don’t come crying to me when it blows up in your face because Trump and RFK are no better than Biden.

  15. I wouldn’t, because Trump is incomparably better than Beijing Biden. Also, Trump is getting better and Quisling Biden is getting worse.

  16. Finally, they decided to act. The Alliance Party is too slow and weak. Unless they make major changes, they are going to collapse quickly.

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