Law Professor Derek Muller Summarizes the Precedents that States Cannot Add to the Qualifications for Candidates for President

Law Professor Derek Muller here lists many of the precedents that say states cannot add to the qualifications for presidential candidates to appear on the ballot. There are a few others that he did not mention, such as the California litigation striking down a California law requiring presidential candidates to reveal their income tax returns as a ballot access requirement.

Most of the precedents relate to congressional candidates, not presidential candidates. There are approximately 50 precedents that say states cannot add to the qualifications for congressional candidates.


Law Professor Derek Muller Summarizes the Precedents that States Cannot Add to the Qualifications for Candidates for President — 86 Comments

  1. So the Age Limits for US House candidates in North Dakota should get thrown out in court.

  2. Frank: Trump is only 3 years younger than Biden. Any concern you have regarding Biden’s health or cognitive ability applies equally to Trump. I think no one 75 or older should hold office.

  3. Yet Stock voted for Biden who was over 75 four years ago. What a fucking retarded hypocrite.

  4. Cognitive decline is correlated with age, but not directly corresponding. Trump has no signs of mental decline, whereas Beijing Biden has severe senile dementia.




  6. Biden is somewhere between vegetable and weekend at bernies, while Trump is extraordinarily sharp for any age, much less his.

  7. Fascist fauci belongs in a gallows. One of the worst criminals of all time, and a traitor to boot.

  8. ALL ballot access laws censor voters by adding qualifications such as “modicum” of pre-election support or not being “frivolous” in the opinion of one’s opposition or “cluttering” the ballot because one is not the candidate of an incumbent political party to receive votes. All of these “qualifications” are are NOT constitutional qualifications. Or the most arrogant unconstitutional qualification of all – “confusing the voters” before one can even campaign for office. All these excuses are sheer fascism to keep the candidates of state-sponsored parties the ONLY choices allowed voters.

  9. Dave: I will not vote for Biden again. It is possible that I will vote for all other offices and leave the Presidential line blank. It depends on who makes the Oklahoma ballot.

  10. “Depends on who makes the ballot”, well that determines the outcome doesn’t it? Ballot access laws skew all elections for fascist Republicrats.

  11. Why not? I’ll vote for Biden again. I think he’s the lesser evil from a scientific socialist perspective.

  12. Demonrats are way more fascist than Republicans, and ballots are the problem with ballot access laws.

  13. Dave: I just decided a couple of months ago that no one over 75 should hold office. I did not think that way when I voted for Biden in 2020, but I do now. That is not hypocrisy. That is changing my mind based on what I have observed.

  14. I am not voting for Biden or Trump because they are both over 75 and both represent Capitalist parties. I reject the lesser of two evils idea. I think it is better not to vote at all if you only have a greater or lesser evil to choose from. I have just come to this conclusion today.

  15. Trump is actually the lesser evil from a scientific socialist perspective. The most radical, fascist tinged right wing capitalist is the one who brings a crisis of capitalism to a head earlier, hastening the global workers revolution. Biden just delays the inevitable.




  17. There is no lesser evil, and minor parties and independent presidential candidates are window dressing. Elections under the oppressive capitalist cartel/global death cult (capitalism is a universal murder-suicide pact to set back evolution on earth by a couple of billion years) are a complete sham and farce. Voting in them only validates the system.

    The capitalist system of oppression can’t be reformed, it has to be overthrown. It won’t be overthrown through elections. The plantation owners present an illusion of choice among overseers, not a real choice to overthrow themselves. It’s completely dishonest and stage managed, purely for propaganda value.

    There is no shortcut to organizing for violent global workers revolution. Electoral politics once presented an arguable opening for vanguard parties, which was even then counterproductive to the extent that it urged people deemed worthy of being allowed to vote by the plantation masters to register and do so.

    Now, any good vanguard parties ever conceivably accomplished can be done more effectively outside the artificial facade of electoral politics. We must now all unite as scientists of socialism to teach workers to deregister to vote as a sign of withdrawing consent from the capitalist oppression system and its fake elections facade. And out of solidarity with felons (slaves who bucked up), young people, and migrants who are denied participation. We must stand as one and advocate against voting!

    Biden and Trump are just two boots of the same overseer. There is no lesser evil. It’s the same evil.

  18. Stock is now talking to himself via Taran and Dylan in the same thread. We all know they are you. Just give it up.

  19. @D Frank Robinson
    How do you counter the argument that any candidate can just register as a write-in and have votes for them counted? Therefore ballot access laws are not qualifications.

  20. “We all” in this case being the multiple personalities of a sexually, physically and emotionally abused child who has developed substance abuse problems and mental illness, including multiple personality disorder (probably not only online), and is stuck in projection, trolling, and arrested development.

    Poor unfortunate “wee all” should get therapy from qualified competent mental health professionals , but won’t. There comes a time to put away childish things. For pathetic stuck little Wee All, that time will probably never come.

    As for everyone else, no one knows or cares. Taran, Dylan, and Robert have three perspectives on who communists should support – Biden as lesser evil, not vote, or undecided. Nobody here knows, cares, or should care who they are offline, or whether they are one, two, three, or a whole boiler room of meatspace people.

    I oppose communism as much as Wee All does or pretends to, but they have a right to have their opinions heard and considered here just as much as WeeAll and other Trump cult fans. I might well vote for Trump as the lesser evil and might well cast a protest vote, but some Trump fans are as unhinged as some Trump haters.

    Communism as an opinion is just a viewpoint to be counteracted with logic and historical facts. Whereas, Wee All’s trolling and wannabe bullying is obnoxious virtual thuggery – trying to intimidate opposing views into silence. That can not be tolerated. That’s why I’m standing for the right of even communists to be heard. The communists here aren’t Kim Jong Un or Pol Pot – they have no power to implement their ideas. Wee All is acting more like a communist does in power, trying to shut up anyone who disagrees.

  21. SIATIAT,

    That’s because he is actually one of us. He just pretends to be anticommunist. Actually, he’s a card carrying member of our revolutionary communist workers youth brigade. He’s part of our communist troll army of young revolutionary incels which is secretly behind the alt right troll movement – we are working to overthrow capitalism by hastening its crisis through making capitalism maximally capitalist, just as Marx envisioned creating the necessary threshold for revolution.

  22. Exactly. We, the incels, must get all the vagina according to our needs, and each vagina must be given up according to her abilities. The alt right is just a mask for the real communist incel troll revolution. Incels of the world unite, you have nothing to lose except your crippling loneliness, depression, and constant nonstop unsatisfied sexual urges!

  23. Wee All knows that you’re all actually Robert Stock. Wee All demands that you all must leave the ball and go home, and leave Wee All as the.king of the anthill, alone on the playground with all the characters he creates. You can only stay if you bow to playground king Wee All and his religious idol, Donald Trump. Wee issue this royal decree affective immediate like.

  24. @ Dylan @ communists for Trump

    Wow, come to think of it, Trump does seem to believe we have fake elections in the US, just like communists such as Dylan do. I wonder if Trump, the offline troll, is also secretly a communist?

    I mean, he’s obviously a capitalist, but he certainly wouldn’t be the first capitalist who is also a communist – Armand Hammer, et al. His advocacy of ultra capitalism could be a false flag, just like the alt right troll army, now revealed to be a false flag front of the commie incel revolutionary youth brigade?

    Trump does believe in grabbing vaginas without permission from their owners, just like a communist.

    And what’s his whole deal with Putin? Putin the cagey bee was KGB, and Trump was allegedly compromised and blackmailed by Soviet Intel starting with his trips to Moscow in the 1980s and bailed out of business bankruptcy with their help in the 1990s. Maybe it’s true that the Soviet Union only pretended to collapse. Feigning surrender is an ancient Russian military tactic.

    In which case, the head Communist for Trump is…Trump !

  25. “Stock is a troll” is a troll is obviously Stock projecting his childhood abuse on someone else. It’s a sign of mental illness, for which he needs help. Multiple personalities is another.

    Therapy will help. Stock, please seek it.

  26. Wee all: you’re talking to yourself, boy, and you know it. You’re not fooling anyone. And you know that too.

  27. “Stock is a troll” is a troll and is obviously projecting his childhood abuse on someone else. It’s a sign of mental illness, for which he needs help. Multiple personalities is another.

    Therapy will help. “Stock is a troll”, please seek it.

  28. Dylan, do you think the Communists for Trump / Trump is a communist theory might be valid? Robert, Taran, anyone else, your thoughts? Not you, wee all.

  29. “Everyone else” (Stock) is a troll and is obviously projecting his childhood abuse on someone else. It’s a sign of mental illness, for which he needs help. Multiple personalities is another.

    Therapy will help. “Everyone else”, (Stock) please seek it.

  30. No, Wee All, everyone here except you is not Robert Stock. You know it, I know it, and everyone here knows it.

    “Stock is a troll” aka Wee All is a troll who is obviously projecting his childhood abuse on someone else. It’s a sign of mental illness, for which he needs help. Multiple personalities is another.

    Therapy will help. “Stock is a troll”/Wee All, please seek it.

  31. No wonder Motel 6 has such terrible reviews. Stock is too busy trolling here under multiple names.

  32. The communists for Trump / Trump as a communist theory is intriguing, but I have no way to judge how far fetched it is or isn’t. There’s no time for false flag speculation. We must prepare for armed revolution, print guns and ammunition, organize the workers, stock up on canned goods, etc, etc. Trump and Biden and pretend elections are circus acts and distractions. We need serious communist workers revolutionary army military training and organization. We need to acquire nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons. Etc, etc, etc.

  33. I know I’m a troll, but maybe I’m Stock? I wish I knew who I am, but I don’t, and neither does anyone else. I’ve been told my parents possibly named me Stop Trolling, due to my constant rowdy and unruly behavior as a fetus, but soon after I developed a stalker like obsession with Robert Stock as a teenager, I had it legally changed to Stock Is A Troll. You all don’t know me well enough to be on a first name basis, so I prefer to be addressed as Mr. Troll, if you would please.

  34. Mr. Troll is obviously projecting his childhood abuse on someone else. It’s a sign of mental illness, for which he needs help. Multiple personalities is another.

    Therapy will help. Mr. T, please seek it.

  35. “Dylan” (Stock) is calling for violence. Typical commie retard.

  36. TDS: capitalism is violence. I’m calling on oppressed workers to fight back, cappie retard.

    On further reflection, maybe the Trump-communist conjecture has some validity, since TDS wants to distract from it, but even if it does I still wouldn’t vote for Trump or any other candidates, and will continue to call for not voting, not registering to vote, and unregistering from voting if you’re already registered.

  37. “Dylan”, who of course is really Stock, is a retard. He doesn’t understand that capitalism lifts people out of poverty, while communism does just the opposite.

    Or maybe “Dylan” (Stock) is trolling again because he changes his views as much as he changes his underwear.

  38. Hmmmm: No I don’t think it’s a valid argument. Whether Republicans or Democrats are in power it makes no difference. They are both Capitalist exploiters of the workers. And they both need to go.

  39. Now Stock is posting as himself instead of Dylan. Multiple personalities on display.

  40. “Pete” who is of course Wee All aka Mr Troll aka Mr Retard, is a retard who doesn’t understand that communismclifts people out of poverty, while capitalism does just the opposite.

    Or maybe “Pete” (Wee All/Mr. Retard/ Mr. Troll) is trolling again because he changes his views as much as he changes his underwear, which is never.

  41. Communism lifts people out of poverty. Capitalism does the opposite. The biggest retard is the one who had that backwards, just like he does who’s trolling under multiple names here, which is of course himself.

  42. Of course I never change opinions or underwear. I’m loyal and consistent to both. Only retards change their views or their panties.

  43. I’m still wearing the same panties I got molested in as a young boy. I’m stuck on my undies just like I’m stuck on Stock and stuck in my juvenile mental development phase.

  44. Robert,

    Idk, exploitation of workers occurs at different levels or grows at different rates. Marx proposed that capitalism would get worse and worse for workers until they reach a breaking point, whereupon communist revolution.

    So, wouldn’t the best candidate for communists to support be the purest realistically electable capitalist? Sure, Biden is a capitalist too, but slightly more moderate. And moderate is bad here, since it slows down the process of capitalism becoming worse and worse which is a prerequisite for revolution.

    How is this wrong? Biden is not a marginally more moderate capitalist than Trump?

  45. Could “Taran” and “Dylan” actually be bots programmed by Stock to spread fake news and retarded ideas?




  47. Nobody knows for sure, and nobody cares. There’s a definite possibility Wee All/Mr.Troll/Mr. Trolling/Mr. Retard is spinning off bots left and right (but mostly right) and deploying them here.

    The communist incel revolutionary troll army brigade operating under the false flag of an alt right pro Trump troll army maximizes its impact across platforms by spinning off as many bots and AZs as possible.

  48. AZ: counterrevolutionary greed and treason to the motherland in cooperation with foreign spies and propaganda caused the collapse of the USSR. It was the greatest tragedy in human history.

  49. Maybe Thomas W Jones (RIP) is back from the dead to harass the living in the form of the AZ bot?

  50. The USSR never collapsed. We pretended to collapse to lull the capitalist scum into complacency and letting down their guard so we can conquer them. Everything is proceeding according to plan. You can’t make an omelette without a pan and a source of heat.

  51. Hmmmm, the differences between Democrats and Republicans are way too small to matter, and the president has very little actual power over what actually happens balanced against congress, courts, bureaucrats, federal reserve, state and local governments, foreign governments, international bureaucracies and NGOs, and most of all the unelected power of capital and its influence peddlers and flaterrer /flunky / sycophants.

    Any time analysing, organizing for, or participating in the staged phony November election is better spent doing the same for the global workers revolution. We have nothing to lose but our chains!

  52. I might be a retard, but you retards really are something, let me tell you!

  53. I don’t think so. AZ is the BAN troll moron in chief, and it’s a bot, not a carbon based lifeform, therefore immune to autobrewing.

  54. Because you keep trolling. All because you’re intolerant of certain opinions even being expressed, and stir up a bunch of bs to try to drive people off, which doesn’t even drive them off. Just stop it. Engage their wrong ideas on the merits, ridicule them, or ignore them.

    Do you think they’re converting people here? I doubt it. They’re just blowing off steam like the rest of us. Nobody is changing anyone’s opinions here. Nobody knows or cares who is or isn’t using multiple names. Obviously you are. Maybe Stock is, maybe he’s not. I’ve seen no evidence, and he denies it.

    Either way, it makes zero difference either way. Ideas are either right or wrong, an and you either make a good argument as to why they’re right or wrong or you don’t. It makes absolutely no difference who says it, the only thing that matters is what they say.

    The worst, most ridiculous waste of space trolling comments here are the ones about this person is supposedly that person, I know you are but what am I, etc. Every time that crap pops up it just multiplies endlessly. Just stop. Ideas that are crazy and retarded, can safely be ignored or laughed at. We’re not on the verge of any communist revolution. It’s a failed experiment that’s well in its way into the ash heap of history.

    If I could stop one kind of trolling here, it’s the pointless speculation about people’s identities and supposed alternate identities, especially by hypocritical individuals who are anonymous as well.

  55. You sound like a troll. Or, you’re a troll. I’m actually pretty far right, but I’m tired of you trashing the comments here and hypocritically disrespecting anonymity with your pointless identity speculation and trying to out Anons. As for commies, I have no problem with dropping them out of helicopters. That’s not what you’re doing.

    Sunlight is the best disinfectant. Exposing their ideas to examination is what keeps them from coming to power, not trying to drive them away with your trolling crap which is hypocritical, annoying, and doesn’t work.

  56. If the president has very little actual power, why is so much time and money and effort spent on running for president?

  57. Ignore all bots: the circuses part of bread and circuses. It’s purely 100% entertainment and distraction from what’s really going on, which is not up for a popular vote or public examination. The real power broker’s operate in the shadows.

    But, very little is not none. It matters somewhat who is president, just not nearly as much as a lot of people think. For communists like me, it’s better if the president is the most anticommunist, antiregulatory, antitax, naturalists choice possible. The worse capitalism and the more quickly, the closer we get to a people’s communist revolution – the real thing, on a global scale.

  58. Our incel communist troll army operating under the false flag of an alt right Trumptard troll army, which has now unleashed AI equipped self replicating troll bots all over the internet, as well as AZs (ARTIFICIAL ZOMBIEs) designed to suck up the brains of all the retards who engage them, will be the linchpin of the global communist revolution.

  59. Errata;

    The worse capitalism gets and the more quickly…


    The most… Of the ones who can actually win. Being realpolitik communists, our interest in candidates who can’t win is limited to how they impact the horse race between the two that can.

  60. C4T, your first paragraph at 8:54 is correct. The second is just playing into our oppressors hands. You might be correct at 9:00. Probably not, but we’ll see.

  61. How does Mr. Trolling (We All, Mr. Retard, etc, etc) come up with all his bot names?

  62. The problem with any type of cognitive test, is that it can easily be rigged to filter out people based on their beliefs. Same problem as with the arguments that people should pass a test before they are allowed to vote, or that parents should pass test before they are allowed to raise children, etc. Any attempt at regulation will always be abused, therefore any attempt at regulation is fundamentally bad.

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