Link to New Mexico Presidential Primary Results

On June 4, New Mexico held presidential primaries for the Democratic, Republican, and Libertarian Parties.  See here.  Lars Mapstead won the Libertarian primary with 58%, defeating the uncommitted slate.

The primary is not binding.  No Libertarian presidential primary is ever binding.  The ballot-qualified Libertarian Party of New Mexico will choose a presidential nominee on June 12, Wednesday.


Link to New Mexico Presidential Primary Results — 20 Comments


    There’s a NM LP with ballot access, but they are not affiliated with the national party, so there’s no way of telling (at least based on what I know) which presidential ticket if any they will put on the ballot. The national L.P. is finding a separate ballot access drive, which they report may be in danger of failing.

    The Montana L.P. has said they are not putting Oliver-Termite on the ballot. There are probably more states with existing L.P. ballot access which will be making similar announcements. Other states like Alabama and Kentucky report many of their members are opposed to running a presidential ticket this year, which could well lead to ballot drive failures in various states.

  2. Biden, Beijing Quisling (bbq) is definitely the worst president ever.

    Bets on how many states hr dept Oliver and Fed Termite end up on? I’m guessing 10-20?

  3. I agree with Libertarian Trump Donor. I’m guessing they will be on in about 12 states.

  4. See above. They might. The LPNM which actually has ballot access is not a part of the national party and not bound by their convention presidential ticket choice. The national party is doing a separate ballot access drive, which may or may not succeed.

  5. Reader, That would be a mistake. I meant the national party should have nominated him. But the delegates voted. Why sew more division?

  6. It’s not division. LPNM is not part of that party, despite having a similar name. Various different state parties of that name will be putting on different presidential tickets, or none. The national party chair says support Trump in red states. Most of the LNC agrees. Montana says they are not putting hr dept Oliver and the fed termite on the ballot, urging other states not to either, and the LNC to revoke the nomination and replace them. That would be most excellent. NOTA 4 Trump!


  8. It’s happening!

    independentpoliticalreport d0t c0m/2024/06/colorado-libertarian-chair-says-she-plans-to-support-republican-donald-trump-in-2024-election/

    The whole L.P. is jumping on board with Trump, one state at a time!

  9. (Old) Mexico, just elected some communist woman as president, who is falsely claiming to be of Jewish descent for some reason. Perhaps she’s hoping to incite a “Queers for Palestine” stampede across the border?

  10. She’s not of Jewish descent? How do you know? And why would she say she is if she isn’t?

  11. She has like one Jewish great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather from who she gets her surname, Sheinbaum. When she went into politics, she started pulling all these other unverifiable “Jewish” ancestors nobody had ever heard of out of her ***. Why? No idea. If she thinks that would endear her in the present antisemitic climate, she is incredibly stupid – then again, she’s a communist so that’s a given. Regardless, she is even less Jewish than Liz Warren is Cherokee.

  12. @Libertarian Trump Donor
    The Colorado Libertarian Party issued a State Candidate Pledge of Liberty in 2023. This is the “deal” where if a Republican candidate signs the pledge, the Libertarians won’t run someone against them.

    Where is the similar pledge for Trump?

    Re New Mexico: What has Lars Mapstead, the only candidate on this primary ballot, said about Chase Oliver’s nomination by the national party?

  13. “What has Lars Mapstead, the only candidate on this primary ballot, said about Chase Oliver’s nomination by the national party?”
    Good question. And what have any of the other candidates said? For example, I haven’t heard a squeak out of Rectenwald on his socials nor his campaign site since before the LNC. (Still waiting to hear whether #GummyGate was the result of his own hubris or someone trying to nobble him.)

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