Tom DeLay Endorses Constitution Party National Ticket

On June 3, former Texas Republican congressman Tom DeLay endorsed the Constitution Party’s presidential ticket.  See this article.  DeLay was the U.S. House Majority Leader between 2003 and 2005.

DeLay argues that boosting Randall Terry would actually help former President Donald Trump defeat President Joe Biden.  More attention for the Terry candidacy, he reasons, would influence some voters to shift their vote from Biden to Trump.  This is a more sophisticated argument than may be first apparent.  In 1936 the Communist Party ran a ticket in opposition to Franklin Roosevelt and Alf Landon, but the party believed that its campaign propaganda would actually help Roosevelt.

This type of thinking is bolstered by the book Predictably Irrational, which presents experimental evidence that when there are three choices, and two of the choices are somewhat similar but one of the two is superior to the other, that helps the superior choice defeat the dissimilar choice.  In the case of voting, one could say the 1936 Communist and Democratic tickets were similar, in that they both supported the New Deal.  The Republican campaign was the dissimilar one.  But the Democratic choice was “superior” to the Communist choice because the Democratic Party was far more likely to be competitive than the Communist ticket.

Modern day spokespeople for the Democratic Party, who vociferously oppose candidates like Jill Stein and Cornel West and try to keep them off the ballot, don’t seem to comprehend the findings of Predictably Irrational.


Tom DeLay Endorses Constitution Party National Ticket — 34 Comments

  1. Well that is interesting. Has there ever been a case of such a high-ranking major party leader supporting giving their support to a third party before this?

  2. I wonder if the Constitution Party would have more support/name recognition if they didn’t change their name from U.S. Taxpayers Party?

  3. Terry makes this strategy the linchpin if his campaign. He’s not scared to put statements like “I assure you, when Biden loses, Trump wins” on his campaign website. That’s why Trump voters like myself are donating to Terry and asking every Trump supporter we know to do the same.

  4. What Pig Farmer and Roman Salute said!



  6. We need to help fund Terry so Trump can defeat the communist Chinese Manchurian candidate quisling puppet dictator Biden!

  7. Turnabout is fair play. Beijing Biden is trying to put Trump in prison on bogus charges. Trump is fully justified in having Quisling Pedo Joe prosecuted, convicted, and sentenced to be sodomized to death by bodybuilding negroes on death row for his many very real crimes, including selling out our country to the communist Chinese.

  8. There will be a Trump second term starting next year. It will be a time of righteous and joyous Old Testament style vengeance against all the evil sinister leftard demon rat evildoers. It has been a very long time coming, and revenge has never tasted so sweet. Personally, I’m very much looking forward to it.

  9. @Dalton – Congressman Tom Tancredo was the CP’s 2010 gubernatorial nominee in Colorado and got enough votes (second place!) to qualify it. Four years later, he went back to the GOP, but, thanks to his kick-start, the American Constitution Party of Colorado is still qualified.

  10. @Rule 34 – You need to watch the movie “The Shack.” It’s on YouTube for free.

  11. Trump n Terry! Dynamite! Blow up the communist demon rat party and the Beijing Biden puppet dictator regime!

  12. Everyone here knows that Trump should, and shall, be out President next year. Terry will help make that happen. Every Trump supporter, and every patriotic American, should donate to both Trump and Terry and vote Trump!

  13. Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord. Trump is the Lord. Trump shall have His vengeance. Amen and Hallelujah!

  14. Tom DeLay is a true patriot. We need to fund Terry to help ensure victory for Donald Trump!

  15. I’m starting to think Biden is going to win. It’s early, though.

  16. Voters can be tricky. So can juries. A lawyer once told me there are stupid juries. He had a case that was concrete and open and shut, but the jury didn’t believe in forensic evidence and found the defendant not guilty. So, if juries can be found stupid, voters aren’t that far behind them. Trump may have had a stupid jury that just wanted to get home or to the bar or most likely so confused (and liberal) they just found him guilty just to get it over with. My opinion is the jury thought they were voting in an election instead of a trial. Think about it.

  17. Biden is going to lose, and lose big. He will face justice for selling out our country, being a disgusting nasty filthy old pedo, and his many other heinous crimes. The tortuous retribution and execution will be truly epic. It will be a day of great entertainment and rejoicing for the masses as the heinous execution is broadcast on national television!

  18. Indeed, the humiliation torture of pedo traitor Biden leading up to his much deserved public execution will totally be the best part!


  20. It’s happening!

    https://independentpoliticalreport d0t c0m/2024/06/colorado-libertarian-chair-says-she-plans-to-support-republican-donald-trump-in-2024-election/

    The whole L.P. is jumping on board with Trump, one state at a time!

  21. Posting pro-Trump nonsense on his campaign site isn’t going to do Terry any favors. The now-deleted statement that “Trump has hurt Trump by waffling on his pro-life position […] Trump is running FROM abortion” was far more pertinent. Terry should be taking both Biden and Trump (and RFK and Oliver and Stein and West, etc.) to task. As he was before. The fact that he did so and backpedaled, makes him look weak and desperate/greedy for GOP support.

  22. Interesting theory. I guess we have no choice but put it to the test now.

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