Congressman Thomas Massie will Co-Moderate the Presidential Debate Sponsored by Free & Equal

Free and Equal is sponsoring a presidential debate on Friday, July 12, in Las Vegas, at Caesars Forum.  The event is simultaneous with Freedomfest.

Chase Oliver, Jill Stein, and Randall Terry are confirmed.  Invitations have also been extended to Cornel West, Joe Biden, Donald Trump, and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

The debate moderators will be Kentucky Congressman Thomas Massie, and Free & Equal founder Christina Tobin.  Massie is a Republican who has served in Congress since 2012.


Congressman Thomas Massie will Co-Moderate the Presidential Debate Sponsored by Free & Equal — 38 Comments

  1. Why is Randall Terry invited at all? He’s not even actually running for president. He’s, admittedly, only running to raise money to run ads about abortion hoping they push voters to Donald Trump. Claudia de la Cruz would be a better candidate to have at the debate.

  2. I don’t understand how or why Terry or Dr. West got invited. I checked the Free and Equal debate criteria, and as best I can tell they don’t qualify. Free and Equal said “To qualify, candidates must meet the following criteria: 1) be constitutionally eligible to serve as President and 2) have secured ballot access in a sufficient number of states to have a mathematical chance of securing the Electoral College majority in the upcoming election or receiving more than 2% in a national poll that meets Free & Equals polling standards.” According to the Constitution Party’s Ballot Access Website they have ballot access in 12 states totaling in 105 electoral votes and Nevada didn’t nominate Terry for it’s ballot line. Meaning, as best I can tell, Terry is only on the ballot in enough states to theoretically win 99 electoral votes. (below the electoral college majority threshold.) I’m not aware of a poll where Terry is at 2%. Dr. Cornel West is on the ballot, according to his campaign’s website, in just 7 states with a total of 55 electoral votes. (Well, well, well below an electoral college majority.) Though it is possible that Dr. West has met the 2% threshold in some polls.

  3. That’s surprisingly open minded, for a current member of Congress of either ruling party to agree to be a moderator for a multiparty debate. Kudos to Rep. Massie on this issue, and to Free and Equal for continuing to organize more multiparty debates. Quite the contrast to CNN’s free advertising for Biden and Trump which they are trying to pass off as a proper debate.

  4. Dr. West has met the 2% threshold in a number of polls (Real Clear Polling is a good source to keep track of polls). Good point about Terry though, I haven’t seen him included in any polls, let alone getting 2% or more in any. Free and Equal might want to reconsider that invitation in his case unless they know something we don’t.

  5. How many states won’t Chase Oliver be on? He may end up not making the threshold either if we get more awesome states like Montana.




  7. Randall Terry is highly likely to be on in enough states to reach 270. Unlike CNN, Free & Equal looks at petitioning progress to make its determination, instead of insisting that candidate is already certified. After all, even Biden and Trump aren’t on the ballot in any states whatsoever at this time. They get on the ballot only after they have been nominated. Neither one has been nominated yet. That happens in July and August.

  8. Even if you include states where they have begun petitioning according to your May roundup, the Constitution Party doesn’t get close to 270

  9. Joshua, agreed, especially since Stein is an investment hypocrite.

    Question 2: Will Brainworm Bobby say he’s above appearing with other minor party candidates, as Trump and Biden won’t show?

    Joe: Babylon Bee is a dumpster fire. #fify

    Richard: Per Montana LP, per NM LP having already nominated Marstead and owning its own ballot access, will he and other off-the-board Libertarians get invited?

  10. Dr. Stein would DESTROY Jill Biden (not only does she not have a medical degree to be called a doctor, but she doesn’t even have a Ph.D.!) on the debate stage. Remember the infamous “gaffe” of comparing Hispanics to breakfast tacos?

  11. Babylon Bee is awesome, no matter what commie retard Stock and his multiple personalities think.

  12. I mean, if they included Dr. West, then I think they should have included Claudia de la Cruz too. It’s not her fault that pollsters choose to not put her name in the polls, similar to Randall Terry.

    Both she and Dr. West have ballot access in a similar number of states at the moment (4 vs 7), and if the Peace of Freedom chooses to nominate her in California (she did win the state primary after all!), then she would actually have more total electors than Dr. West

  13. At least Randall Terry can show up at events on time. Joshua Fauver sleeps in and misses the events he is scheduled for. He is No Show Joe.

  14. Yeah, I don’t think it’s actually all that likely that Randall Terry gets on enough ballots to get to 270. I’d wager he doesn’t get there. I think Claudia de la Cruz should be invited based on the criteria Richard uses in his explanation. Not to mention the PSL Candidate was in the 2016 debate (When Gary Johnson and Dr. Jill Stein refused to appear) and the 2020 debate. Claudia de la Cruz is currently running a much more ambitious ballot access campaign than the PSL did in those previous years.

  15. Nobody knows who Claudia de la Cruz is. Is that someone you’re trying to bang?

  16. Claudia still has less ballot access states then Cornel West. She may not win Peace & Freedom Party nomination as some have suggested. The state central committee has the final word in August. Cornel West could be nominated and both he and his VP are Californians.

  17. Claudia is almost assured to gave the peace and freedom party’s nomination. It was announced by the peace and freedom party on their social media accounts that “a significant majority of the newly elected central committee, which formally choose the nominee at it’s august convention, have pledged their support to the Claudia and Karina campaign.” The party’s social media has also highlighted and promoted Claudia’s campaign events since then and hasn’t done that for Dr. West or other candidates.

  18. AZ is right about what “debates” have devolved into decades ago already. A presidential debate at a casino (oh wait, that’s Caesars Palace – but I assume it’s the same Caesars?), moderated by a GOP libertarian who, just like Rectenwald and Ayyadurai, completely shit the bed with his double-standards on Israel and “Palestine”… 🤦 ‘Murica moment.

  19. Terry is virtually guaranteed to be on for well over 270 electors. Some of those are states which he petitioned as an independent, in addition to constitution party states. Many petition drives hadn’t started in April or even May.

  20. @Joshua F – de la Cruz participated in the last one on February 29th of this year. Maybe there is something that can be done by her supporters to get her invited again?

    I watched the February debate and felt that many of the questions were chosen to put the candidates on stage together into one camp, and most Republicans/Democrats in another camp.

  21. It’s also quite plausible that Oliver will not be on the ballot for 270 electors (see Montana – no telling yet how many other LP states with existing ballot access in that category, and how many failed ballot drives).

    SocraticGadfly is incorrect about NMLP having nominated. They held a nonbinding primary. They are not bound by either the results of that primary or of the national convention. They could nominate either of those candidates, someone else, or none. The national LP is separately petitioning there for their ticket, which may or may not succeed, and may or may not be suspended.

  22. Mike T – is it Chase Oliver Chase or Oliver Chase Oliver? Oliver Chase Chase? Chase Chase Oliver?

  23. “One Boy. Boy for sale. He’s going cheap. Only seven guineas. That or thereabouts. Small boy. Rather pale from lack of sleep. Feed him gruel dinners. Stop him getting stout. If I should say, he wasn’t very greedy, I could not. I’d be telling you a tale. One boys. Boy for sale. Come take a peep. Have you ever seen as nice a boy for sale?” – Oliver “Chase Little Boys” Twist


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