Former California State Senator Steve Peace Endorses Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., for President

Steve Peace, a former California state legislator from San Diego, who was always a member of the Democratic Party while he was in office, has endorsed Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., for president.  Here is his explanation, posted on Independent Voters News website.

Peace was in the legislature for twenty years.  Here is his wikipedia page.


Former California State Senator Steve Peace Endorses Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., for President — 60 Comments



    HAVE P.R.

    HAVE TOT SOP ?????

  2. @AZ,

    Steve Peace was the main proponent of Top 2. You might recall that he debated Richard Winger.

  3. Newsom wouldn’t endorse RFK. He’s still hoping to be Mike Obama’s running mate in future. Or should I say tag team mate.

  4. Since Cornell West or Rachele Fruit will not be on the Oklahoma ballot I will vote for Robert F Kennedy Jr for President.

  5. Stock also said he won’t vote for white people, now he is. He’s such a fucking troll hypocrite retard.

  6. Fred and Nuna: There will not be a non White candidate on the Oklahoma ballot. And there is a caveat incase there will be. I will always vote for a non White person unless that candidate is a MAGA person or someone who thinks like Supreme Court Justice Clarence Uncle Thomas.

  7. Fred and Nuna: Nothing in life is 100%. There will be exceptions. Everything depends on the situation. Anything I say should be considered as including the words “usually, but not always”.

  8. 🤔 Clarence Thomas would make a cool uncle. Not as cool as Thomas Sowell or Glenn Loury. But still cool. I’ll allow it.

  9. Does Oklahoma allow write ins? What about leaving president blank? Since there is zero mystery as to who will get Oklahoma’s electors, what’s the point of voting for that office in that state, particularly for a candidate who doesn’t really even represent your views or come close?

  10. Q: No. Oklahoma does not allow write ins. If someone tries to write on a ballot it is removed and not counted. It becomes a spoiled ballot.

    I have disagreements with RFK Jr, but I disagree more with Biden or Trump. The only time that I have agreed completely with a candidate is when I voted for myself for Weatherford Texas City Council in 1998.

    For me the point of voting is about expressing my opinion. Even if may candidate has no chance of winning, I have told everyone else in my State what I want.

  11. I’m going to vote for Biden. Either Biden or Trump will be President. I don’t want it to be Trump. Biden sucks donkey balls, but Trump sucks whale sperm. Biden is crap, but Trump is crappier. Biden is a capitalist tool, but Trump is an even bigger capitalist tool. Genocide Donald makes Genocide Joe looks like a social justice warrior.

  12. Cue the mentally deficient child who keeps insisting I’m you for no reason.

  13. Taran is really bad at pretending not to be Stock. I’d recommend a padded cell.

  14. I wish I could stop trolling, but I need a lot of help, and I’m not getting any, so it looks like the trolling will continue. It’s not just gonna stop itself!

  15. I am not “Robert Stock’s Diaper”/”Stock is a troll”/”Taran is Stock”/Tom/Dick/Harry/etc etc. I don’t troll under multiple names. I don’t claim all leftists are Robert K Stock. I don’t claim anyone who is not an Alex Jones fanboy is Robert K Stock. I wasn’t sexually molested. I’m not mentally ill or retarded. I’m not childish. I’m not projecting. I don’t use and abuse alcohol and illegal drugs. I’m not a shut in. I have a life!

  16. Come on, I know there have to be some hung gay Nazis here. Any fellow incest, pedo and bestiality fans? The sicker the better!

  17. I am not “Stop trolling”/”Stock is a troll”/”Taran is Stock”/Tom/Dick/Harry/etc etc. I don’t troll under multiple names. I don’t claim all leftists are Robert K Stock. I don’t claim anyone who is not an Alex Jones fanboy is Robert K Stock. I wasn’t sexually molested. I’m not mentally ill or retarded. I’m not childish. I’m not projecting. I don’t use and abuse alcohol and illegal drugs. I’m not a shut in. I have a life!

  18. @Robert K Stock
    “Oklahoma does not allow write ins. If someone tries to write on a ballot it is removed and not counted. It becomes a spoiled ballot. […] For me the point of voting is about expressing my opinion. Even if may candidate has no chance of winning, I have told everyone else in my State what I want.”

    But doesn’t a spoiled ballot protest vote still fulfill that goal? And you get to write in someone you actually support. Though I will likely vote Terry for president this year, I have previously written-in Putin, Lukashenko, Yanukovich, Bolsonaro on ballots for senators and governors when no semi-decent candidates were running.

    “Genocide Donald makes Genocide Joe looks like a social justice warrior.”
    They are both as bad as each other, frankly. But if you believe this, then shouldn’t your conclusion be Trump is crap but Biden is crappier, rather than the other way around?

  19. Nuna: I won’t spoil my ballot because that would mean not voting for every other office. There are many Statewide, County, and Local offices down ballot. I will not give up my chance to vote for them. President is not the end all be all of voting.

  20. Nuna: Voting for whom you wish even if they have no chance of winning is not and never shall be a protest. Protests and Demonstrations influence how one may vote, but the vote itself is never a protest. A vote is the final expression of your will on election day.

  21. Does Oklahoma not allow you to spoil a single box without spoiling the rest of the ballot?

    A protest vote is also an expression of your will on election day. Of course, all elections should have a NOTA box (counted), but failing both that and a blank/null box (not counted), spoiling the ballot by writing-in someone who is not running and might not even be eligible is a protest vote and an expression of your will on election day. Heck, write in Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck, if you feel like it. They would certainly make better presidents than Biden, Trump, RFK, Oliver, Stein, West, De La Cruz, Sonski, etc.

  22. Nuna: In the State of Oklahoma if a ballot is spoiled, then the entire ballot is thrown out. Not just the one race. You are going to a lot of trouble to refuse to believe what was simply explained to you.

  23. On the contrary, you are going to a lot of trouble to try and find something to disagree with in a statement that is 99% the same as what you said. For example, pretending you don’t know what a “protest vote” is and trying to substitute its definition with one of your own, so you can grand stand about protests, demonstrations and final expressions of will. I guess you just like being contrarian, huh 🤷

  24. Nuna: I am an asshole, what can I say? I didn’t say that I did not know what a protest vote is. I said there is no such thing AS a protest vote. Many people have thought that they were casting a protest vote, but they were mistaken. If this is my own definition then I say it is superior to your definition and superior to the multitude who mistakenly think they cast a protest vote.

  25. How long before “Taran” or “Dylan” appear to defend Stock?

  26. Nuna, your question is illogical. Maybe it makes some kind of sense in your twisted right wing bizarro world, but not in the real world. In reality, as bad as Biden is, Trump is much, much worse.

  27. What is illogical is you stating that “Genocide Donald” makes “Genocide Joe” look much worse than him, immediately after saying “Biden is crap, but Trump is crappier”. If you can’t make up your mind about which is worse, then just admit that they are equally bad.

  28. I said no such thing. Learn to read, nunya. Perhaps you are suffering under the idiotic delusion that I use social justice warrior as a pejorative,the way you might? You should know from my prior comments that I am an actual social justice warrior, so you are either extremely stupid or just playing dumb.

  29. In fairness,my best guess is that you’re only playing dumb. In which case, what you should learn is honesty, not reading comprehension.

  30. Ryan = “stop trolling” = endless other names = moron = troll = full of crap.

    You claim every leftist and everyone who is not an Alex Jones fanboy is Robert K Stock. I don’t know who you think you’re fooling with your nonsense, or if you’re just trying to be an annoying little twerp for the sake of being an annoying little twerp.

    You’re not fooling anyone, not even yourself, with your lame attempt at trolling. Furthermore, nobody cares. I’m not Stock, but if I was, it wouldn’t matter.

    You are a waste of time, and obviously only trying to waste people’s time and disrupt conversations. Sadly, you’ll keep doing it, because you have no life and nothing better to do and refuse to get the therapy you so obviously and badly need. That is unfortunate.

    I hope something eventually breaks through to you and you finally do get treatment. I’m not holding my breath, but hopefully you will at some point. It would be a real waste if this is how you spend the rest of your sad, useless life.

  31. The fact you keep pushing the theory you are not Stock obviously means you are him.

  32. It’s not a theory, and I ignore you more often than I answer you. I should ignore you 100% of the time, as should everyone else. You are obviously a projecting, mentally ill, substance abusing troll who was molested as a child and either still are a child or perpetually stuck in a childish state of arrested development. It’s also quite likely you have multiple personality disorder IRL as well. The fact that you keep posting your same nonsense under your endless array of names proves this is all true. Sad.

  33. Voting in sham capitalist elections only gives unearned legitimacy to sham capitalist elections. Taran and Robert K Stock should deregister from voting and urge everyone else in the working class to do the same. Voting for your overseers in a sham election does nothing at all to overthrow the masters. The first step is to stop pretending that they are giving you any kind of choice at all. Don’t play their game’s.

  34. Communists should support Trump to accelerate the crisis of capitalism and hasten the worker’s revolution.

  35. Dylan: The Bolsheviks engaged in electoral politics in Russia while building up the Soviets of Workers, Military, and Peasants at the same time. The Bolsheviks only abandoned the Duma when the Soviets were strong enough to take over the government. I am following in the footsteps of Lenin and Trotsky by engaging in electoral politics.

  36. The previous six posts are Stock talking to himself using his various troll names. How pathetic. No matter how hard you try Stock, you can’t disguise your trolling and stupidity.

  37. Unless he’s actually putting in the effort to keep his personas separate, Stock isn’t Taran. Stock’s politics may be morally reprehensible and he may be quarrelsome and contrarian, but he is not exceptionally rude the way Taran is.

    And speaking of the devil – Taran, you are the one pretending there exists any non-pejorative sense of “social justice warrior”, you even seem to take masochistic pleasure in denigrating yourself with that title, it is therefore clearly you who should learn honesty.

  38. I’ve been exceptionally polite to you, far more than you deserve. I was a social justice warrior long before reich wing morons turned it into a pejorative. There is nothing masochistic or denigrating in fighting for social justice. I was doing it long before you heard the term unjustly mocked by your right wing noise echo chamber and will keep on keeping on unless and until social justice is perfected . I probably won’t live long enough for that .

    As for quarrelsome, contrarian and rude: nunya should look in the mirror. They are projecting almost as obviously as the sexually molested child of endless names. I’m assuming they’re not the same entity, although it’s possible they could be .

    Robert is correct, and Dylan is wrong, on the matter they discussed.

    Also, c4t, collapsatarianism doesn’t work. Even if Marx predicted it. Revolutionary change doesn’t happen when things get to their worst, it’s when they start improving, but not fast enough. Robert’s example is a good illustration: there were actually two revolutions in Russia in 1917. The mensheviks were a lesser evil to the czars, much as Biden is to Trump.

    Juche will not come to America and all nations through Trumpism, but through progressively moving further left by steps – first small steps, then bigger and bigger. Biden is a stepping stone. AOC or whoever is next, then bigger and bigger until we achieve Juche globally.

  39. I’ve been completely honest about my views, unlike Nuna who is constantly trying to twist words. Nuna is either dishonest or has unusually poor reading comprehension for someone so verbose and multisyllabic. My gut says they are dishonest, but I’m willing to leave the door open to the other possible explanation for now.

  40. You dare contradict Marx and call yourselves Marxists? LOL. All true communists support Trump. Marx was in no way ambiguous about the crisis of capitalism. It’s only when capitalism becomes sufficiently oppressive that world workers revolution happens. Vote for Trump and the most extreme right wing capitalist scum if you want to get to communism quicker. Vote for libtards if you want to delay the inevitable.

  41. “I’ve been exceptionally polite to you, far more than you deserve.”
    Uh-huh. You must be simply delightful when you aren’t being exceptionally polite then.

    “I was a social justice warrior long before reich wing morons turned it into a pejorative […] I was doing it long before you heard the term unjustly mocked by your right wing noise echo chamber”
    Taran, were you even alive for the fall of the wall, let alone old enough to consciously remember the Yanaev putsch?

  42. I was teaching school when the wall fell. And a social justice warrior already long before that. I knew I was a social justice warrior when Leonard Peltier and AIM stood up for our people.

    As for your delightfulness, you would again do well to examine a mirror. Then again, you may simply BE a mirror. It appears you invert everything. I still think it’s a conscious trolling technique, but it’s not impossible it’s a brain malfunction.

  43. “Leonard Peltier and AIM stood up for our people”
    As a part redskin myself, excuse me while I vomit.

  44. Robert, the Bolsheviks participated in electoral politics for a few months in 1917. There were no electoral politics under the czars. We are in a very different time and place. The Bolsheviks probably wasted those few months, but maybe it was necessary. This is far different.

    Whether Biden or Trump or for that matter Kennedy gets elected, what does it change? Absolutely nothing. The ruling class of capital isn’t dislodged, moved, or slightly swayed off our backs by the results of these elections. The president is a figurehead, a marionette, a spokesman for the people who really run things. They operate behind the scenes, and they’re not up for election – certainly not any election ordinary working people are allowed to vote in.

    The elections are pure propaganda. They are meant to divide and conquer the working class. They want us to choose sides and fight each other – white vs black, red vs blue, anything except working class versus capitalist bloodsuckers on our backs.

    Elections are designed to placate workers and make us think we have a real voice in how things are run, a way to enact meaningful changes and make the system work for us. It’s 100% deception meant to keep us on the plantation picking their cotton. Our masters would never allow us to vote them out. They give us a false choice of overseers, but all the overseers take their orders from the same masters.

    Voting, or condoning voting, is playing into the masters hands. It plays into their propaganda that the system is legitimate and the people decide how things are run. In reality, the system us total and complete slavery and oppression and only the masters have any real say.

    So long as you play into their propaganda game by voting or condoning voting, you are doing their bidding. Exactly what massa wants you to do, like an ignorant stupid slave.

    Overthrowing the plantation masters has nothing to do with voting in THEIR elections. And how would you even compare Bolsheviks in 1917 Duma with voting for a Biden or Trump? Which one is supposed to be Lenin or Trotsky? More like two of the czars court jesters, trotted out for a sham election to keep peasants distracted and deluded , as if they have any say in the Czars decisions. Make it three court jesters with Kennedy.

    Capitalist elections are 100% counterproductive distraction from working class revolution.

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