Kansas Secretary of State Won’t Print Any No Labels Party Nominees on Ballot

The Kansas Secretary of State has rejected the nominations for state legislative office of the No Labels Party.  The Secretary determined that the nomination documents were not signed by the actual state chair of the party.  See this story.


Kansas Secretary of State Won’t Print Any No Labels Party Nominees on Ballot — 12 Comments

  1. “The Secretary determined that the nomination documents were not signed by the actual state chair of the party.”
    “neither the national office of No Labels, nor the Kansas Secretary of State, recognizes him as the true state chair”

    Since when is the Secretary of State part of the judiciary rather than of the executive branch, that he gets to make such rulings?
    Oh, I don’t want parties besides my own fielding any candidates, better not recognize their chairs…

  2. Nuña



  3. Why would the SoS get to decide which chair is fake and which is real?

    Sure, Van Meteren can take it to court – and I hope he does regardless of whether he is or isn’t the real chair – but if the No Labels Candidates’ names aren’t printed on the ballot in time to be distributed to the polling stations, a court ruling against the SoS is not going change that. And what then? Are they gonna rule the entire Kansas election illegitimate and do it over? I don’t think so.

  4. @Nunya,

    The SOS is typically in charge of coordinating elections in a state. If someone sues the SOS, the courts are quite likely to resolve it quickly, certainly in time for a November election.

  5. Why would the SOS decide which chair is fake? Because that’s part of the SOS job. That makes sense, because otherwise you’d have fake chairs of every party in every state submitting alternative slates of candidates every election and clogging up the courts.

  6. In the case of no lube, it’s very simple. Anyone submitting candidates is a fake chair. No lube has made it clear they do not want to have any candidates for any office in any state.

  7. @Answer man
    It really isn’t part of the SoS’ job though. That is merely the legal fiction they use to justify pretending to have the authority to pick which chair they prefer. In reality, it is the courts’ job, which – as you rightly pointed out – has the potential for clogging them if they don’t make quick-fire rulings (which should be possible in most cases, as there usually is only a strong case for one of the alleged chairs).

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