
Liberal Party to Hold First National Convention in Houston on December 7-8, 2024 — 76 Comments

  1. Here are two things from their platform————-Proportional Representation – We advocate for proportional representation in the Federal house and all state legislatures’ lower houses. Taxation – While we believe minimal taxation may serve a legitimate purpose, we favor simpler and less invasive methods of taxation, levying only the amount required for a functioning government. I’m not a liberal, but that doesn’t sound bad to me.

  2. Independent Political Report is a fake news site. Please don’t link to it.

  3. If I understand correctly, the Liberal Party claims to be classical liberal. However they split from the Libertarian Party after the Mises Caucus made it too *checks notes* classical liberal… So the Liberal Party is even further left than the Libertarian Party, which is already too far left for classical liberals and libertarians… Who are they trying to appeal to? What is their target demographic? Or, to use Bernard Shaw’s words, please justify your existence.

  4. Reminder: The Liberal Party split from the Libertarians because they weren’t woke enough. They ragequit because the Mises Caucus won one election. Another reminder, the Libertarians just put forward a former Democrat who supports LGBT initiatives, open borders, and the chemical transition of children. “Not left wing enough”.

  5. The tentative platform of the Liberal Party is NOT very radical. For example, “Election Reform

    Ballot Access – Rules for gaining access to the ballot should be fair and equal, regardless of political affiliation. [Define fair and equal]
    Voter Access – We believe all adult citizens have a right to vote. We reject any law that would make voting more cumbersome or less accessible to the average person.
    Voting Methods – We support implementing alternative voting systems for single winner races, such as approval voting, ranked-choice, as appropriate, to replace the current First Past the Post system.”

    No more disruptive the the fascist police state election regime than the Libertarian Party.

  6. I look up Bernard Shaw’s exact words:
    “You must all know half a dozen people at least, who are no use in this world, who are more trouble than they are worth. Just put them there and say ‘Sir or Madam, now will you be kind enough to justify your existence? If you can’t justify your existence, if you’re not pulling your weight in the social group, if you’re not producing as much as you consume or perhaps a little more, then clearly we cannot use the big organization of our society for the purpose of keeping you alive, because your life does not benefit us, and it can’t be of very much use to yourself.’”

    Now I completely disagree with Shaw saying this about people – I find it satanically evil – but if we were instead to apply his words to all the interchangeable neo-liberal parties that serve merely as ego-vehicles competing for the same votes, then he may well have a point…






  8. I wish the fledgling Liberal Party would’ve held its first national convention earlier and nominated Chase Oliver or its own ticket. The Libertarian Party’s Mises-caucus, Trump-loving national leadership has destroyed America’s leading third-party. Sad times, indeed.

    This is kind of like 1936 when so many of the party’s leaders in the recently-revived Socialist Party backed Roosevelt instead of former Presbyterian minister Norman Thomas, their own nominee. Thomas worked strenuously to rebuild the party in the years following the death of Eugene Debs. The saint-like Thomas polled 884,000 votes against Roosevelt and Hoover in 1932, and probably well more than that if all of his votes had been honestly counted.

    FDR, of course, based much of his New Deal on Norman’s 1932 platform. Thomas disagreed with that assessment, saying that if Roosevelt carried out his platform, he did it on a stretcher.

    Classic Norman Thomas, witty and insightful.

    There’s no justice in American politics. Never has been.

    Our votes don’t matter.

    With widespread voter dissatisfaction with both major-party presumptive nominees — one of whom should be in prison and the other who should be in an assisted living facility — this year should have been a watershed year for America’s third parties.

    But the exact opposite is playing out before our very eyes.

    What happened to our country’s third parties? I guess they’ve all been co-opted…the rich and powerful — the Establishment — always gets its way.

    Where are two-time nominees Gary Johnson (Libertarian) and Rocky De La Fuente (Reform) — two decent and honest men — when we need them? This could have been their year.

    Well, there’s always young Chase, waging his first national campaign, or Jill Stein, running for the third time.
    I love long-distance runners. Bless their hearts.

    We can do better, much better, than Trump or Biden.

  9. I will be voting for Libertarian Party nominees Chase Oliver for President and Mike der Maat for Vice President.

  10. Of course Whitfield will. He’s a fucking moron who supports grooming children.

  11. Of course you will, because you always vote for their nominees. You’re the LP equivalent of a yellow dog democrat.

  12. That was @ Whitfield.

    Other person: I don’t know if Whitfield supports anything besides mindlessly checking his party box every chance he gets. I doubt there’s any conceivable nominee they could have picked that he wouldn’t endorse and vote for. If they nominated an actual turnip and a lawn ornament, he’d vote for them.

  13. Chase Oliver supports mandates and child abuse. He’s evil. Communists and morons like Whitfield are his only supporters.



  15. No, he supports dating men. As with vaccine, mask, etc mandates, he doesn’t support making any of it mandatory.

    You should still have the right to not vaccinate, not mask,not quarantine, not distance, etc, just as you should have the right to date women if they agree to it, or more likely date your hand. And he should have the right to make the opposite choices. He’s not trying to force his choices on you through government.

    Also, allowing parents to decide that they would rather have a daughter who’s alive than a son who’s dead (most likely from suicide) is not child abuse or grooming. Stop spreading lies. For many parents of trans kids that’s the choice they face, allowing their child to transition or visiting their child’s grave.

  16. 100% of el pee is commie-fascist. It’s not a fifth column when all the columns are that way. Only 90% or so are aware that they’re in it to screw it up and keep it from getting anywhere. The rest delude themselves into taking it seriously.

  17. This is possibly the dumbest idea ever. Wrong and stupid on way too many levels to count.

  18. This seems like the more fitting party for Chase Chase Oliver Oliver. Maybe they’ll adopt him after the LNC rescinds his nomination in a month or two?

  19. LNC will replace Oliver with Trump or NOTA unless Dave Smith changes his mind and decides to run after all.

  20. Press X to doubt. The LNC is not going to rescind Oliver’s nomination or replace him with Trump or NOTA, unless he gets caught with a meth lab or kidnapped children in his basement or something. The leadership might not like that ter Maat won Oliver the nomination, but they are not going to go back on it. They’ll just give personal endorsements against him, like McArdle already did, which is perfectly proper.

  21. They’re not there yet, but they will probably gradually work their way up to finding an excuse to do it as hostility builds between the camps. That process is barely started. There will be many shots fired back and forth. They will build up to it. Maybe around August or so. Vast majority of LNC is not in the camp of Oliver final ballot voters.

  22. Darcy, a recent article said you’re planning to vote for Biden. Did they misquote you?

  23. Impressively moronic exercise in group self delusion. The problem with the libertarian party was definitely not that the name didn’t sound like socialist progressive to 99% of regular people.

    Building a third party from scratch was always extremely difficult. If it was somewhat similar to an existing one, far more so.

    Their timing is terrible. People are sick of all political parties, especially minor ones.

    The name could not be more counterproductive. If you want smaller government, picking a name that means making big government even bigger to just about every voter is breathtakingly dumb.

    How many different ways can you handicap yourself at the starting gate? They seem determined to find out.

  24. “The name could not be more counterproductive. If you want smaller government, picking a name that means making big government even bigger to just about every voter is breathtakingly dumb.”

    Well that rather depends on whether “just about every voter” knows anything about anything, or whether they are all just products of the western globalist “educational” sausage machine uninterested in looking further than the end of their nose.
    Certainly the name “Classical Liberal Party” would have made it clearer, but that would also be less honest about the party’s actual neo-liberal platform.
    And people are far more sick of the uniparty than they are of minor parties.

  25. Nope. The vast majority of voters have no idea what a classical liberal is or how it differs from progressive socialist. It was hard enough explaining libertarian is different from today’s “liberal” because they sound kinda similar. Try explaining liberals are classical liberals which were totally not like modern… By that time 99/100 walk away.

    They might say something like “I’ll research it.” That means they will ignore it in the vast overwhelming majority of cases. If you see them a week, a month, a year, or four years later, they will again say they will look into it. Very few will.

    The name could not be more counterproductive

    The people who want a party to the left of Demon Rats will look into getting involved and either run away in disgust or try to take over. It’s gonna be a mess and will get absolutely nothing good accomplished. But will waste a bunch of people’s time and money when they should know better.

    There’s a reason the LP failed. There’s a reason it’s failing right now after many years of relatively less failing. It won’t work better while it still exists and some astonishingly unsavvy “smart” (overeducated, lacking common sense) idiots try to replicate it from scratch under much less favorable conditions with the worst possible name for the alleged task.

    There’s a place for reclaiming words. Starting a brand new party trying to overtake or subdivide an existing niche is an exceptionally bad place for that.

    Maybe call it the Awful, terrible party so it inspires awe and terror? LOL

  26. People are more sick of Minor parties. Before, they were seen as streakers on a sports field. Now, more like suicidal idiots jumping into crossfire in trench warfare. They get shot from all sides.

    Signatures to place them on the ballot are harder to get than they used to be. Challenges to knock them off , more common. Laws are overall getting worse. As in more restrictive. That should tell you something.

    All parties are seen as hopelessly corrupt. The two faced one party is hated, but hatred of each side of the coin keeps the other side going. Minor parties get hate from both sides, internal strife, increasingly hostile public and laws, and easier ways to do many of the things they used to be the best or only way to do.

    Starting a new one is dumb. Starting it now is dumber. This one in particular is dumbest.

  27. A lot of people here need to spend way less time talking to each other and way more talking to a large cross section of average folks who are not political nerds about stuff like this. I’m a political nerd, but if that’s the bulk of who you talk to about issues and politics, you’re way out of touch with what’s likely to work.

  28. “Darcy, a recent article said you’re planning to vote for Biden. Did they misquote you?” — Q

    Thanks for asking, Q. I usually don’t read the comments here since they’ve been dominated by trolling Trumpsters the past few years, but I appreciate your question.

    No, I wasn’t misquoted. That’s exactly what I told Marc Caputo, one of the country’s most insightful and accurate political reporters, during our initial conversation a few weeks ago.

    I might vote for Biden, if I bother to vote at all. Then again, I haven’t ruled out casting a symbolic vote for Oliver Chase — running in a party that’s really not supporting his candidacy — or the Green Party’s Jill Stein, who came to the rescue of her party and is waging her third campaign for the Oval Office since 2012. Jill is a good woman and would be a great President.

    If only…

    Then again, I dread what will happen if the American people return the biggest megalomaniac — a vindictive one, at that — to the White House.

    That said, I’ve never voted for a major-party candidate for President in my lifetime. Hoping to dent the duopoly, I’ve always supported independent or third-party candidates, beginning with my support for the late Eugene McCarthy’s independent bid for the presidency in 1976. I was only 19 at the time and volunteered in the Philadelphia area. I also contributed $672.95 to his campaign — a lot of money in those days for a young kid. Much of that was contributed to McCarthy’s Committee for a Constitutional Presidency to help pay off his campaign debts.

    I’ve spent most of my life trying to open up the political process in this country, to end the Democratic and Republican stranglehold on our politics.

    By the same taken, I’m really disappointed by our country’s leading third parties this year

    This should have been a breakthrough year.

    In a year when nearly 60 percent of the American people are yearning for another choice, the only alternative appears to be a guy from a famous political dynasty who has probably never voted for an independent or third-party candidate in his life and whose father, working closely with the disgraced FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, totally distorted Gene McCarthy’s voting record in the U.S. Senate in the 1968 Democratic presidential primaries, particularly in the Indiana primary — sadly, the Hoosiers fell for it — while shamelessly eavesdropping on civil rights leader Martin Luther King as attorney general.

    Bobby Kennedy? No thanks.

    Not sure what I’ll do on Election Day.

  29. I don’t think Trump supporters here are trolling. Well, maybe some of them. Many are genuine, from what I see. I know I am, and I know many of the others from other places. I’ve also supported third parties and independent candidates more often than not. Trump is the first major party president or presidential candidate I’ve supported since Reagan, and before that it was Goldwater, when I wasn’t old enough to actually vote.

    I’ll have to disagree with you as to which of the big two is the more vindictive megalomaniac, but I’m willing to attempt a reasonable conversation about it if you are.

    It’s worth noting that Trump was in fact a minor party candidate at one point, has been registered to vote with minor parties and or independent, and bucks many bipartisan / uniparty consensus views, for example on foreign policy. He’s the closest we’ve had to an actual Minor party or independent president since….you tell me, Teddy Roosevelt maybe?

    JFK may have been starting to show a few signs of independence just before he died, although a lot of that is unproven. Otherwise, it’s been uniparty janus face switching since oh, maybe 1912. And TR hadn’t yet bucked the duopoly when he actually served. So…Tyrant Lincoln? Except by then the Whigs had collapsed so the GOP wasn’t really a minor party anymore. You may have to go back even further.

    Trump doesn’t buck the uniparty establishment completely, he made way too many compromises with it in his first term, but by the very end of that he learned not to do that, and is ready to buck them far more thoroughly come January when he takes the oath of office again.

    MAGA has really been a hostile take over by independent voters, ex non voters, former Minor party supporters and outsiders of the GOP. My views are no different in any substantial respect than when I backed candidates like George Wallace, John Schmitz, Lester Maddox, Ron Paul, Ross Perot, Pat Buchanan, Bob Barr, and Virgil Goode – whether they ran as major or Minor parties, and several of them did both, as you well know.

    I never backed Republicans such as the Bushes, Doles, McCains, Romneys or Cheneys – my loyalty isn’t to the GOP per se. I never voted for Nixon or Ford, either. None of those earned my vote a single time, primary or general. I don’t think they will lead the GOP again, but if they do, I’ll be out of it in a hurry once more, much like in 1968 and 1988.

    I see MAGA as an ongoing, far from complete, but likely unstoppable revolution to take half of the uniparty and turn it into genuine blue collar patriotic nationalist populist Christian conservative opposition to the globalist elitist top down new world order conspiracy to destroy our country from within and without which controlled both major parties for decades.

    Trump finally propelled us to control a major party and win the white house after decades looking from way outside, but in his first term he only started, with much trial and error, to chip away at its facade and underpinnings, and was met with unprecedented resistance by the forces of evil, much in plain sight but far more hidden from public view.

    In his second term, I think he’ll take out at least some of its support columns. But the real triumph of MAGA will likely come after Trump with Presidents like e.g. DON JR, Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones, Rand Paul, Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, JD Vance, and hopefully others even well further to their right.

  30. 60 pct of us yearning for another choice discounts negative partisanship. I’d love a better choice too – can we resurrect Lester Maddox, Lord?.- but you go to war with the Generals you have, not the ones you wish you had.

    And war it is, with the Mexican border being openly invaded, our men being feminized and women masculinized, our leading Race being replaced and blended out of existence, China and the Eurocrats seeking to divide up the world between them and dementia patient Quisling puppet dictator Biden or his propped up corpse visibly having its mouth moved by Xi Jinping’s yellow claw up its rear end while the Islamic Jihad is on the march and dead set on making us all kneel to a moon rock at the point of a scimitar.

    Beijing Biden can’t wait to have a third European and beyond world war and put the US right in the middle of it. This time, with thermonuclear weapons. He bows and scrapes to the Luciferian greenie weenie scum who not so secretly plan to ritually sacrifice over 90% of humanity to Satan under the phony guise of averting a made up climate crisis. He openly worships the literal murder of babies.

    Trump is our only chance to survive as a people, nation, country, race, religion, and, indeed, species and planet.

    You apparently have an opposing perspective, where Trump is the bad guy. There in lies the rub. 90% of the 60% who wish for another real choice have a strong preference between the two, even if it’s only fear and loathing of the other.

    That’s why this was never going to be a breakout year. Although, in fairness, Kennedy will probably easily have the highest percentage for third since Perot 92… But chances are still strongly against him placing above 3rd.

  31. I appreciate your response, Pig Farmer. I really do, but who did you support in 1988? David Duke on the Populist Party ticket or Delmar Dennis — or someone else?

  32. @It’s Giuliani Time
    “Signatures to place them on the ballot are harder to get than they used to be. Challenges to knock them off , more common. Laws are overall getting worse. As in more restrictive. That should tell you something.”
    The challenges and laws come from the uniparty that does not want competition though. Including the restriction that you can only sign one party or independent’s ballot access petition per election cycle. People are constantly calling for the need to alternatives to the uniparty. In fact, those people are where most of RFK’s votes are going to come from – not people who love his self-contradicting platform so much.

    @Dary Richardson @Pig Farmer
    Bear in mind that many if not most of the Trump trolls, especially the most vulgar and misbehaved ones, are likely Biden supporters trying to make people so disgusted with Trump’s supporter-base that they will vote for Biden just to get back at Trump’s cultists and sycophants.

  33. Darcy, neither. Ron Paul. As previously mentioned, I’ve supported him as both a Libertarian and Republican, and still do. Thanks for asking, but is that your only question or takeaway?

  34. Darcy, I do. Definitely not in all cases: there are plenty of genuinely awful Trump supporters, for sure. But I think that a lot of the most chronic vulgar trolling is a false-flag.

  35. And it goes the other way too, btw. The most insane Biden wackos, are likely Trump supporters trying to disgust people into voting for Trump.

  36. Nuna, most of Trump votes and not a few Biden votes will come from those who want alternatives to the uniparty, but fear Biden or fear Trump having another term. I can articulate reasons many people are scared of Trump too, although I disagree with them.

    Challenges and laws move somewhat in concert with public opinion. The uniparty only gets away with what it can get away with at any point in time. If they had their druthers, they’d have an open uniparty dictatorship without any pretense of two major parties, much less any minor ones or independents. There would either be no elections at all or, more likely, North Korean style elections.

    The fact that they can currently get away with increased attacks on ballot access points to an obvious underlying reality – most of the same 60% who wish things were different paradoxically simultaneously fear “spoilers” and “wasted” and “stolen” or “split” votes more than ever before, because negative partisanship is worse and nastier than it has been in many decades. The same things which make people wish for an alternative more repel them from actual existing alternatives, such as they are, to a greater extent than in prior recent history.

    They want something impossible – a party with funding parity, a well known candidate with a resume of leadership positions, debate inclusion, ready made ballot access, polling that shows they could actually win, and views that perfectly match their own. As impossible As The rest of those are, the last is equally absurd – the 60% include people from every corner, nook, and crany of any political ideology map you can draw.

    It’s much like the people who want low taxes, deficit and debt reduction, and government spending and regulating our way out of every problem , real or imagined, all at the same time. If that wasn’t a tall enough order, they want the US government to fix all the world’s problems, whether real or invented, but no American troops to ever return in bodybags. They want the biggest, most well armed military in world history, in which none of them, their kids, friends, or friends kids ever have to serve, especially in harm’s way, and at no cost to their paychecks.

    We can go on and on, but the contradictory desires of average voters are why direct democracy is a terrible idea. Unless of course you’re a demagogue or proponent of unlimited government, in which case it’s great. The masses are asses, and easily convinced they want to have their cake and eat it too. Among many other fallacies (egalitarianism, etc).

    I don’t share your paranoia about overenthusiastic Trump supporters. I know too many in real life. Partisan political team sport fan mentality. I share it to a certain extent, but I’m not that shirtless fan painted in team colours and liquored up to the gills on a freezing game day in the stands. I know him, though, and he really is a team fan, bless his cocaine enlarged heart. Not just him, but the whole row of his drunken and amped up buddies with their chests spelling out FLORIDA GATORS or whichever team they call “we.” Plus, I know their buddies who passed out drunk three hours before kick off. They’re not false flag operatives for the Crimson Tide, Uga, Seminoles, Auburn, or any other team other than the one whose logo obstructs their windshield and rear view mirrors as the attempt to find parking within a couple of miles of the stadium in an inebriated state.

  37. Nuna, serious question; what Biden superfans? I mean, I guess they exist, but a large majority of them have their own shows on MSNBC, positions in the Biden administration or the Xi administration, are illegal aliens or planning to become such, or represent Delaware in the US Senate.

    There are no shortage of Trump haters, but they at best grudgingly tolerate Biden, since they see no other way to beat Trump.

    Do you personally know any huge Biden fans? I can’t honestly say I’ve ever met one. Not just because I’m a country boy redneck cracker from the deep south – I mean, I’ve met plenty of Biden voters. Just not any huge Biden fans. Not a one. Well, at least not any that can legally vote.

  38. Nuna, why would someone waste their time that way? This wouldn’t be the place for that. If I wanted to false flag troll as a leftist, I’d want an unsophisticated audience – f***book, for example. It doesn’t add up.

    I think a lot of the people you refer to are younger members of a group chat I’m on originally brought over by Max. I know a lot of them pretty well, including having met quite a few IRL – Many live close to me around the Florida Georgia line – and they sure ain’t Biden voters. If you call them that face to face, them there’s fighting words.

  39. People rarely perceive themselves as others perceive them. What seems vulgar, exaggerated or repulsive from the outside probably seems as natural, logical, self evident or obvious internally.

    The false flag theory makes no sense. How many Trump voters reading this could possibly be converted to Biden voters by overly enthusiastic Trump supporters, or Biden supporters trolling as such? It would be a massive waste of misdirected effort.

    People reading comments here tend to be non big 2 voters. Of the ones who are Trump or Biden voters, they’re highly focused on politics compared to most people, so much harder to sway than most.

    I don’t see that as a logical explanation. I mean, if you believe John Taylor Bowles, cosplay Nazi, they swayed him, first to Trump and then against him. But he’s fickle, dishonest, and mentally ill. Anyone else here actually swayed to or against Biden by Trump superfans or alleged false flag trolls? Anyone?

    This would probably be the absolute last place to run such an operation. Even less logical is the suggestion that usually follows, that someone who actually has money to pay people with is hiring such folks to misdirect their time and efforts for zero to negligible possible yield.

    Vulgar misbehavior is common when people get enthusiastic. It’s also common when they don’t know who they are talking to face to face, or are dealing with crowds of strangers they are unlikely to meet again.

  40. Who are the alleged false flag trolls? Name any? Utter paranoia, and illogical, if not guilty conscience and projection by an actual false flag troll – not impossible, especially given the source.

  41. Errata: I neglected to mention the Biden superfans who are actual Biden’s – blood relatives and on the family payroll. In the case of that particular crime family, that’s a Venn diagram with 100% overlap, to my knowledge.

  42. False flag trolls? Vulgar misbehavior? This is a clear case of he who smelled it dealt it. Nuna is the clearest case of such I’ve seen, only for Putin, not Trump. Textbook projection, to say the least.

  43. Darcy Richardson is a retarded communist. He’s too stupid to realize the actual trolls are Stock and his many names, as well as AZ. Both love Biden.

  44. He’s a leftist , not a communist. Communists are a subset of leftists and you’re the retarded troll of many names , not Stock (well maybe he is…maybe not…but you sure are). Darcy is intelligent. You, not so much. Stock and AZ do not love Biden. Maybe prefer him to Trump, barely, if even that . Nuna is also an obvious troll.

  45. I do prefer Biden to Trump. But I am voting for Robert F Kennedy Jr for President.

  46. Leftists are communists. That’s obvious. Darcy Richardson is a communist. Stock is a communist.

  47. Yes. I am a Communist. Until a few days ago I was a member of the Communist Party USA. I have now switched to the Socialist Workers Party and endorsed Rachele Fruit for President. She will not be on my ballot here in Oklahoma which is why I am voting for RFK Jr. My reason for leaving the CPUSA is their policy of helping Democrats to get elected instead of running their own candidates.

  48. Stock changes his party and beliefs more than he changes his underwear.

  49. Each time I do change I give the reasons why. What do you do when you receive new information that proves you were wrong? Do you refuse to accept the reality that what you thought was correct, isn’t? Do you stubbornly stick to your guns, truth be dammed?

    For me there was only one big change. From Objectivism and the Libertarian Party to Communism. My thinking about what are Rights and what is the proper role of government changed. That took about 7 or 8 years to become clear in my mind.

    As time goes on I will continue to gather information and compare it to what I think is true. I will definitely continue to make adjustments according to what I discover.

  50. Mr Retard, your last name fits. There are many kinds of leftists besides communists , just as there are many kinds of troll morons besides retards like you. You are learning disabled, not because of your inability , but because of your stubborn unwillingness. You’re a special kind of stupid.

  51. Wee All (stock is a various things, etc etc) never changes views or underwear ever since he molested as a boy. He’s still wearing those very same panties right this second.

  52. * was molested. I don’t know if he perpetuated the abuse against other boys or not.

  53. Nope. You have been correctly diagnosed. Unfortunately, you still refuse to seek help.

  54. @Pig Farmer
    You make a coherent case based on several false assumptions.

    “Challenges and laws move somewhat in concert with public opinion.” is the line used to market the state to its victims. Having two facades to the uniparty and holding elections, is a form of pacification to give both an internal and external superficial appearance of not being a dictatorship. Many people both within and without see through it – it isn’t really hard to see through – but enough don’t see or simply don’t care to keep those that do sufficiently powerless to change the situation.

    You have an even more negative view of the American electorate than I do – which I previously didn’t think was possible. Certainly the uniparty has stoked partisanship further and further since the Civil War – arguably since proto-communist Andrew Jackson. But very few people, certainly nowhere near 60%, are so naive as to expect an increased welfare state to lead to a smaller and cheaper government and less bureaucracy, or that playing at being the world’s police force comes without risks, costs and sacrifices.
    They aren’t that stupid, rather they are so evil that want others to pay the price: let the middle class pay the price for our demands, let the white man pay the price for our demands, let the patriarchy pay the price for our demands, let straight people pay the price for our demands, let the right pay the price for our demands, let Christians and Jews pay the price for our demands, etc.

    Masses are not asses, but in the west – including the United States – they are become greedy, selfish swine. Direct democracy is a terrible idea, just less terrible than any other form of governance in general and any other form of democracy in particular. As you said, people from every corner, nook, and cranny of any political ideology map you can draw, are not likely to agree on much other than that their alleged representatives do not represent them.
    The best solution is not to have any governance: total anarchy. Wipe the slate clean and let people figure everything out for themselves. Those with merit will thrive, those without will depend on the charity of others. Survival of the fittest, except among humans – creature with a conscience, a moral compass, the ability to discern good and evil, the capacity for empathy and mercy – instead of among animals. As society evolves, it may well eventually stray back towards statism and need a new wiping of the slate – dare I call it “a great reset” in a proper sense.
    However, moving from the uniparty’s statist dictatorship to a state of total liberty is impractical for several reasons: Firstly, it either has to happen simultaneously all across the world, or if it happens only locally, that locality must be isolated from the outside. You can’t have a local anarchy while it is being invaded from the outside, but you also can’t have a centrally organized border guard or military to prevent such an invasion. You can’t have powerful neighboring states interfering in your internal affairs, even with the best of intentions – which is why Donetsk, Luhansk, Abkhazia and South Ossetia, despite being the closest we got since the collapse of the Soviet Union, are very imperfect models.
    Secondly, you can’t go from statism to anarchy overnight without preparing some sort of leveling of the playing field. That would be like Yeltsin’s well intentioned but disastrously implemented privatization. Since today’s state has a “monopoly on violence” – or more acurately, a monopsony on instruments of force – there is very that normal citizens can do against them. At best, we would relive the Tambov rebellion. Not too long ago Biden even explicitly admitted that the second amendment enumerates the right of private citizens to own nuclear weapons, because the state does.
    Until the opportunity arises and can be seized upon to ascend into anarchy, the next best thing – or rather – the least bad alternative, is direct democracy in which at least everyone gets to represent themselves rather than being enslaved to the most power hungry and evil.

    It isn’t paranoia if the threat is real. You know as well as I do how commonplace false-flags have become. Even ignoring J6, I bet you can think of at least ten different instances of feds and Democrat campaign contractors impersonating political opponents since the beginning of the decade. As you just said yourself, “partisanship is worse and nastier than it has been in many decades”, because the uniparty is feeding it to keep anyone from walking off the plantation. Both sides of the single coin that is the uniparty are engaging in this charade to manipulate voters.

    Your sports analogy falls apart when you realize that Trump has betrayed his voters in ways that no sports team has ever betrayed its fans, much less without losing all their support – not due to inability or incompetence, but repeated willful, deliberate, premeditated, calculated treachery of his own volition.

  55. @Pig Farmer
    “what Biden superfans?”
    As you say, there are little to none. But, as you also said, there are also plenty of “yellow dog Democrats”. Not just Trump-haters, but those who will vote for whoever or whatever the Democrats nominate over anything else, even if they actually agree more with, say, the Green Party or Libertarian nominee. Compare them to the maggots who will worship everything that comes out of Trump’s mouth even if goes against everything they believe in and explicitly contradicts what something he said and they were worshiping less than five minutes prior.

    “If I wanted to false flag troll as a leftist, I’d want an unsophisticated audience – f***book, for example.”
    You’ve been on BAN longer than I have. Do you actually believe that this site has a more sophisticated audience than facebook? I don’t see any difference, BAN’s comments have the same cross-section as for example youtube’s comments does.

    “If you call them that face to face, them there’s fighting words.”
    Good. I’ve been part of the struggle against the banderites for over a decade now. If they want to fight, I’ll more than happy to send them to hell or be martyred trying.

  56. @White Men Can Trump
    “How many Trump voters reading this could possibly be converted to Biden voters by overly enthusiastic Trump supporters, or Biden supporters trolling as such?”
    I agree, people who have already made up their mind to vote for either of the uniparty candidates are not going to be swayed, but they also don’t have any reason to be researching or following minor party news. The people coming here to look for alternatives, on the other hand, are exactly the ones that might be manipulated using such tactics, making BAN a prime stakeout for plants.

    @You can’t spell triumph without TRUMP
    Well, judging by that comment, you for starters 😂

    Projecting your projection, while very meta, is hardly clever. Try harder.

    @Stfu troll
    How lovely and disingenuous of you. I have no reason to troll when being 100% sincere drives already makes you misbehave like this 😏

  57. “Or, to use Bernard Shaw’s words, please justify your existence.”

    You first, Nuña; I’ll be a gentleman on this issue.

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