“Presumptive Nominee” Criterion Used to Include Biden and Trump in CNN June 27 Debate? The FEC Says There is No Such Thing.

The Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Campaign filed a Complaint with the Federal Election Commission stating that this criterion that would be used to include Joe Biden and Donald Trump in a Thursday, June 27 debate that might exclude RFK, Jr. could not legally be employed without triggering illegal corporate contributions to the Biden and Trump Campaigns. It appears that the FEC agrees.

Here is the latest on this matter.


“Presumptive Nominee” Criterion Used to Include Biden and Trump in CNN June 27 Debate? The FEC Says There is No Such Thing. — 30 Comments



    FEC: CNN Presidential Debate Violates Campaign Finance Laws if Kennedy Is Kept Off Stage
    June 11, 2024

    WASHINGTON, DC—JUNE 11, 2024—The Federal Election Commission’s (FEC) recent public statement regarding CNN’s presidential debate makes clear CNN will violate federal law absent the inclusion of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

    As previously reported, Kennedy has filed an FEC complaint alleging CNN, Biden, and Trump flagrantly violated the Federal Election Campaign Act requirement that media broadcasters use “pre-established” and “objective” criteria to determine candidate participation.

    Failure to use objective criteria renders the debate a campaign contribution, subject to strict donation limits.



  2. CNN is being so stupid about this. Instead of being glad that RFK wants to join the debate, they are bending over backwards and risking breaking the law in order to exclude him. Meanwhile, they seem willing to appease Biden’s insane demands, such as not allowing an audience to be present at the debate and publishing all debate questions ahead of time so he can be coached to answer them. And Trump has more than enough experience with the CNN treatment, so he would be crazy to boost their viewership by bothering to even show up.

    It is shaping up to be either Trump and RFK without Biden, or Biden without Trump and RFK. And since CNN has never cared about their image, they clearly want the latter, so that they can give Biden an extended campaign ad for free, then whine about Trump not coming to boost their views.

  3. https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/13/politics/video/america-not-democracy-republic-trump-maga-digvid




    PR – LEGIS

  4. Happy birthday President Donald J Trump! It’s fitting such a patriot is born on Flag Day.

  5. Kennedy updated website showing Alaska, Tennessee, and Washington as qualified states in last 24 hours.

  6. I’ve got an uneasy feeling even if the FEC or a court agrees with Kennedy on all points, CNN will just go forward with a 2-candidate debate on the gamble that helping Biden will get them off the hook later, or allow them to play martyrs if Trump is the one to follow-up.

  7. Happy birthday to our temporarily wrongly removed from office President, Donald Trump Sr, and happy new year 78 ADJT y’all!

  8. Unity08 is likely correct. I say by all means, let them play stupid games and win stupid prizes.

    I’m highly optimistic that the martyrdom will be literal and physical, both for the wretched corporate entity/propaganda factory and its top decision makers, during the upcoming second Trump administration, which for numerous reasons I believe is pretty much assured to both happen and to be much, much better than the first.

    They can be thereafter lionized as heroic martyrs in Chinese, European, and various other foreign propaganda factories. I’m ok with that. After we make America and Europe great again we can see about other areas.

  9. Using presumptive nominee isn’t in the FEC rules only in the same trivial sense the usual polling requirements or ballot access thresholds (or donor thresholds they’ve been using in primary debates) aren’t in the FEC rules, either. All that’s required is using “objective criteria,” there’s no list of approved options for that. If CNN wants to count presumptive nominees of sufficiently qualified parties for the ballot access rule, there’s no reason they can’t, and it’s frankly not irrational.

    Jill Stein is still the presumptive Green nominee so the same would benefit her, but it’s moot because I don’t think the Greens aren’t automatically qualified for over 270 electoral votes, and even if they were she’s nowhere close to hitting the 15% polling rule.

    Realpolitik: the FEC is absolutely not going to do anything about it even if there was a strong argument CNN was breaking the rules. And the argument isn’t actually strong. Nor will any lawsuit about it succeed, just like all the other attempts during the CPD era failed.

    And even if you somehow did stop the CNN debate, Biden and Trump would just contrive another host and do a better job crossing their t’s and dotting their i’s. Make the polling threshold 20% this time instead of 15% and drop the ballot access rule, or whatever. If they want to debate each other, at the end of the day there’s nothing you can do to force them to appear on stage with somebody else, or to ban them from meeting each other somewhere. Getting inclusive debates by trying to connive some government prohibition on two-party debates was always a fool’s errand. It’s free speech, like it or not.

  10. That’s right. But the Kennedy campaign and its supporters, as well as those who want to have more inclusion of outsider candidates and opinions, should publicly pressure Trump to also set up debates with Kennedy and invite Biden, who will skip them. I think Trump will go for it, but he may need some public encouragement to make it a priority and actually make it happen.

    Both Kennedy and Trump will benefit as a result, both at Biden’s expense. It’s highly unlikely Kennedy could catch up to and pass Trump by November given all the democrats who will vote for Biden even if he actually dies before then and it can’t be covered up. Or even if its proven he already died and various body double, cgi, and other such tricks were used to cover it up. It won’t matter, because they will just see the donkey and follow the donkey just like they always did before.

    Trump has many more hardcore supporters who would never consider Kennedy than Biden does, so there’s no way this can help Biden.

    Think this through, and encourage president Trump, media organizations, etc to make it happen while you join me in wishing him happy birthday on X and everywhere else you can today, and as many times as needed after today until it’s officially a go.

    We must secure a victory for Donald Trump and a future for White children!

  11. Trump debating Kennedy one-on-one would be terrible for Trump. Kennedy already hurts Trump more, and Trump and the RNC both know that. Signal-boosting and validating him like that an audience of mostly Trump voters (no Dem-leaners would be watching that freak show) is probably the single biggest thing Trump could do to lose votes. Never gonna happen. And when he says oh yeah sure if he qualifies that’s fine, he’s bluffing, knowing that bluff will never be called.

    Perot 1992 was the weird outlier because both major-party candidates thought he hurt the other more (it was genuinely pretty close to a wash). RFK, like Johnson, has the opposite problem: both major-party candidates think he hurts them more. Trump correctly, Biden incorrectly, but both campaigns think it.

  12. You are wrong, and I already explained why. I could try again, but I don’t see what wasn’t clear when I explained why you’re wrong earlier. Help a cracka out?

  13. In case the problem was that you skipped that part, the relevant part was.

    Trump has many more hardcore supporters who would never consider Kennedy than Biden does, so there’s no way this can help Biden.

    Even if you’re correct that Kennedy currently draws more support whose second choice is Trump and not Biden – polls are very mixed on that – his growth potential is significantly greater on the side of those more likely to otherwise vote for Biden and not Trump.

    This is especially true if Trump contrasts them better through debates. Kennedy was a lifelong democrat who was not implausibly running for their presidential nomination before switching to independent a few months back. On many important issues he’s to the left of Biden.

    The only thing that was implausible about him seeking their nomination was that the current quislingesque puppet dictator illegitimately occupying the oval office is a Democrat who stubbornly refuses to retire long past the point where he should have in much the same way, and with much the same associated risks albeit in a larger scale, as many old folks who should by no means be driving a motorized vehicle on roads shared by others anymore stubbornly refuse to give up the car keys.

    But ideologically, there was nothing particularly implausible about Kennedy seeking the assinine party’s seal of approval for worming his way into the white house. It would have been far less plausible for him to have sought the Republican nomination, even if Trump had decided against running again.

    Many people currently inclined to consider Kennedy who are otherwise supporting or leaning to Trump simply don’t know about all the left to far left views Kennedy holds. This would change substantially with each debate between Kennedy and Trump.

  14. CNN is not so secretly in Biden’s corner, so it’s hardly surprising that they will invent any excuse to keep Kennedy out and agree to any Biden demands. They probably don’t expect any legal consequences to materialize.

    If they do materialize, they’re probably correct in guessing those would be in the form of a fine which they at worst will have to pay eventually at some point after exhausting appeals long after the debate, and most likely the election, took place. They are, hopefully, wrong, and will suffer a corporate death penalty during the second Trump term. But either way, the debate would have long since happened by then.

  15. I agree with Unity08 and Pig Farmer, that is likely CNN’s “plan” (if it can be called a plan). But it will backfire tremendously, no matter what. CNN is on its last death rattles and is only being kept artificially alive by the Biden administration’s patronage. Even if Biden is re-elected, CNN has made itself so universally hated that Biden will sacrifice them to throw a bone to the public. CNN literally lives and dies by the whim of the Democrat establishment and they have put the last nail in their own coffin with these debate shenanigans.

    While Kennedy debating Trump would undoubtedly benefit Kennedy’s image and be detrimental to Trump’s, it would not convince any of the latter’s blind sycophants. The orange RINO could literally turn around and call for the assassinations of Putin and Netanyahu, and his mindless cult would unflinchingly cheer it on without a second’s hesitation. It also wouldn’t matter whether it is a head-to-head debate or 3-, 4-, 5- or more-way debate: Kennedy has Trump by the short and curlies over covid, and Trump foolishly keeps doubling-down on his treachery.



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