Democratic National Committee Still Hasn’t Chosen the Date of the Virtual Roll-Call that will Nominate for President

The Democratic National Committee has not yet set a date for the virtual roll-call of the delegates to the national convention.  This virtual roll-call will choose the party’s presidential and vice-presidential nominees, and it will be earlier than August 19-22, the dates of the physical national convention.

The party has never explained publicly why it is holding a virtual roll-call.  The original motive was because otherwise the nominee could not be on the Ohio ballot, but that problem was solved earlier this month when Ohio relaxed its date.


Democratic National Committee Still Hasn’t Chosen the Date of the Virtual Roll-Call that will Nominate for President — 14 Comments

  1. They are likely still debating whether to use Victrola, MySpace, or Tik-Tok.

  2. It’s the Democrats, just use Zoom and let the Chinese Communist Party pick the nominees directly…

  3. Vote for communist child abuse supporter Chase Oliver? No way in hell!

  4. They are wanting to that because they don’t want Biden on live TV. Look for the debates to be cancelled also.

  5. Comrade Z, thank you for voting libertarian to help get President Biden another 40 years to finish the great job he started.

    Comrade Riley, Tik Tok! Of course! Like, duh!

    Comrade Nunya, yes, but why not Tik Tok???

  6. Comrade retard, that’s true – in hell, there’s no way to vote. You just stay in line to vote forever. But at least we come by on our bicycles and give you gruel and cold V8s. Then don’t provide toilet facilities. Or shade.

    Comrade Skaggs, no way. The debates will totally happen. Actually, a good friend of mine is working on the cgi for some of the Biden part right now. She said it’s super amazing. I can’t tell you any more yet.

  7. I’m sorry, Comrade Troll. I didn’t mean to misgengder you. Please forgive me.

  8. Comrade Z, I love love love blacks, minors, and Biden. If I can cum party with all three, I call that an epic weekend. Trump is just icky though. Honestly, I don’t even want to let him watch. Maybe if we lock him up in a cage in the corner and gag him?

    Also, Biden is so not evil or senile! The last time he sniffed me, he like totally remembered me right away, I could tell! He bent forward, grabbed his knees and had the sweetest look on his pretty oldperson face! I could tell it was a big one! It took like a whole minute or maybe even minute and a half and then he said something about Corn pop and cannon balls and he had to leave like right away.

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