Florida Now Has Sixteen Qualified Parties

A few days ago, the Florida Secretary of State amended his website to list the Reform Party as a qualified party.  Florida now has sixteen qualified parties, all of them eligible to nominate by primary.  However, only parties with registration of 5% may have a presidential primary.  Also, only parties recognized by the Federal Election Commission as a national committee may nominate for president without a difficult petition.

Here is the list of the parties.


Florida Now Has Sixteen Qualified Parties — 10 Comments

  1. I hear internal fighting in the Reform Party over RFK Jr. Nomination. Is RFK Jr. nomination by Reform Party a lock or can they change their mind ?


  3. Johnny, the people unhappy with the RFK Jr nomination are not the officers of either the state party nor the national party, so it is unlikely the party will change its mind.

  4. No Pirate Party?

    I guess that they are all out looking for hidden treasure.

  5. @WZ,

    The Florida Statute requires a party to conduct certain political activities as defined by SOS regulation. The SOS regulations require $500 in annual contributions or expenditures. An annual audit is also required.

    These trip up most of the smaller parties.

  6. I wonder if RFK Jr is interested in the Natural Law Party nomination.

  7. Comrade Z – as you know, progress moves in one and only one direction. That’s why we call it progress. Like, duh!

    Once we add more minors to the ballot, They will stay on the ballot! We will progressively add lower and lower ages to the ballot as we progressively raise the permissible trimesters for post birth abortions. At some point the ages will meet in the middle and we will have to decide how to handle this.

    Because, like, we don’t want kids actually voting on abortion if they qualify to be aborted since that would, like, be a total conflict of interest. Duh!

  8. Also comrade Z, what are you talking about, gop minority rule regime? All the minorities I know in Florida are big D DNC voters! I don’t think we made crackas a minority in Florida yet. We’re working on it super hard, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves!

    And when we so make crackas a minority, they ain’t gonna rule diddly squat! Not even their own bowels! That is our promise to Florida minorities who are, once again, solidly supporting the big D trans DNC!

    From the gulf to the ocean, from the keys to the Riviera, Florida will be free of crackas!

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