Nevada Democratic Party Sues to Remove Green Party from the Ballot

On June 10, the Nevada Democratic Party filed a lawsuit in state court against the Secretary of State and the Green Party, alleging that the Secretary of State should not have approved the Green Party’s petition because it doesn’t have enough valid signatures.  Nevada State Democratic Party v Nevada Green Party, first  judicial district court, 24OC-00107.

However, when the Democratic Party filed the lawsuit, it did not have the complete list of petition signers.  The Secretary of State had only given the Democratic Party a partial list of the signers.


Nevada Democratic Party Sues to Remove Green Party from the Ballot — 44 Comments

  1. Will the Nevada Green Party retain its certification while the issue is being litigated?

  2. The DNC is now doing it direct to close a party down. In CA when I was Chairman of the AIP they planned to have the change its name. I as the chairman told the SOS I would not let the name change come to the floor. Therefore the governor just vetoed the bill.

  3. The ban of the Green Party is not going to help Biden. They don’t recognize that.

  4. Twenty years ago, I would have been upset about this. Now, I don’t care at all. I think the Green Party is mainly an issues organization. And I want to drive a V8.

  5. Comrade Leftist, thank you for your agreement with our democratic people’s strategy. The green vomit party are indeed a bunch of clowns. Never forget, they are solely and directly responsible for electing the son of a Bush who allowed 9/11 to happen on his watch, if not worse (let’s not get into conspiracy conjectures here), and everything that came from that: the war of terror, the long wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the antipatriot act, etc, etc.

    We could have had the great sage and high priest of our mother planet goddess Gaia, inventor of the internet, vice president senator AlgoreRhythm, as our President and Secretary General of the People’s Democratic United Nations, but thanks to the clown vomit party and the tragically fallen hero Raaaalph Nadir we got a son of a bush instead.

    Imagine the great good President AlgoreRhythm could have done. Certainly, he would have prevented 9/11 without any doubt. There is no doubt in my mind, yours, or anyone else, that he would have solved our existential Climate Crisis, which is 100% real as his brilliant Inconvenient Truth 100% accurate documentary conclusively proved.

    He would have done it in time to prevent Hurricane Katrina and the son of a Bush administration disastrous response. I’m not going to say the blew up the levees because, remember, we don’t talk about conspiracy theories. And so many other hurricanes since then. As you and I both know, the climate crisis which Professor Genius Sage AlgoreRhythm invented…wait, no, I’m sorry. I misspoke. That is 100% real. He invented the internet, that’s right.

    Anyway, the climate crisis, which is completely real and not made up, you and I both know it causes the hurricanes, and so many other bad things. As President, AlgoreRhythm could have solved it, well before Miss Katrina came down to New Orleans and got really wasted for a few days. That girl is crazy when she parties, I tell you what. You don’t even want to know what all she did in Mississippi, believe you me.

    I think it would have been legal for AlgoreRhythm to appoint himself UN ambassador and be elected Secretary General to take advantage of the synergy potential of both positions, merging the US and global governments like we should have a long time ago.

    But even if he could not have done that, he could have appointed his very good friend and frequent wifeswap partner Hillary Clinton – another great president we almost had more recently, also denied us by clown vomit candidate and Russian spy Jill Stein – that’s two great presidents we could of had, but no, the vomit clowns messed it up both times…

    Anyway, he could have made her the Secretary General of the UN and A secretary of state of the US at the same time, with the approval of the Senate, General Assembly, Security Council, and 100% of the world’s scientific community and everyone who follows the science. Our plans to merge the US and UN and EU etc would have gone very smoothly, I assure you.

    We could have been living in a very environmentally friendly, globally governed, United Nations Democratic People’s World Socialist Republic with guaranteed greeb jobs and soylent green retirement for everyone, all wealth and resources efficiently redistributed to the global 99%, all borders everywhere opened to newcomers and the wonderful cultural enrichment they bring, and so much more good our planet level workers paradise could have done by now.

    We could have all taken the blue pill in 2000, and been so incalculably better off by now. But instead, thanks exclusively to the vomit clowns and Raaaalph Nadir, we took the red pill and ended up with an evil son of a Bush. It was all 100% the fault of the clown vomit party agents of Adolf Putin.

    We must never forget, and we must never forgive.

  6. Comrade Seidenberg, I’m a bit confused about what happened there, but thank you for your service there, I think.

    DNC is a great organization. We are working on a resolution to formally make our name the DNC party. Jefferson and Jackson were embarrassing slave owners and patriarchs. I’m pretty sure neither one was Transgender..

    Who wants to remember those guys, or all the bad stuff our party used to do back in the bad old days before we grew way up, like hang out with those bubbas from the kkk and party in the woods with rope, and all the other stuff?

    It’s time for a cool 21st century rebrand.

    Everyone knows DNC Is one of the most awesomest ways to do abortion, right? Abortion is our holy sacrament ritual sacrifice atonement to our mother goddess for the 100% real climate crisis. This year, we are running to reelect our awesome team – President Joe Biden and Veep Kamala – and all the rest of our DNC Candidates solely on the basis of standing up to defend abortion left and rights.

    Well , not solely. But we do want to make it a very key central tenet that every child bearing person has a right and obligation to an abortion. Especially if they can have it through the DNC method. We can make exceptions for newcomers. But the oldcomers will need to have abortions, no exceptions allowed.

    We need to make room for as many newcomers and anchor babies as possible. There’s simply no more room for oldcomer babies. Our country’s full! A DNC for every oldcomer pregnancy! Well, maybe unless we can conclusively prove that the sperm donor was a newcomer, regardless of whether they injected the sperm themselves or our preferred method with the turkey baster.

    There’s a few other cool plans we can discuss, like transitioning all the oldcomers. Yes, each one of them. And making aborting oldcomers legal up to the 365th trimester. That is like one trimester of DNC government funded and mandated DNC method abortion for every day of the year!

    But let’s focus on immediate plans: abortion, abortion, abortion, and more abortions! All DNC all the time!

    And newcomers! We need as many as we can get!

    Let’s all think of some ways to get more in here. We can’t get enough. We badly need the cultural enrichment they bring. Let’s face it, they’re sending their best people, and of course they will replace us, as well they should!

    Well, and democratcy. We need every vote to count, unless it’s not for the DNC, in which case it shouldn’t count at all, or maybe we’ll just count the votes through an affirmative action method to make up for past wrongs where some groups of people such as Africans, Indians, all sorts of newcomers and potential newcomers, womb equipped individuals, felons, prisoners, people under the age of 18 (or in the bad old days 21), mentally incompetent morons and retards, people unjustly denied the right to co own all property by greedy guys who didn’t want to share, and so on.

    Well, anyway, we count their votes twice, and the other votes only once.

    But every vote must count, whether it’s once or twice, or unless someone other than a DNC still somehow wins, in which case we have to recount the votes in an even more affirmative manner until we get the DNC candidates elected.

    And let’s stop being all legalistic about it. That’s, like, so patriarchal and, ew, white. Every legal vote counts? As if! I’m like so triggered right now! Every vote needs to count, period! As many times as needed to elect our DNCs everywhere!

    And we need to put Trump and all his supporters in prison work farms, just like in a bananas people’s dnc republic like the one we are instituting here now.

    I’m going to have stop there, we have many more cool five year plans,but that’s enough for now.


  7. Comrade Skaggs, it can and it will. We have ways to make it work. Those who don’t work don’t eat. Unless they’re newcomers. Then they can eat oldcomers alive, or whatever. From each according to his ability, to each according to her needs. If we have to ban some parties, we are going to make it work, believe me!

  8. Comrade Robinson, it’s not fascist censorship when we do it. Only when the bad guys do.

    When we do it, it’s 100% follow the science woke social justice politically correct redistributionist ballot deplatforming of mean people who stubbornly refuse to DNC.

    It’s really just to keep everyone safe and put them on work farms to reeducate and enlighten them.

    All part of our cultural revolution and its great leap forward!

  9. Comrade Ny,

    I don’t get it. How do you drive vegetable juice mix? I’m going to have to try it. Does that work with a bicycle? You drink a v8 and it gives you the energy to keep pedaling? Ok, I think I get it now. That’s pretty cool!

  10. Comrade Ny,

    Green issues are wonderful. We need more of them. Please issue more green issues!

    But, they need to work through the DNC partial birth abortion method. If they vote through the clown vomit party, well that just helps Adolf Satanovich Putin get horrible presidents like Trump and the son of a Bush elected instead of amazing presidents we could have had like AlgoreRhythm and his good friend and frequent wifeswap partner Hillary.

    No thanks to Putin agent spies Jill Stein and Raaaaalph Nadir. We need to stop these vomit clowns before they unabort another presidential election.

    We need to ballot deplatform and cancel them, take their green issues, and redistribute them fairly. Otherwise I will get very triggered and start another ivy league untifada just like I used to do when I was two years old.

    Trust me, you don’t want that. The first big one was when they said the son of a bush one. I was screaming, crying, and pounding my little fists and footsies for like a solid month straight. I held my breath and actually turned completely blue.

    My birthpersons and greatbirthpersons assure me it was absolutely horrible.

    But it was nothing like when I turned 18 and voted in my very fifth presidential election and then they said Trump won all due to Putin agent Jill Stein. Oh boy did I get triggered that time. It was four years of solid tantric tantrum unit I got my DNC Biden back.

    Trust me, you don’t even want to think about trying to take him away from me again.

  11. @Michael Skaggs
    I disagree. Democratic strategists probably agree with you in private. So then they have other goals in mind.

  12. DNC’s Peoples Republic,

    Back in 1967 in CA a new political party was formed in Bakersfield, CA.

    The Democratic Party of Alabama departed the DNC and became the Alabama State affiliation of the AIP.

    The DNC got the California Legislature with a supermajority to pass a bill that the AIP change it name or it would be banned as a political party in CA. I told the SOS no. I would not allow the queation to come to the floor at convention.

    That worked. The Governor vetoed
    the bill. That was with the help of
    Robert Walters, former campaign manager in Calufornia for George Walters.

  13. Comrade Cerini: confused. I’m a top dnc strategist. I personally survived an attempt dnc by my loving birthpersons. Something about a white house visit when I was supposedly conceived way back in 1997 that’s totally over my head with a curette, LOL. Apparently, something about that visit caused some disagreement between my birthpersons for a while, but after I survived they decided to reunite for the good of the DNC. That’s all ancient history, anyway.

    My birthpersons taught me as soon as I started to be a potential birthperson how to use the turkey baster, become a prebirthperson, and then have a DNC abortion as often as my body and Gaia allow. I have been doing it ever since, praise Gaia!

    Anyway, as a top DNC strategist, I consider us to be in probate here, so I’ve been revealing top DNC straregy. I hope you don’t mind. I don’t like to repeat myself, I don’t like to repeat myself, so please study our secret DNC strategy which I posted, please study our secret DNC strategy which I posted.

  14. I’m so sorry. I consider us to be in private here was what I meant. But maybe we are in probate too, praise Gaia and praise Google! I think maybe we’re in probate over the estates of the parties that are not DNC.

  15. Comrade Z at 0417, rude! Donkeys are cute and have big Ds! Have you ever petted a donkey?

  16. Comrade Seidenberg oh wow, I love hearing fairy tales about the ancient times, like from my greatbirthpersons and stuff. They told me in 1967 they were up at a party of love in San Francisco and totally hooked up with this sweet musician named Charlie Manson which I think makes me cousins with Marilyn who used to be Brian . It’s complicated but it sounds like they had a lot of fun.

    Another one of my greatbirthpersons told me about hanging out in Woodstock NY for a whole summer back then in a 69 position with different oldcomers and eating a lot of mushrooms and brown acid.

    It sounds like it was a super cool decade. I’d totally go back there if I could. I’m thinking of going to Chicago this summer to study the 1968 events there with some groovy reenactors.

  17. Comrade Z 454: there’s so much I can say, but we’re fixing to go up with my birth person and sperm caretaker person to visit with my biological sperm donor, former president Bill Clinton, and his partner, the great Hillary RodHam Clinton, to help celebrate Sperm Donors and Sperm Caretakers day, so I’ll need to get back to you on that one.

  18. Comrade Z 504 – ditto!

    Comrade Z 527 – I only got as far as “CNN rules.” I agree, CNN totally rules!

  19. The major parties no longer want any outside competitors. Its that plain and simple. Its called JEWIIH CONTROLLED TYRANNY.

  20. Comrade John Taylor Bowles @ 644

    Cool story, bro. I told you I dig historical reenactors! When I saw you in that picture in a Nazi uniform, I like got so wet!

    Do you do Intifada reenacting at all? Because we totally like need more Intifada reenactors, especially experienced reenactors, around Chicago and Milwaukee this summer!

    Cum on, what do you say? Cum party with me? I’ll be the super slutty one wearing only a keffiyeh, combat boots, gas mask, and two umbrellas, one in each hand.

  21. Does anyone think that RFk jr has any chance of getting on either cnns June 27th debate or Abc’s debate in September?

    Seems that Headlines ran an update on Cnns finalized rules

    The presumptive nominee thing is still in place and CNN seems like they will ignore the “presumptive ” label contrary to what the FEC has already said and apply a different standard to Trump and Biden

    Would a lawsuit do anything to at least get him on the September debates?

    Perhaps suiing BOTH FEC and CNN?

    Clearly this is illegal campaign contribution as biden and trump aren’t official nominees

    FEC for failing to tell CNN to abide by regulations?

    I hope that if he’s not in this debate there will be enough time to get officially on 270 electoral states for September’s ABC debate

    Assuming he hits 4 polls at 15%

    Bizarrely this month he hit no polls at 15 % after doing well.Maybe the administration colluded with pollsters to keep his numbers down

    I hope in the month(s) before September he will hit at least 15% in 4 polls.

    Appreciate any critical thought on this.

    On what you believe will really happen

    Thank you all

  22. I highly doubt the validity rate of the petitions is less than 33% (they turned in roughly 30k signatures for a 10k valid requirement). The unDemocrats are probably hoping the judge the case is assigned to is biased in their or the two-party system’s favor, which is something that’s happened before on a number of occasions unfortunately.

  23. Comrade Ashley, thank you for asking. CNN: no chance. ABC: I don’t know yet, but probably not. I don’t think President Biden will attend if they let the brain worm traitor in. I’m like 99.9999% sure no way on Gaia green earth they will both be on the same stage anywhere ever.

    Lawsuits: I don’t think you will get anywhere by September. And if you do, I don’t see how you could compel ABC to not cancel it, or President Biden to attend if they don’t.

    If you sue, I’m not going to give away legal strategy, but we’re going to make you really regret you did. This is not a threat to do anything illegal, and you will not know what’s going to happen until it happens.

    Suing FEC on what grounds? I mean, I don’t expect you to tell me, but if you want to give me a hint, I can give you my general opinion, and or somebody else might.

    President Biden might be the official nominee before then. We’re working on that. Convicted felon trump probably won’t be. But I don’t know if RNC might follow our lead on that. I can’t say for sure that they won’t.

    You might get to 270 officially by September, but not if we can help it. Does ABC have the same poll criteria as CNN, or what are their exact criteria? I saw it once but I’m focused on CNN, Chicago, Milwaukee, and other things coming up first. Do you know off the top of your head?

    FEC issued an opinion. What exactly are you trying to get them to do on short notice, how, and why?

    Why are you assuming he gets another poll above 15%? He had 3, I think ever, where be got 15% or barely over. There have been way more polls where he didn’t.

    There is nothing strange if he doesn’t get 15% again. I’m not saying he for sure already peaked, but probably he has.

    Do you have other questions?

    Comrade H: there’s what you doubt and there’s what you can prove.

    I don’t think you understand democratcy. It’s when Democrats win. There’s nothing unDemocratic about it. Enabling Trump to win is what is unDemocratic. Why would you want to do that? You do know he wants to be a dictator on day one, wants a bloodbath, etc, etc, etc? It would be way worse than last time, if you didn’t mind when he was president before.

    Comrade Z, why would our state affiliate lack standing? It’s a standard type of lawsuit, and has succeeded In the past.

  24. DNC PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC on June 16, 2024 at 6:57 am said:
    Comrade John Taylor Bowles @ 644

    Cool story, bro. I told you I dig historical reenactors! When I saw you in that picture in a Nazi uniform, I like got so wet!

    Do you do Intifada reenacting at all? Because we totally like need more Intifada reenactors, especially experienced reenactors, around Chicago and Milwaukee this summer!

    Cum on, what do you say? Cum party with me? I’ll be the super slutty one wearing only a keffiyeh, combat boots, gas mask, and two umbrellas, one in each hand.
    My cousin knew him. He must be typing here from the grave because that’s where he is. Do you ever investigate before you write?

  25. Wow, what kind of a comments conversation was that?! I can’t tell who is serious and who is simply mocking the entire process & the Green Party to boot!
    The Democrats have recently formed at least three very well funded organizations whose expressed purpose is to close down any and all so-called “third-party,” we say minor-party, candidacies. This goes beyond the clownish, Elias group and his inept attempts to disenfranchise Greens & green-leaning voters.
    The party fanatics believe they OWN every vote left of their center right position. The corporate money behind believes they have to own every vote to keep their profits. The rest of them are just running scared on message. But this has been an over two decades practice, predating even Nader. They’ve basically characterized every single election as being a crisis for America and told the Green Party & others, “you can’t run now, but you should run next time,” which becomes “next time, and next time” again. Hell, the race against Mitt Romney was a crisis to them! Both duopoly parties have painted themselves into a corner now, and have created the crisis. What do we do? Suspend democracy? The Republicans seem perfectly content, twisting their organization into a pretzel for their crazed ringleader, but the Democrats are not far behind. One wonders if this “saving democracy” is even believed by them anymore.

  26. Larry is actually John Taylor Bowles. Nice try though.

    He can share his proof that he’s dead 8f he feels like it.

  27. Mychal, if you can’t tell who is serious, welcome to online comment discussions. That is usually the case.

  28. The exclusion of RFK Jr. from the debate would be a clear violation of the Federal Election Campaign Act and the Commission’s own regulations.

    As you are aware, the Commission on Presidential Debates has stated that they do not recognize the term “presumptive nominee” (Island News). Moreover, Section C of the Federal Election Commission’s regulations (11 CFR 110.13) clearly outlines the criteria for debate inclusion. By hosting debates for “presumptive” nominees Biden and Trump prior to their conventions, CNN will be in violation of Section C, constituting an illegal contribution. This violation is crystal clear, as neither the FEC nor the Commission on Presidential Debates accepts the term “presumptive.”

    Furthermore, RFK Jr. has a significant presence in the 2024 presidential race, with a strong chance of appearing on the ballots with enough electoral votes (270) to win. His exclusion from the debate would be a blatant disregard for the principles of fairness and equality that underpin our democratic process.

    To come into compliance with the Federal Election Campaign Act, CNN must apply its criteria objectively and inclusively. As of now, Presidents Biden and Trump have not yet been nominated by their parties, and their names are not certified to appear on a single state ballot. RFK Jr., on the other hand, has demonstrated a significant level of support and viability in the election.

  29. LOL is actually John Taylor Bowles. Nice try though.

    He can share his proof that he’s dead 8f he feels like it

  30. @Karen [DNC Pr]

    ou’re gravely underestimating the legal grounds and determination of RFK Jr.’s potential lawsuit. Your dismissive attitude and veiled threats only serve to expose your own insecurity and disregard for the democratic process. Instead of trying to intimidate and silence, you should focus on ensuring a fair and inclusive debate that respects diverse perspectives and candidates. Your attempts to stifle voices and manipulate the narrative will only fuel the fire of scrutiny and accountability. Embrace the democratic process, or risk being consumed by your own arrogance.

  31. Stop trolling: I have NEVER used a pseudonym. If a comment is written by any name other than my own it is not me you cock sucking mother fucking piece of shit.

  32. Stock is triggered because his trolling has been exposed. He needs mental help.

  33. Did Thomas W Jones kick Robert K Stock off the Retard Party ticket?


  34. Q is actually John Taylor Bowles. Nice try though.

    He can share his proof that he’s dead if he feels like it.

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