Lawsuit Against North Dakota Ban on Out-of-State Circulators for Initiatives is Voluntarily Dismissed

On June 2, the lawsuit Hendrix v Howe was voluntarily dismissed.  This was a case filed in 2023 to challenge the North Dakota ban on out-of-state circulators for initiatives.  The plaintiffs say they dismissed it because they would rather challenge the similar bans in Arkansas ad Missouri first.


Lawsuit Against North Dakota Ban on Out-of-State Circulators for Initiatives is Voluntarily Dismissed — 4 Comments

  1. On what possible basis? And if they do have any kind of argument, why does it matter where they challenge the law first? And if it matters, why didn’t they decide on that before they failed to begin with?

  2. The attorney who filed the North Dakota case is just too busy with more pressing lawsuits. He is representing RFK Jr. and RFK Jr. lawsuits are more urgent.

  3. Thank you. That makes sense. They might have similar problems in Arkansas and Missouri? Definitely not? Why shouldn’t states be legally allowed to decide on this, anyone know?

  4. Since when does Missouri have a ban on out of state petition circupators?

    I know Arkansas passed a ban on out of state petition circulators a few years ago. but it only applies to initiative and referendum petitions, but I have heard of no such ban having been passed in Missouri.

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