The Nation Magazine Criticizes Democratic Party for its Plans for a Virtual Pre-Convention Session

The Nation magazine, in its June 2024 edition, criticizes the Democratic National Committee for its decision to nominate President Joe Biden before the physical convention.  It is behind a pay wall, but says, “It’s hard to imagine a worse idea.  For many progressives – including key elements of the Democratic base – the only thing more dispiriting than having to vote for Biden and Harris again is to watch them get renominated.  A floor debate over unconditional aid to Israel might not be pretty, but it would reflect what Democrats are actually arguing about…the party’s rules matter as much as its rulers.  And debates over these rules…need to happen live and in public.”


The Nation Magazine Criticizes Democratic Party for its Plans for a Virtual Pre-Convention Session — 42 Comments

  1. Boo hiss! As if!

    This is a prime example of why we need to merge all nations into a united world government UN socialist workers democrat people’s republic!

    Nation-alism is super dangerous and needs to be outlawed, except for oppressed majority minority nations and minorities in the oppressor nations!

    The debates about unconditionally supporting Hamas will happen and we will shout the opposition down, in Chicago or if we do it on tik tok or even zoom. And we’ll still have our long hot summer of love, burning, looting, murder, reparations, newcomers , intifada, rainbow pride, public abortions, drag queens, trans kids, big D donkeys, furries etc etc in Chicago and Milwaukee regardless of where those debates will be!

  2. Also, happy sperm donors and cuck sperm caretakers day to all sperm donors and cuck sperm caretakers out there, y’all totally rock and we couldn’t do it without you, at least not quite yet, although we’re working on the DNA technology in China now to make it possible.

  3. 99% sure serious. Even if she’s joking, how could anyone tell the difference between that and the actual DNC clown show?

    The problem about trying to joke and parody something that’s already a total joke and ever crazier and crazier self parody is that it’s never possible to tell who’s joking and who’s serious.

    Also, you have to be really careful, on account the “serious” people will mine your jokes for actual suggestions and implement them or riff off them and do something even crazier.

  4. Comrade q, I’m like 100000% serious.

    Comrade answer, good point. But, what difference does it make? Whether we’re serious or joking, we’ll think of all the same cool ideas soon enough and totally make them happen!

    Comrade answer #2: I know you are, but what am I?

  5. Comrade Zohar: since I asked comrade Number Two, and you answered, you must be Comrade Number Two, and you already said you are Comrade Stock when you checked in and announced who you are and what you’re doing here at 10:32.

    We can play who’s on first later if y’all want. Honestly, I don’t care who you are, who you think I am, or if you think I’m trolling, which I already answered completely honestly and seriously.

    Also, whoever said on another thread that I’m a right wing troll who’s parodying libtards: How dare you? I’m triggered and totally offended, and demand an immediate public apology! Take that back right now, you evil tool of the cis hetero white male patriarchy, before I bring my untifada friends to picket you wherever you live or go! I’m serious. I’m going to count to three. You better apologize and make me believe you mean it.

    I’m rubber, you’re glue. Whatever you said bounced off me and stuck to you.

  6. Comrade manager: why are you platforming these mean trolls who are misgendering me, suggesting I have some ulterior motives, have the unspeakable nerve to suggest I might be trolling when clearly it is they who are trolling, gaslighting me, targeting me through gang stalking, and trying to snuff out my voice because I’m a wombperson, a minority, polyqueer, and a DNC?

    I demand to know who these evil trolls are, get a public apology, have their triggering and extremely offensive comments removed, and have them deplatformed. Like, right now right now.

    I’m the world’s most precious snowflake and I’m already blue, but I’m going to jump up and down, scream reeeeeeeeeeee, pound my fists, hold my breath and turn an even deeper shade of blue until my completely legit concerns are made the top priority here and resolved to my satisfaction.

    Thank you so much in advance for your prompt attention and help in this matter!




  8. Fellow Karen: I don’t think you sound like AZ. For starters, if you want to sound like AZ, you need to put your caps lock on and leave it on, and I can give you some more tips if you want.

    I’m not going for an AZ, but I could do a good AZ if I wanted to.

    But, dang, girl, what’s up? It’s super cool to have a fellow Karen here! All this angry small d male energy had me all bummed out and triggered! Now I’m smiling and shaking my rainbow donkey tail again! Girl! Lez be friends!?

    U single? Poly? Cum play? Like reenactors? Ever tried it? Watcha doing this summer?

  9. Comrade John Taylor Bowles @ 148 pm

    Cool story, bro. I told you I dig historical reenactors! When I saw you in that picture in a Nazi uniform, I like got so wet!

    Do you do Intifada reenacting at all? Because we totally like need more Intifada reenactors, especially experienced reenactors, around Chicago and Milwaukee this summer!

    Cum on, what do you say? Cum party with me? I’ll be the super slutty one wearing only a keffiyeh, combat boots, gas mask, and two umbrellas, one in each hand.

    Oh and a big D strap on with a super cute rainbow fuzzy furry donkey tail! Super cute!

    DNC don’t fear reenactors. We totally think it’s fun! I’m a big DNC insider, but I’m gonna be outside too! Super fun!

  10. Comrade Z

    1. Mostly Comrade Xi and Comrade Soros. They’re both super cute and adorable oldpersons! And a huge hoot! We always have a lot of fun when I give them sponge baths!

    2. Like, I hope all of them?! You guys are totally all welcome to join us!! It’s gonna be like wow, fun! AND you can get paid! I’m serious!

    3. We got a ton of CCP folks there already! DPRK super welcome too! RUs might want to skip Chicago but cum party in Milwaukee! If you go to Chicago just be cool and wear a false flag because we’re gonna have a lot of Zelenskis playing there and we want to keep it chill and all be on the same side!

    Or, you can totally play fight, just as long as you don’t for real for real fight! Cool cool?

  11. Y’all you like to do historical reenacting? Like to cum play?

    I’m going to be urban tent camping in Chicago and Milwaukee with some cool Palestinian Intifada and Yippie Hippie and 1960s radical reenactors , groovy antifas, some Chinese People’s army dudes – they’re so cute and adorable – ivy league students and grads, some professional agitators (mostly 20s and 30s but all ages), slut walkers, rainbow pride party people, tons of trans kids and drag queens, more newcomers from all over the world than you can shake your stick at, these super hot Burn Loot Murder dudes that are totally gangsta with big Ds…it will be like the best most epicest party ever!

    Don’t worry if you are an oldperson. We love oldpersons. They are super adorable. We’ll totally elder care and give awesome sponge baths.

    Plus the best part, like even if you don’t really need the money, George Soros and Comrade Xi are paying! Nice!

    How’s your summer looking? I’m doing naked selfies and slutty duck lips with a mirror, keffiyeh, gas mask, two umbrellas, combat boots, and strap on big D with a fake furry rainbow donkey tail in the back, and I look crazy hot!

    What do you say?

    Ps no worries if you have a partner, or several, bring them too! Kids and companion animals super welcome!

  12. Mean people suck and spit when they post. I swallow! Y’all Don’t forget to register and vote early, vote often for Uncle Joe and my main Hoe, Aunt Kamala!!

  13. Real Answer and Johnny Zohar: I have not commented on this thread until now. I NEVER use a pseudonym. I only comment under my own name.

  14. Comrade Stock: what are your summer plans? U gonna hang out with us in Chicago and Milwaukee? Read what all I wrote about it first if your first answer is no and then tell me if I changed your mind or how I might maybe could?! Got any questions about it? Ask me anything!

  15. If anybody down to party early we’re getting together in Atlanta outside CNN first! Starting to gather up over the next weekend! Holla! Imma be there, fully dressed up by like no later than Friday! Fun!

  16. Whatcha planning in Atlanta? Do I have to be vetted to chill? Y’all got places to stay? Food? What else? How do I sign up to get paid and when can I start? If I can’t get away for whatever reason, are there ways to help from home or closer to home?

  17. Karen: This summer I am staying home. I am not a Republican or a Democrat so I don’t care about what happens at their conventions.

    Trump and Biden will get the nomination of their parties. I see no reason to watch their coronations.

    I will vote for Robert F Kennedy Jr for President.

  18. Thank you, comrade Stock. The real action will be outside, and it’s all about pressuring the big two party’s, and all the other big decision making orgs of all kinds, to be more progressive on the issues, using the media platforms of convention coverage.

    If you care about progressive issues it’s the best way to impact change personally and network, it will be a lot of fun, very educational and lucrative but maybe you just don’t like to have fun, make a real difference on the issues, get paid well by both capitalists and communists with deep pockets, or get a chance to talk to, like, all the media about what’s important to you.

    That’s your decision, but you’ll be missing out if you don’t go. A lot of people going will not be voting big D, unfortunately. There will be many Kennedy voters, non voters, and other type voters. I tried to explain why people might want to go above. If anyone has questions about any of it please Lmk . .

    If you feel like it we can talk about why you like Kennedy better than Biden, I think it would be interesting even if we can’t convince each other, but Lmk if you’re down, I am if you are.

    I’m both an insider and an outsider. The insider part of me hopes the outsiders out there with me put as much pressure on the insiders to move as far left on as many things as possible, and not just on us.

  19. Comrade q: being huge attention hoes, partying, networking, blocking traffic, get arrested and manhandled by men and women in uniform if you’re into that like I am, speaking out on all sorts of progressive issues, celebrating Pride month, tent camping, making cheddar, sex, drugs, all kinds of music and art and creativity, cosplay…you name it!

    You do not have to be vetted! There will be specific groups which can vet you for specific places and things but not the overall gathering!

    We have tents! They’re all nice and new! Lots of all kinds of drinks and food and supplies , just about anything you like to party with. Lots of cool clothes and all sorts of stuff. If you can’t tent camp we can probably hook you up with something else but we’re trying to get ad many people to tent camp in That part of down town Atlanta as we can!

    I gotta run but will answer the rest later!

  20. omg I can’t believe I just said men and women. Spank me! Persons! Persons in uniform! Not in any way limited to just men and women! Bad Karen, BAD!

  21. Karen: I have endorsed Rachele Fruit of the Socialist Workers Party for President. However she will not be on the ballot in Oklahoma.

    My second choice is Dr. Cornell West, but he won’t be on the ballot in Oklahoma either.

    So that leaves me with Robert K Kennedy Jr. I disagree with RFK Jr on vaccines, but I do like his position against corporations and against the military industrial complex.

    Trump and Biden are both in the pockets of the corporations in general and the war profiteers in particular.

  22. Autofill mistake. I spell my name so often it prompts a K when I should have typed F.

  23. Stock supports people being forced to take poison shots. What a fucking retard.

  24. In Stock’s world, killing people by shots is OK. He’s such a retard and supports murder.

  25. And, in the process, fuck actual public health, since the “science” backing this murder suicide megapact is politically distorted, dishonest bullshit by evil, greedy, sadistic control freaks who relentlessly seek to control everything and everyone through lies, fear, envy, and hatred.

  26. Stock screams fuck our freedom. The excuse (public health or any other used) is irrelevant. Fucking our freedom is the actual point. Public health is just the sugar coating on the poison pill in this particular case. In other cases, other excuses are used. Even preserving freedom is often used as an excuse. But gang raping 100% of all freedom of any kind anywhere ever to death is 100% of the actual goal.

    Not everyone who says fuck our freedom knows this, but everyone should know what it really means.

  27. Stock wants to hatefuck our freedom and rape everyone with syringes? Actually, it’s more likely he just wants to watch, cheer, and stroke himself, but he might jump in there and give it a thrust or two in lady liberty’s bleeding, gaping dirthole before weakly popping his cork and fizzling briefly.

  28. Robert K Stock: every word I wrote is sense which you lack. Every word you write reveals more than you intend. This is true even if you yourself are blind to the actual reality behind what you advocate.

  29. I want to make love to your freedom. I think lady liberty is super cute! You boys like watching girl on girl action? 69? I have a super cute strap on! Did I mention my rainbow donkey tail? OMG!

    I definitely know how to caress and lick lady liberty to relax and then make her scream and moan and beg for more. I can make her hurt so good!

    I bet I can pleasure and exhaust your freedom better then you can, LOL!

  30. Unvaxed and untaxed: Every word I write is my honest opinion and nothing more than that. There is no deeper hidden meaning. You are paranoid and live in a world of fantasy.

  31. I want your freedom to screw me. I am a beta male. Herd immunity requires a few sacrifices. I offer myself to be one of those. I am old and weak, so I must die to facilitate the survival of the fittest. The only way to give my life any value is to sacrifice it for the benefit of those who are stronger, better, and healthier than I am.

  32. Robert K Stock, I believe every word I write. You might believe that or not, which is irrelevant. There is no way either of us can prove it to the other or to others here.

    You might believe every word you write. Maybe not. I don’t know, can’t know, and care very little if at all.

    I’m not paranoid or delusional. You are dangerously naive and delusional if you do believe every word you write. Either way, you’re just another insignificant cog in a dangerous machine of death and destruction in this case.

    Whether you are aware of what you are playing a part in is besides the point. Being an unwitting dupe doesn’t or wouldn’t make you less useful to those you are shilling for. Neither would be being dishonest. The scenario under which you’re honest gives your words the exact same effect they would have under the scenario where you’re not.

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