CNN Debate Criteria Would Have Kept Ross Perot Out of Debates in 1992

The June 27 presidential debate sponsored by CNN requires candidates running outside the major parties to have qualified in states containing at least 270 electoral votes by June 20.  This is an irrational requirement, because the traditional bulk of petitioning for independent presidential candidates is done later in the year than June 20.

For example, in 1992, Ross Perot was only on the ballot in states containing 119 electoral votes as of June 15.  The authority for this statement is the June 15, 1992 print issue of Ballot Access News.  It shows he was only on the ballot in Alaska, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Idaho, Kentucky, Maine, New Jersey, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming (12 states).  He was finished petitioning in many more states on that date, but the state elections offices hadn’t checked his signatures yet.


CNN Debate Criteria Would Have Kept Ross Perot Out of Debates in 1992 — 14 Comments

  1. From the standpoint of free and fair elections and an informed public, it is very much an irrational requirement. But that’s not what CNN and the two ruling party Establishments are interested in, but rather in preserving and upholding their own power and the system from which they derive it. And since they control the courts and the FEC and the major news media organizations, who’s going to hold them accountable? Sadly it’s not going to be the public at this rate, elections are like a sports game to many people; right or wrong, root for the team, rah, rah, rah!

  2. Of course it would have, Richard. You know that’s why the Commission on Presidential Debates was created: to shove aside 3rd party/indy candidates (and the League of Women Voters). And, we have of course now gone beyond that.


    Key takeaways from a new poll of Black voters

    Third parties gain ground as Biden struggles to keep his edge, Trump fails to gain ground among Black voters.

    7. For the disaffected, third parties have new appeal.

    In 2020, just 1% of those surveyed said they voted for a third-party candidate. Now the drift from Biden has swelled that number to 15% in Michigan and 16% in Pennsylvania.

    In Michigan, independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was backed by 8% and Cornel West by 6%. In Pennsylvania, West was supported by 8% and Kennedy Jr. by 7%. Green Party candidate Jill Stein was supported by 1% in each state.

    A fair share of third-party supporters identified their second choice as some other independent candidate. Backers of West in both states were most likely to choose RFK Jr., for instance.

    But the findings underscored Biden’s opportunity to claim, or reclaim, the loyalty of Black voters who have defected to third parties. In both states and with every independent candidate, supporters were more likely to pick Biden than Trump as their second choice.

    Kennedy’s supporters in Pennsylvania picked Biden over Trump by 27% to 11%, for instance. In Michigan, the margin was 48% to 13%.

    The question ahead: Can Biden win them back?

  4. Real news sources state Trump is gaining black voters. The AZ bot love to spit out fake news links.

  5. No doubt, Biden will receive every exact question before the debate and Trump won’t.

  6. Duverger’s Law states that plurality voting and single member districts lead naturally to a two party system. But, even that isn’t enough for America’s duopolists. They have to restrict ballot access, regulate political contributions, AND cajole the mass media to make sure that no challengers emerge to mess up their fixed game.

  7. I spoke to the FEC yesterday and was told I could file a formal complaint

    Here’s what I have come up with as a template

    I have had to make some adjustments as there was an error in the previous letter

    What do you think of this?

    Dear FEC Commissioners,
    I am writing to file a formal complaint against CNN for their unfair debate criteria and exclusion of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. from their upcoming presidential debate. These actions violate the Federal Campaign Act’s provisions on debate fairness, equal opportunities, and campaign finance disclosure.

    Violations of the Federal Campaign Act:
    Failure to Disclose: CNN failed to disclose material information about their debate criteria and polling data, violating the disclosure requirements of the Federal Campaign Act (52 U.S.C. § 30104).
    Unfair Debate Practices: CNN’s arbitrary debate criteria and exclusion of RFK Jr. violate the Federal Campaign Act’s provisions on fair debate practices and equal opportunities for candidates (52 U.S.C. § 30116).

    Evidence of Collusion:
    According to a Washington Post article dated May 15, 2024, “President Biden made his terms clear for two one-on-one debates, and Donald Trump accepted those terms,” and a Trump campaign official confirmed that a CNN producer assured them that RFK Jr. would not be on the stage. (Washington Post, May 15, 2024)

    “The CPD’s own rules state that debates should be inclusive and fair, but CNN’s criteria are anything but,” said CPD co-founder Frank Fahrenkopf. “By excluding RFK Jr., CNN is denying voters the opportunity to hear from a legitimate candidate and perpetuating a broken system.” (Washington Examiner, June 15, 2024)
    Statements from Professor Derek Muller:

    “The debate criteria are shifting in a way that may bar RFK Jr. from the June debate,” said Professor Derek Muller, an election law expert at Notre Dame Law School. “This is a clear example of how the political establishment is trying to silence alternative voices.” (KITV News)

    “The fact that CNN is not counting one of RFK Jr.’s qualifying polls is a violation of their own rules,” Professor Muller added. “This is a blatant attempt to exclude a candidate who has a legitimate chance of qualifying for the debate.” (KITV News)

    Evidence of Unfair Exclusion:
    CNN failed to include the Monmouth poll from April, which showed RFK Jr. polling at 18%, in their debate criteria. This omission unfairly excluded RFK Jr. from the debate, despite him meeting the polling threshold.

    Connection to Violation:
    The evidence of collusion between CNN, the Trump campaign, and the Biden campaign, as reported in the Washington Post, demonstrates a violation of the Federal Campaign Act’s provisions on debate fairness and equal opportunities. By excluding RFK Jr. from the debate, CNN is denying him equal opportunities and unfairly benefiting his opponents.

    I request that the FEC:
    Investigate CNN’s actions and ensure that debate criteria are fair and inclusive.
    Take appropriate action to prevent arbitrary exclusion of candidates in the future.
    Enjoin the Parties from holding the presidential debate scheduled for June 27, 2024, until the Parties have come into compliance with the Federal Election

    Campaign Act.
    Neither Donald Trump nor Joe Biden will be on the ballots during the June 27, 2024 Presidential Debates.
    Thank you for your attention to this matter.

    Your Name




  9. “Real news sources state Trump is gaining black voters. The AZ bot love to spit out fake news links.”

    Pete, you must realize bots don’t have human emotions. It doesn’t love to do anything. It executes its program routines and subroutines – that’s it. It has no mind and no feelings. Understand that on a visceral level, not just an intellectual one, is key to truly understating how to interact with a conversation infested by uncontrolled bots..

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