Canada Held Five-Party Debates in Each of the Last Two General Elections

Canada held general elections for Parliament in 2021 and also 2019.  There have been no general parliamentary elections since then.  In both 2019 and 2021, the leaders of five parties participated in debates.  See this wikipedia story.


Canada Held Five-Party Debates in Each of the Last Two General Elections — 10 Comments

  1. Canada, and it’s Provinces, have a century long history of being open to all Political Parties (with a few exceptions during World Wars) – indeed the few laws restrict minor parties have been curtailed, especially since the Constitution was brought home in 1982.
    Thus, to be a Political Party on the ballot for n Canada requires a few signatures and a tiny fee. Somehow, we have not fallen apart, despite the efforts of the Rhinoceros Party.
    Most elections here have 4 to 6 parties, although usually only 4 parties end up in Provincial legislatures. Federally, we have had at least 5 parties for many decades – yet it works.

  2. I watched said debates – ironically, the separatist Block Québécois leader stood out ! True democracy has nothing to lose by allowing voices.





  4. Hah, imagine if someone actually founded the Freedom Convoy Party. That would be awesome! Though it would probably get banned or infiltrated immediately.

  5. Artur Pawlowski for Prime Minister of Canada!

    More realistically however, just as with the US, I fear it’s too late for Canada to fix itself internally, and a Russian liberation and denazification is the only hope.

  6. We’ll have to disagree as to the realism of the latter, at least if you mean in direct military terms as opposed to behind the scenes inspiration and indirect support. I could be wrong, but if I am, I’ll be astonished if that will be before another generation or two at least, at least from my present vantage point.

  7. I’m not saying it is realistic in an absolute sense. I am saying that to me it seems MORE realistic than Artur Pawlowski getting to be PM, MORE realistic than a Freedom Convoy Party being allowed to exist as anything more than a honeypot, MORE realistic even than Canada or the US – or any other contemporary “western” (i.e. NATO, EU or ABCANZ) country, for that matter – fixing itself from within.

    And even more importantly than how realistic it is in this relative sense, it MUST happen.

    You’ve likely seen the clowns here on BAN who pretend to be Russian but don’t know, don’t understand even the first thing about being Russian at all. They say silly nonsense like “the idea that Russia should save the west is only a meme, a longstanding joke, a cultural throwback to Любэ songs”. And yes, it is all those things, absolutely. But not MERELY those things.
    Underneath is a very keen understanding that Russia has been entrusted by God with guardianship over the world, that Moscow is the Third Rome and Russia is the new Byzantine Empire, that, regardless of whether anyone including himself likes it or not, Putin is the defender of Christendom and champion of Christ.
    Everyone knows this – traditional Orthodox know it from Saints Olga and Vladimir, modernist Orthodox know it from Solovyov, traditionalist Catholics know it from Our Lady of Fatima, etc – but one way or another, everyone knows that it is Russia’s DUTY to save the west, that God has CHARGED and ENTRUSTED Russians with this TASK, that it is a DIVINE MANDATE.
    So behind of this meme, this joke, this cultural reference, at its base/root, is a keen, universal understanding of a very serious truth.

    And viewed from the other side, the western perspective, there is a NECESSITY for it to happen. The west desperately NEEDS liberation and denazification, and there is currently no other power in this world that is capable of providing such salvation.
    Whether or not it is realistic doesn’t factor into this; how soon it will happen is merely a practical detail: There is no other alternative besides a more direct and miraculous intervention by God.
    And, while the possibility of such a miracle should certainly not be discounted, I hope you will agree that counting on overt miracles is neither rational nor Christian.

    God will not abandon us. And therefore, one way or another, He will fix the west. And from a mere mortal perspective, the most realistic, or if you prefer the least unrealistic, way for that to happen is through a liberation and denazification by Russia.

  8. I don’t think God will abandon us, either. I think the liberation will most likely be gradual, indirect, and start with many small steps which will lead to bigger and bigger ones over time.

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