If Democrats Hold a Virtual Roll-Call to Nominate for President, it Can’t Be Earlier than July 13

This article about the Democratic Party’s plans for a virtual roll-call in advance of the August national convention says that a virtual roll-call is impossible before July 13.  That is because the Indiana Democratic Party won’t have chosen its delegates until that day.


If Democrats Hold a Virtual Roll-Call to Nominate for President, it Can’t Be Earlier than July 13 — 18 Comments


    FDR IN 1932-1944 ???

  2. Comrade trolls: vaccines totally rule! The more vaccines you get, the better!

  3. Comrade Z,

    The second amendment is about the National Guard. Like, duh!

  4. DNC People’s Republic–Not according to the Second Militia Act of 1792. It declares that the militia is every able-bodied man between the ages of 18 to 45 is a member of the militia. In other words, if there is a post-apocalyptic event that takes place, think of the flashback scene in the first Terminator movie, don’t make any plans. Uncle Sam will still want you.

  5. I’m a wombperson. Why do you spermperson supremacists keep trying to pretend I’m a spermperson here? I love sperm, but I don’t produce it, only consume!

    It says well regulated. These days, that’s National Guard! It’s not 1792! Like, duh! I wouldn’t be allowed to vote or own property in 1792. I would BE property, as would my womb.

    Instead of having fun cum play and D & C abortions as often as Original Wombperson Nature let’s me have a fetus in my womb, I would have to give birth as often as my owner could impregnate me. Yuck!

    Let’s not do 1792 again! As if!

  6. They keep us safe, and they’re,like, totally cute and adorable! Hugs and kisses!

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