George Wallace in 1968 Would Not Have Met the CNN Debate Rules

If the current CNN debate rules had been in place for a 1968 general election presidential debate, George Wallace would not have qualified.  He was not on the ballot in states with at least 270 electoral votes as of June 20, 1968.  A search of newspaper stories about Wallace’s petition efforts in 1968 reveals that he would have been on the ballot in states with, at the most, 189 electoral votes.

By June 20, he was on in Alabama, Arkansas, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and Texas.  He may or may not have been on in Colorado, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, and Wyoming.  This post assumes that he was.  The petitions in the unknown states, other than Tennessee and Wyoming, were so easy that newspapers didn’t seem to cover his submissions in those states.

Wallace’s party was on in California, but that party, the American Independent Party, had not yet nominated him, because state law at the time required party state conventions to be held in August, and only the state convention had the authority to choose presidential elector candidates and designate whom they were pledged to.  CNN rules in 2024 won’t make any assumptions about nominations by one-state parties.  CNN won’t count them until the paperwork is in.


George Wallace in 1968 Would Not Have Met the CNN Debate Rules — 36 Comments



  2. So Perot, Anderson, & Wallace would not make it per CNN rules. Suspect the same for the two 3rd parties in 1948 (Thurmond, & Henry Wallace. Suspect it would be the same for Teddy Roosevelt and the Bull Moose party!

  3. Teddy Roosevelt wasn’t nominated by his Progressive Party until August 5, 1912. He hadn’t even started to create the Progressive Party as of June 20, because Roosevelt wasn’t defeated for the Republican nomination until June 21.

  4. LOL. Bobby G = obbob = John Taylor Bowles.

    Nevertheless, yes, good point.

    As you go back to the suspected candidates, further and further back, you start to run into states that had no such thing as ballot access because they had no government printed ballots.

    South Carolina didn’t have them before 1950. Georgia, 1922.

    Ballot access for third party and independent presidential candidates wasn’t really an issue before the 1930s great depression, when many states made it much harder due to fear of a communist takeover..

    Polling was not a serious thing until home phones became common in the 1950s and 60s. In 1948,”Dewey beats Truman” famous newspaper headline was because there was a significant wealth disparity between those who had home phones to be polled and those who didn’t.

    Before radio became widespread in the 1920s and 30s, you couldn’t have had a national debate. You’d have to have had a bunch of regional stops where people could attend in person, and newspapers could write about it for the people in their local distribution market who couldn’t be there.

  5. Speaking of historical issues. On 2 August 1923, POTUS Warren C. Harding died in San Francisco, without an autopsy being performed when he was poisoned at Talkeena, AK at the Fairview Inn on 17 July 1923. This is similar to the fact that no lawful autopsy took place of JFK on 22 November 1963, because LBJ ordered the Secret Service to remove the body of JFK at gun point from Parkland Hospital at Dallas, TX, at gun point on Dr. Earl Rose. Dr. Rose was going to start the autopsy on JFK and was stopped at gun point on order of LBJ

    If Oswald was to have survived the gun shot by Jack Ruby, how could he been convicted without that lawful require
    autopsy. I used to talk about the gʻgʻ with Rabbi Hillel Silverman aboutthe Ruby sĥoting of Oswald by Jack Ruby at my Temple in Los Angeles will I {□ UCLA.

    It was Mable Walker Willebrandt that told me that Florance Harding poisoned her husband Warrwn Harding, because
    the prostitute named “Ray” entered the
    Presidential Suite with her husband Warren C. HARDING.

  6. People didn’t have home phones until the 1950s? Are you really that stupid? This is AZ level stupid.

  7. Bob, you are stupid. Learn to read.

    Some people had home phones earlier

    Some had them 100 plus years ago

    Some did not. As recently as at least 1948, a lot of blue collar and poor folks didn’t

    Which is why, given that more well off folks vote differently, on average , than less well off , polling had a significant income bias at least as recently as 1948. You can find this out for yourself by doing searches about what led to the “Dewey Beats Truman” famous newspaper headline which Truman held up when he actually beat Dewey.

    Do your own web searches, lazy retard. This is not esoteric information.

    My family in the rural deep south got home phones in the late 50s and early 60s mostly. We were “dirt poor.” It was before my time but everyone in my family didn’t just lie to me.

  8. When did y’all get tv? I got my first home television in 1956. A lot of poor folks down my way got it in the late 60s. We had a home phone before I was born. My parents had one in the 1930s.

  9. I would say 1950s and 60s for home phones among less well off, rural folks in Georgia was probably about right from what I can remember back then. We were comparatively well off. Daddy owned a few hundreds good acres plus a lot more swamp and crap land, a lot of which was developed later on in Georgia and Florida.

  10. By 1948, the 30 millionth phone was connected in the United States; by the 1960s, there were more than 80 million phone hookups in the U.S. and 160 million in the world; by 1980, there were more than 175 million telephone subscriber lines in the U.S.

  11. My relatives were far from well off, and they had phones by the 30s and TV by the mid 50s at the latest.

  12. US population during that period

    1910-1920: The population increased to approximately 106.4 million by 1920.
    1930-1940: The population grew to around 131.7 million by 1940.
    1950-1960: The population increased to approximately 179.3 million by 1960.
    1970-1980: The population grew to around 226.5 million by 1980.
    1990-2000: The population increased to approximately 281.4 million by 2000.
    2010-2020: The population grew to around 331.4 million by 2020.

  13. “My relatives were far from well off, and they had phones by the 30s and TV by the mid 50s at the latest.”

    Some people did, mostly urban and or up north.

  14. In 1948 there were 30 million phones, which included business, government, etc, with about 150 million people in the U.S.

  15. So if you got a brain up in your skull you can figure out, even with several people per household, a lot of folks still didn’t have them.

    Who was least likely to have one?

    Less well off


    Outside the northeast seaboard and urbanized great lakes areas

  16. George Wallace still won five states and picked off a faithless North Carolina Republican elector.



  18. We would have thrown it into the House state by state top three roll call, one vote per state delegation, had Gov Wallace listened to us and campaigned in Tennessee, Kentucky, Florida, the Carolinas, Missouri, Texas, Oklahoma, Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Delaware – close to election – instead of way far north and west.

    We could have ended desegregation and federal assaults on States right then and there. Little did we know Gov Wallace was a performance artist only paying lip service to the cause.

  19. In Southern Russia and Moldova (Moldavian SSR then) my parents still did not have home telephone or television in the 1980s. Alot of other people did.

  20. Population is a misnomer, as that includes children. Households would be a more accurate stat, as a husband and wife would most likely share a phone line.

  21. Since we are going memory lane. I recall the day my parents got a TV was in 1951. That was in Los Angeles, CA

    As for telephones my dad told me my grandparents got a phone in 1904 in Los Angeles.

  22. Y’all Jews be rich, daddy. Dass why I still fux wit Jewboys. I always be saying never again but that phat Jew money always be, like, um, putting yalls kosher salamis right back in my shikse love oven, LOLOL!

  23. “Population is a misnomer, as that includes children. Households would be a more accurate stat, as a husband and wife would most likely share a phone line.”

    Duh, fool. Dat otha nigga done sleazy told you that. Yall so stupid. If there was 30 million fones go 150 million people and half of them was govamint and business lines may be there was 15 million home lines.

    Now even back then not everyone was a family wit kids. Some peoples was a nigga and his ho and some rug rats. Some was incels. Some was some roommates whether them was genDuh and sexy minorities or just packs of hunters or people for financial and super friendly reasons. Some was straight couples that didn’t have kids yet or they kids done moved out or they didn’t know how or didn’t want to have kids or whatever. All type of situations out there.

    Let’s just say, um, the average household was 5 people’s including the wifey, nigga, and 3 adorable whiny little brats, LOL. For 1948 that’s probably high given all the households that was not on that stereotypical kotex, but let’s just go with that instead of looking it up like one of them nerdy smart geeks might could do, LOL.

    SO fool what up. That would b 30 million households. A phone in every garage! But wait, half them phones wasn’t home phones. They was other kinds of phones like business and government. They even had mobile phone’s believe it or not. 1946, for real for real. Granted, that was, like, um, a negligible percentage of phones in 1948..if anyone outside a testing lab had them a car phone, they wasn’t just the shiite, they was a space alien AND a billionaire, LOL. But there were a lot of business and government phones.

    Let’s just say half. Even if that’s high, and it may not be, 5 is most likely for real for real high for average household. Yo girl finna look it up tho LOL. YALL got me going and I been steady smoking that ice rock like a mama , LOL.


  24. Yo girl be smart smart!

    According to the provided search results, the number of households in the United States in 1950 is not explicitly stated. However, we can find some relevant information that might be helpful.

    The 1950 United States census reported a total population of 151,325,798. The census also provided information on the number of families, which was defined as a group of two or more persons related by blood, marriage, or adoption, residing together in a household.

    According to the 1950 census, there were approximately 37,059,000 families in the United States.

  25. Rosie, please stop pretending to be uneducated. You have a non medical doctor’s license or whatever that is bull kaka, mistress degree, piled higher and deeper, and a jay Dee which is like a DJ but backwards like you wear your panties.

    Also, you’re not black. Well you’re multiracial, including part black, but you can pass for a white girl when you stay out of the sun long enough. Some of us can’t. So stop playing up your blackness like it’s even a thing. Write with the educated diction you and your persons spent hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars to acquire. How many tricks did you, your mom, your grandma, and every ho in your family turn to get you the education that you waste by writing like an uneducated ho from the hood and exaggerating that crap like a vaudeville performer in blackface or an ignorant suburban wigger?

  26. Autobiography:

    Not all of my family was in the United States in 1948. Some were living in China, where they and their ancestors were from. I was born in 1998. We’re talking about 3 to 7 generations before me. Other family then were living on American Indian reservations, sharecropping, living at a range of socioeconomic situations in Europe and the United States, off in developing countries or colonies but not from there ancestrally, etc.

    We’re talking about 50+ direct ancestors, some of them born as far back as 1840something, in every continent except maybe Australia. Unless you count Antarctica. I’m pretty sure none of them were born in Antarctica.

    This is not counting however many hundred or thousand cousins, of whatever degree and however many times removed.

    Or my biological spermperson family. That is believed to be President Bill Clinton. Mother had unprotected sex with him on the Resolute desk around the time I was conceived and he did not pull out. Of course I was, at most, conceived that night so I have to take her word for it. There has been no DNA testing and daddy president Bill has not fessed up. She had a lot of unprotected sex with a lot of different spermpersons then, like I do now. My favorite method of birth control is D & C abortion and my favorite method of std prevention is PReP. Same with mama, except the dumb ho decided to have me, LOL.

    Anyway, point being: my family had many different kinds of phone situations 76 years ago.

    Jennifer, I was not trying to act blacker than I am. You know as well as I do, women of our generation of all races and socioeconomic backgrounds often use that type of diction. I sincerely apologize for any offense. I was just having fun, but I was being thoughtless and inconsiderate.

    Now stop being a triggered little twat and pass me that meth pipe, bitch. You been bogarting that thing while I’ve been typing like a stupid little monkey.

  27. Jenn and Karen/Rose or whatever your names really are:

    That is why I was for segregation then and still am now.

  28. Governor Wallace was a performance artist. I didn’t know him well, but I knew him and helped with his presidential campaign. My good, much older and wiser friend and political mentor, Gov. Lester Maddox of Georgia (RIP), was the real thing that actor George Corley Wallace portrayed to greater fame.

    Nephew Porcus was too young for the first one (68) and barely out of diapers for the second (76). We were in Georgia then and helped with every Maddox for office campaign ever. I was too young to vote myself in 1962 and barely too young in 1966 ,(it was 21 years old then) but I worked on those for lt gov and Governor, and 1970 for lt gov, 1974 gov, 1976 president, 1990 gov.

    Porcus and Tacitus worked on the ones starting in 1974, when they really were in diapers.

  29. I was from about as far in Georgia as you can get from Atlanta, almost, not far down the road from where I live in Florida now, and currently own several properties and buildings, residential and commercial, on both sides of the state line. Some rented out, some personal use, etc.

    I don’t know why I’m telling you that, but what I was getting at was daddy knew Lester Maddox from his restaurant and advertising, articles etc long before he ever ran for office, we’d visit and patronize his business and had meetings with him, and daddy was in some of the same political, business and social circles, so I knew him socially before politics and before I was old enough to be his friend.

    I was at his last public speech in Atlanta to the Council of Conservative Citizens in 2001 and saw him privately any number of times before he passed away in 2003 at age 87, and I still wish he was alive today. He was a true man of principles and integrity and fought for them as long as God allowed him.

    Contrary to what a lot of idiots and misinformed people think, he didn’t hate negroes and neither do I or anyone in my family. He employed and did a lot, including a lot he didn’t have to do, for negroes through his life and careers in government, politics, etc and so do we. Not one person in my family I ever knew ever hated negroes. We done grew up around them all our lives. They’re out friends, employees, nannies, childhood playmates, co-workers etc. They take care of our kids and take care of us when we get too old to do a lot of things.

    They’re in our fields and homes. We work on our own vehicles and buildings, but so do they. If they all were forced to go to Africa, decided to on their own, or all died, it would take a generation or three for our country to recover. We’d be poorer for it in the long and especially short run.

    I’ve been up north. Racism is worse there. It’s worse in just about every country than here, and I’ve been to a lot of countries. Anti White racism is a big problem everywhere, including here. Anti black racism is also a problem, but it ought not be a government problem, either way.

    Anti black racism is least bad amount White native born multigenerational native US Euro-American CRACKERS like me from the rural deep South (CSA) then among any other group of folks anywhere in the world. I say that out of a plethora of multivariate personal experience, academic study, and keeping up with current events all my life. Exactly the opposite of what the legacy establishment infotainment mainstream, bought off academics, leftards and a lot of fiction will tell you. We’re less racist than blacks are against us or each other.

    Now y’all won’t read this or believe me but I can back it up if anyone wants to have a real open minded and respectful conversation.

    Integration, desegregation, miscegenation (intermarriage and interbreeding), negroes voting, and federal interference in state affairs was always going to be a disaster, which we knew damn well before, during and after it happened, whether my ancestors in the 19th century, my daddy’s time and my childhood starting in the mid 20th, or ever since. We know who’s doing it to us and why, and we are will all be worse as a result. Including, believe it or not, ESPECIALLY negroes, and the consequences of these bad policies will multiply over generations not yet born.

  30. I’ll discuss any and all of this calmly and politely with anyone willing to do the same for me, regardless of your race, class, sex, nation of origin, where or how you grew up, whether you have kids or how you raise them, or great kids or past that. Even some of my grandkids have grandkids now. We start younger than y’all, I guess.

    My point being there were very good reasons for our racial policies and, separately and jointly, States rights, which never was and still isn’t all about race. Those reasons are based on science, the Bible, history, logic, thousands of years of learned social wisdom, and knowing each other very, very well a
    Our lives as Blacks and Whites in the once and perhaps future CSA.

    Federal interference in those in the mid 19TH century, mid 20th and ever since has made us all worse off – Whites, negroes, injuns, dotheads, ragheads, godless atheists and agnostics, heathens, Saracens, voodoo practitioners, etc, in every part of the US and every corner and country in the world. What we do here has all sorts of ripple effects.

    And no, ripple isn’t something I drink. I’m completely sober at the moment unless you count coffee, and I only had three cups in over five hours. I rarely ever drink enough to even feel it all anymore, haven’t been more than slightly buzzed in a coons age, and never have been a true alcoholic or illegal drug user. I’m not a big pharma user either but I do take some medications, but stay leery of them and none are psychotropic.

    I’m well and broadly read. I have time on my hands. I’m good at research, including new fangled methods. I don’t use slurs, ad hominem arguments, cuss online (or mixed company), try not to cuss ever, and always try my best to be more polite and generous to everyone, including discussion partners online or in real life. I don’t always succeed, but as far as I can see, do better than the vast majority.

    I think most don’t even try, or worse yet, actively try the opposite – knowingly, unknowingly, or both. But if anyone wants to try, regardless of your initial perspective, I expect the same and have limited patience for failure. I’m old and have time, not bored or any type of verbal sadomadochist.

    I have work on the farm, friends, and four generations under me, hobbies, companionship, places to go, in real life and online. If you want to discuss, make it worth my time.

    I’ll try not to be this long winded and will try to make it worth yours.

  31. The pickrick restaurant while Lester Maddox owned in Atlanta was a great place. We went there on visits when I was a kid long before Lester Maddox got into politics or became known in 1964 for chasing rude negroes from his Whites Only lunch counter. Hemphill ave near Georgia Tech.

    Here’s how the dishonest NY slimes slimed him …

    Almost all actual facts there are correct. When I say fake news, I mean their characterization, selection, and spin to paint a misleading picture on purpose. For the vast majority of you, everything you ever read or otherwise learned outside direct personal experience has been shaped by these deliberate lies. It’s like water to a fish. You don’t have any idea what polluted waters you swim in.

    In 1964 I joined Lester Maddox, my daddy, and many in my family in organising to protest the Democrat convention in Atlanta.

    The so called civil rights movement is a communist crock. I can demonstrate that logically to anyone who understands logic. Most people fail at that, deliberately or not or both nowadays. We’re suffering from several generations of deliberate dumbing down and mis and disinformation – the vast majority of what passes for education, news reporting, history, fiction, entertainment, corporate and government training (brainwashing).

    Yes, I’ve worked in the corporate world too – big pharma, which I’m NOT a fan of, and wasn’t when I did. After a very short office stint, I learned enough to be an independent pharmaceutical representative. It’s a lot of fun and very profitable, but morally hazardous, both in personal and larger terms.

    I’ve been in the military, including Southeast Asia in conflict time. I won’t go into that much. I’ve been stationed in Europe and the United States. All but two years was in reserves, which I was in from 1960s through 2008. I’ve worked on, owned, employed people on, and earlier worked on and lived at farms all my life. I’ve also had brief outside jobs in law enforcement and have always been politically active and an active church goer and Bible student.

    I am a conservative. You may disagree, but I’m mostly libertarian. I voted for Ron Paul in 1988 and Bob Barr in 2008 and any number of libertarians for lower office. I’ve been active at different times in Democratic (not since 1960s and not federally then), Republican, American/American Independent, Libertarian, Reform, and US Taxpayers / Constitution Parties. I don’t think I’m anywhere near far right. A lot of y’all might disagree. I’m a Christian and a sinner. I’ve attempted side careers as an athlete, country and gospel musician, but was never nearly good enough to make a profit I didn’t immediately spend and then some.

    The road ain’t for me, at least not often or for long. My side jobs on town, when I get them, take me away from home and family too much of the day to keep them for long, but as a very successful independent agent representing legal drugs for whenever I do get one of these jobs I can get one at a moment’s notice and negotiate a great deal for myself by bidding different clients against each other.

    I’m a residential and commercial landlord in 2 states and have stakes and past labor and management experience in family (relatives) owned and co owned construction, development, financial investment, lending, automobile sales, rental, maintenance, storage, repair etc businesses and various types of commercial driving – taxi, bus, truck, limo. But I’ve always been a farmer most of my day most of my days with rare short stints away.

    After high school I was in semi pro athletics and music and wasn’t great at either one. I was overseas and at home doing military duty for 2 years then went to work. I earned a couple of university diplomas part time and mostly over correspondence courses slowly over decade’s, but those have negative value towards knowledge or thinking ability.

    I read many different perspectives I disagree with , and always have. I’ve always been an autodidact (self taught) and informal mutual learner in a wide variety of fields. Personal experience has taught me far more, however.

    I’ve only had one marriage for over half a century. I’ve been unfaithful many times, much to my shame. I’ve prayed about it and other sinful patterns of behavior – anger, aggression, haste, pride, sex addiction, gambling addiction, risk taking of various sorts, cigarette and chew addiction at Times, working excessively, hoarding, revenge, and many other behaviors I’ve greatly overdone much to the harm of myself and everyone around me.

    Really, none of this is your business. If anyone even reads it all be sure to let me know – actually laughing out loud at myself. Addiction is funny like that – you can study, experience and fight it all your life and it keeps cropping up even when you know full well you’re going far overboard past the point of logic, reason, wisdom, increasingly has negative consequences, etc. Regardless of how many ways and times it happens .

    As far as substances, alcohol is the only one that’s ever been a real issue and it wasn’t very bad or even close to my worst addiction problem. That was long ago. I’m usually a very light or nondrinker in recent years..but still often overdo all sorts of other things, including this pointless, embarrassing, and counterproductive time wasting exercise which potentially could lead to someone figuring out who I actually am. Thus, I’ll include the false statement that some of this could be false – a fact that always goes without saying. Actually none of it is, but if anyone except my nephew reads this you don’t know that, and if you’re not a nosy prick or a moron, you don’t care either way..

    I only bring any of it dispel wrong assumptions you might make going into a discussion if anyone does. Bad consequences for privacy can affect a lot more than only me, and I apologize to all those people. I’m not worried about myself at this point.

    Hobbies have always included historical collection and study and reenacting (only extra roles on film – I’m not any kind of actor to speak of), various kinds of behind the scenes work on movies and plays, conventioneering of different kinds, social groups, ancestry study and gathering, event organization and promotions, correspondence of various methods – letters, ham radio, internet for over 40 years, science, science fiction and fantasy, fiction of a sorts and formats, photography, sculpting, poetry, woodworking, welding, every type of do it yourself project, every phase and role in pig farming from raising, feeding and slaughtering pigs to bringing the carcasses to buyers, drawing, every type of creativity and enjoyin the creativity of others, family, friends, prayer, technology of all sorts, camping, any and all manner of physical exercise, travel, cooking, eating out, cooking out, following sports (professional, academic, etc), hunting, fishing, target shooting of diffrrent sorts, researching anything and everything, informal automotive racing, gambling (horrible habit), anything and everything outdoors, and I can go on.

    When do I have time for all those things? Close to 80 years, I’m not world class or anywhere close at any of them. Doubtless, you won’t believe I’ve been into all those things for decades. I don’t care, since you can believe whatever you want. At this point, this is highly counterproductive to engender potentially productive discussion. Of course, I don’t keep up with everything all the time. No one could. At times I haven’t been terrible at some.

    I guess that’s a very long way of saying I have a very varied background for discussion, including academic research and shooting the crap and I’ve dealt with online trolls and every manner of logical fallacy, doxing attempt, etc all my life or for decades now, and more than likely any arguments you might throw at me. See if you can stump me.

    If you want to guess who I am, tell me your opinion about what you think I’m dishonest about, call me names except by mistake, insist I’m someone or other, press me for it, etc, that’s automatic disqualification. No doubt, some of you will. This discussion is far worse as a result.

    I can talk to anyone regardless of starting ideological perspective, and have. Many times. In many ways. Most people aren’t worth it, don’t discuss I’m good faith, Don’t know how to identify facts from speculation or hyperbole or opinion of misinformation they’ve absorbed and cling to very, very stubbornly, are idiots, liars, think they’re very clever or just invented the wheel, have severe attention deficit disorder, etc, etc. Sometimes I have many of these issues too, but I.always try hard to overcome them, and make reasonable progress. Unlike, I think , most people, especially online, of all ages, but on average younger = worse. I know why, and have great hopes course is at last reversing on that.

    I can smell bs and pig s and chicken s from miles. Try me.

    I hunt and fish dang near for a living. Have all my life. I can be very patient. Not always. I try when I address anyone else who seems to try and try to be better than who all I’m talking to as best I can tell when I’m not screwing up. But see above about patience.

    No, I’m not trying to meet any of you in real life, doX you, converse in other media, learn your real name or anything you wish to keep private, text you, sext you , tell you who exactly I am etc
    I know several of you in those other ways, sometimes wrongly speculated or identified by outsiders as bring the same person with different online handles – believe whatever you want, but we use some of the same unusual terms and phrases because we consciously do that in our group chat which is invitation only, highly vetted, ranges on many subjects, includes many people who know each other in real life well in different and overlapping ways etc. Counterprogramming usually employed propaganda terms – normal language for most of you – is part of the point of the chat.

    I’ve always been a writer. Highly undisciplined, obviously, but I don’t go back and correct spelling and grammar in comments. Whoever, Google does it for me, a lot, usually incorrectly. A constant minor and sometimes mJor annoyance. I’ve been published in various ways and places, never book length, unless you count this, LOL. I THINK at this point I’m still composing it precisely so you do NOT read it all, which was the opposite of my original intent.

    I can write fiction, nonfiction, mix, peer reviewed articles, very succinctly (believe it or not) but can go off on tangents very easily as you can see.

    I speak a few foreign languages poorly. None well. Several regional and foreign dialects of English. I can understand Karen Rose when she plays a much dumber than she actually is 28 year old commie bubblehead slut doing her best to create and employ the language from the book and film idiocracy, regardless of how much it little of the idiocy she parrots or parodies she believes, who she really is, how old she really is or anything else about her which may or may not be real.

    I’m not her, don’t agree with just about anything she claims to believe, never met her, don’t want to (actually I sort of do, but certainly not for any sordid reason if she’s really 28 or anywhere near that young, and I would be too concerned She would figure out who I am and docx me maliciously, or enable others who would, maliciously or carelessly, to go through with it. I find her usual style annoying and beneath her

    The last part is also true of AZ. NO, I. DO. NOT. believe he actually is a bot, but he’s trained himself to be a fleshbot, in a different sense than Karen claims to be – that is, he acts like a machine through decades of intentionally delusional self reprogramming, yells rudely at anything causing cognitive dissonance , which is almost anything since he has been self reprogramming by repeating slogans for decades, rarely going any deeper intellectually despite clearly being capable, repeats and further spins propaganda BS to convince himself more than anything, has admitted he intentionally wan5s to make people angry and overreeact by way of ideological counterpoint and rudeness, disrupt opposing perspectives from being considered, waste people’s time, and I think more than anything, convince himself. In inothqerwords: delusional crank stuck endlessly looping his own crank, acting like a brainless propagandist / sloganeering machine / bot – and a very unsuccessful and technologically retrograde one – and a classic intentional troll.

    Logic and evidence are a wasted effort in such cases, and will only be met with active avoidance, endless repetition, every type of logical error possible both on purpose and as subconscious defense mechanisms, attempting to convince self and, far less successfully, others through every propaganda technique ever known, and every manner of misdirection of logic and evidence – there’s nothing new under the sun. I’ve studied formal logic and made every attempt not to do this for decade’s and still catch myself doing many of theSe idiotic things. Many of you do them on. Purpose as well as unintentionally, don’t know which is which, and likely wouldn’t know how or want to. That’s what decades of dumbing down and intentionally immersing our culture in intentionally deceptive, dishonest, evil, counterproductive, hurtful to most in every sense propaganda and dumbing down foes to our culture and ability to converse . That’s intentional, I know who does it, how, and why. I can prove it to anyone willing and able to employ logic with an open mind in good faith who is not a moron. Such people are increasingly rare. I apologize for every time I’m not one. Myself.

    My point there is that I learn to recognize such bad behaviors and not engage, albeit not always nearly soon enough . And that I’ll probably understand several generations of Ebonics, valleyspeak, ingsoc, formal logic, many obscure references, textspeak, mob talk, pdychobabble, widespread cult propaganda (Marxism, secularism , “progressive” junk, fake center – information gatekeeper horse crap, simple legalease, young uneducated bubba mumbling. Archaic computer languages like basic and hand coded simple 1990s era html, etc etc.I didn’t grow up speaking them, but I can and do al1eays learn to some extent over time, and I talk to all kinds of folks of all ages, apparent mental ages, affected mental ages, backgrounds of all kinds in many, many respects… I’ll understand crap you wouldn’t think Whether I let on or not and whether you believe someone as old as or from where I’m telling you I am would or not.

    Time to check if this is too long to post yet. I know not one of you will read, much less read slowly and thoroughly to fully grok, much less still believe all of this. At some point along the way you. .Not reading it became sorts of the intent..but I’m not dumb, not sheltered, not unwilling to. Consider your perspective regardless if you return the favor, not bigoted or malicious or unselfaware regardless of whether you believe me – and I’m sure not bragging. I have much more to be ashamed of than to brag on, and braggarts defeat themselves – I’ve learned this full well. Anytime it sounds like I.brag or ” know it all” you. Misunderstood me. I deserve eternity on the worst part of hell infinity times over, like every one, for many, many , many things. I trust and pray for God’s mercy.

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