On May 28, Andrew W. Bell asked the U.S. Supreme Court to hear his case over Georgia’s lack of due process when it checks the validity of independent candidate petitions. Bell v Rafflesperger, 23-7684. Here is his cert petition. He submitted approximately 2,000 signatures in 2020 when trying to run for the State House, but election officials said only about 700 were valid, and gave him no opportunity to contest that ruling.
I’ve said it before and been unconvincingly told I’m wrong, so I’ll say it again: rejecting 65% of signatures is not normal. Either the petitioners or the secretary of state are doing something extraordinary to lead to such a extreme rejection rate. And in both cases, there needs to be legal recourse to challenge it.
It’s highly variable based on many factors. What you find extraordinary is irrelevant. It’s highly variable based on a lot of different things. I know that based in decades of working in it in many capacities for decades in 40 plus states in my former profession. I listed some , not all , of these factors only to be told by someone talking out if there ass that it’s unconvincing. You’ll need to convince ME better that spending more time explaining it in detail yet again is worth it. Right now it looks like some boron with little or no knowledge of what these variable multiple factors are who has their ignorant little mind made up. Ok, I have other things to do.
Yap-yap-yap, arrogant twat. If you had actually ever done a single day’s petitioning in your life, then you would know a 65% rejection rate is extraordinary. Despite your lazy attempt at creating a straw man, that’s obviously not my opinion but a statistical fact.
And since you claim to have been petitioning for years, you should know that. So which is it, you pompous prick, are you trolling as your straw man arguments and insults suggest, or have you never collected signatures in your life but still want to claim credit as your ignorance demonstrates? Say it ain’t both.
It’s hard for the state to reject money if fees are offered as an option to petition signatures.
Lol. Try over 10,000 days, and stop trying to sound like you know anything about me, much less petition verification. What does highly variable depending on a large number of factors mean? See prior discussions. I’ve explained it in great detail that someone with my decades of experience in every aspect of the industry would need to read in detail to understand, and only then if they’re not a moron like the piece of shit numya troll who is a fucking bad joke..no, you do not deserve repeat explanation. Fuck off and die, you fucking trash.
Statistical facts are deceptive when you average out high degrees of variability based on MANY DIFFERENT FACTORS.
How dumb do you actually have to be to fail to understand what that means, or to think that anyone with IQ 70+ would take seriously thar anyone who knows as many words as the noomya troll doesn’t understand what that means?
Seriously, die in a fire today, or at least go check into a mental hospital, you fucking worthless piece of shit.
That is not hyperbole, exaggeration or said in anger. I mean it seriously, literally , and out of generous humanitarian concern for the greater good for the greatest number of people.
Without my decades
Clearly I know much more about petition verification than you do. Which is amazing considering I’ve petitioned for ballot issues and recall elections, but never for a candidates’ ballot access like you are pretending to have done professionally for decades.
The number of underlying variables is irrelevant to the outcome that such a high rate of signature rejection is anomalous. Yet this election we have seen it in at least three states (with different secretaries of states) and for different presidential candidates (with different petitioners).
For all your grandstanding, you have provided no “explanations” merely further evidence that you are not only completely ignorant about petitioning but also about the most basic and fundamental principle of statistics: that you do not need to know what goes on under the hood in order to draw inferences based on the external observables.
Then you double-down and back-up your ignorance with extreme rudeness just to make sure everyone knows nothing you say can be taken seriously. (Thanks for that!). You are out here talking about IQ but cannot even string together a coherent sentence in English, even after posting several addenda. For your own sake, consider sitting your dumb ass down and shutting your big mouth up, before you embarrass yourself still further.
Yap, yap, yap. No you do not. Your confidence covers up your idiocy, or more accurately tried to and fails.
I’m not pretending anything. I did exactly what I said, you disgusting troll. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. It leads to overconfidence. You have a little knowledge, which leads you to think you know more than me. You’re wrong.
I’ve petitioned for initiative’s, referenda, recalls, plebiscites (industry misnomer – unlike the dictionary definition of plebiscite, it means a push petition which does NOT actually put anything or anyone on any ballot), amendments, primary candidates, parties, independent candidates, …
Done voter registration drives, petition challenge defenses, blocking and counterblocking campaigns, hell I’ve even been paid to NOT petition. Yeah. That happens.
Not only have I actually worked in the field for over 10,000 days, I’ve managed teams of petitioners all over the country, in person and remotely. I’ve written and formatted petition text – I can write properly when I make an effort to, unlike here – on initiatives. I’ve run statewide campaigns, including multiple campaigns in multiple states at the same time. I’ve worked as a middleman brokering petition deals.
Over 40 states, for decades.
Only to have some yapping idiot troll tell me I never petitioned.
What a bad joke.
Actually, the really bad joke is that I’m even replying to this bad joke at all. I already know it’s a troll, and designed to piss me off and waste my time.
I’m laughing and not pissed off, even if it sounds like I am, but the waste of time is not justifiable.
Oh well, in for a penny, in for a dollar, that’s me. I’ll waste some more and kick myself later.
Oh yeah I’ve helped test petition verification software, you fucking joke.
You know something because you petitioned? What a fool.
You have no clue how different verification is in different states, much less different ways of interface with the same software and same petition sheets.
Or how many factors lead to tremendously different verification results.
Or how precisely where and how sigs are gathered – and by whom – can impact those.
By a lot.
So, stfu, troll. I know you won’t, since you’re not capable of it and it’s exactly the opposite of why you are here.
But I actually know what I’m talking about, unlike you.
If you only worked in a small handful of states on a limited range of types of petitions you do not begin to have a clue. What you have is a small sample That leads to erroneous conclusions
“The number of underlying variables is irrelevant to the outcome that such a high rate of signature rejection is anomalous.”
Wrong! There have been many petition drives in many years that have such rejection rates. Yes, there have been many more that don’t, but that’s what many factors means.
“For all your grandstanding, you have provided no “explanations” merely further evidence that you are not only completely ignorant about petitioning but also about the most basic and fundamental principle of statistics: that you do not need to know what goes on under the hood in order to draw inferences based on the external observables.”
That would be you, not me.
If you know anything about statistics, you know that an average which doesn’t account for variables is misleading when you take those variables into account.
“Then you double-down and back-up your ignorance with extreme rudeness just to make sure everyone knows nothing you say can be taken seriously. (Thanks for that!).”
I wasn’t being rude, despite surface appearances. Doubling down and backing up your ignorance and being rude is literally your entire purpose here. It’s blindingly obvious. Telling me what you think you know about me or that I’m unconvincing is rude, when you don’t know the first thing and I’ve spent a fucking lifetime on this shit. Cussing and telling you to die in a fire is not rude. It’s not rude enough.
It’s actually not rude at all. Removing you from among the living would be a favor to humanity. I don’t mean that as an insult. I mean it very word for word literally. No, it’s not a threat. I have zero interest in knowing who or where you are, much less doing anything about your counterproductive existence or taking any lesser methods.
Telling you to get mental help is more humane, but we both know you won’t.
Telling you to die in a fire is the least rude thing to our species.
Since I’m actually not ignorant, unlike you, I can talk all I want. It’s counterproductive, since it’s a waste of time, so you will ultimately “win” only because your time is worth zero, and twists of phrase and logic are your whole point here.
Any time spent on you is by definition a loss.
So, I’m the biggest loser here. Yeah me. Good job, @ whatever my name is.
“You are out here talking about IQ but cannot even string together a coherent sentence in English, even after posting several addenda.”
I can, very easily. Wasting time doesn’t mean making even more effort to format it properly is needed. Yes, I write in a hurry, and don’t go back and fix it, regardless of how much time I waste on your sorry ass. I’m always multitasking and always have way more to do than I can. So, yeah, talking to you is very stupid.
My statement regarding IQ stands, regardless of the lack of intelligence I demonstrate by addressing your sorry ass, by spending so much time here addressing anyone here when there are so many better things to do, or the lack of intelligence you imagine because I don’t also go back and fix spelling or grammar on top of that. How’s about you fuck yourself to death with a sybian while hog tied in a sex swing, you bug on my windshield?
“For your own sake, consider sitting your dumb ass down and shutting your big mouth up, before you embarrass yourself still further.”
Thought about it. Nope. I have decided to stand my dumb ass up and open my big mouth some more, thus embarrassing myself by talking to an undeserving troll who is obviously designed precisely to waste my time. So, here you go, winner. You win. I still know a lot more about this than you, but you’re too dumb to know that (the little bit of knowledge thing) and nobody else is dumb enough to read much less write this much.
Talk some trash, since that’s what you’re here for. You freaking worthless piece of garbage. Troll scum. Die. Soon. Horribly.
Seriously, get mental help. I’ll see you there, since I clearly need some just for talking to you at all.
I rest my case.
Federal Agent Nunez (Nuna) makes me smile.
She has no case to rest. She’s not convinced by someone who actually knows what he’s talking about, unlike her.
The ignorant bitch does this on other subjects too, like the arrogant little fed pos she is.
Subjects I’m, admittedly, not an expert on, and don’t care about, but looked into just out of curiosity to see who is full of shit.
Agent Nunez. Each and every time. Regardless of subject of dispute.
It’s possible she actually knows this, and does it on purpose. Like a psyops operation? Get people talking more, pick up clues in the process, waste people’s time reading and responding, etc ~ all the classic psyops tricks.
Yet again your very stunted vocabulary consisting almost entirely of insults gives you away, banderite. A little advice for you: maybe next time try attending even a single freshman lecture on probability theory before taking on someone who uses statistical mechanics on a daily basis. Then again, maybe first try meeting the even lower bar of not spamming seven consecutive seething diatribes in incoherent English, if you wish to convince anyone you are “laughing and not pissed off”…
Escaped from LA:
OF COURSE. I knew that already. And there is no question. That’s why I was kicking myself for replying long before I was done..thanks for the additional info that she does this on other subjects. I suspected that strongly.
Piece of shit troll:
1) I don’t know what a banderite is. Sorry for my stunted vocabulary. It’s actually been tested in the top 0.01 with perfect scores on verbal SAT and GMAT many years ago, but, hey, so what? I don’t really care. If you want people to understand you, use words people understand. If you don’t, then don’t. I don’t care. Whether anyone understands your babbling is not my problem.
2) I understand probability theory. And with your alleged high level knowledge of statistics, you would understand how additional factors change probability. For people who are not stats expert like Nuna, here’s a simple example.
Among all people in the world, the average income annually is around 10 k per year US. If you earn over over 34 k per year, you’re in the global 1% (top earners). Being American is what is called an additional factor.
I learned that in kindergarten, not grad school, but hey, Nuna is a world renowned expert in everything, LOL.
Seriously, fuck off, troll.
My diatribes are easily coherent. Waste of time is a more accurate charge. I’m not trying to convince anyone of anything. I write them purely for my own benefit to release frustration at much more important things. You’re an inconsequential target of opportunity.
Believe or pretend to believe anything you want. I realize full well what you’re doing and unlike you I’m not playing to any audience. In fact, I presume there is none. We’re not even on page one anymore.
Which is fine. That would make my lack of impulse control, taking your bait when I know that’s exactly what it is, less embarrassing. I sure as fuck hope nobody reads this. I’m making it extra long on purpose just to make sure nobody does.
If you actually read this, congratulations. You win nothing.
My prior statements and my advice to the piece of shit troll stand.
If there was an audience, they should be laughing by now, but not just at me. If not, they’re very stupid. When you petition for a living, you find out very quickly just how stupid a lot of people are, including pieces of shit who like to pretend they are very smart such as Nuna.
“It’s actually been tested in the top 0.01 with perfect scores on verbal SAT and GMAT many years ago, but, hey, so what?”
So what, indeed. I graduated in the top 0.2 percentile globally (not percentage, since you don’t know the most basic statistics you’ll probably need to look up the difference) in mathematics and physics at university, and before that in the top 0.0001 percentile nationally in biology at college. My supervisor dubbed me the next Landau.
But so what? It doesn’t earn me any respect outside of real life, and precious little there. You won’t even believe me, as such claims on the internet always ring hollow no matter how true they are.
And given that it is STATISTICALLY highly improbably for so many geniuses congregate on BAN, even if you are are also telling the truth – which your extremely cretinous behavior gives every reason to disbelieve – then it would be far more likely that either or both of us were lied to about our extraordinary achievements.
“And with your alleged high level knowledge of statistics, you would understand how additional factors change probability.”
I do. Unlike you who keeps completely misapplying when and where they play a role. As demonstrated yet again by your “simple example” of deviation from the mean bearing zero relevance to the anomalous rejection rate of signatures this election cycle.
“Nuna is a world renowned expert in everything”
By no means. I’m a world renowned expert only in my specific niche. In related fields I am merely (far) above average. But everywhere else I am still easily good enough to run circles around the likes of you. No doubt a result of my superior heritage and upbringing, my many years of diligent study under some of the greatest scientific minds of our time, and my various God-given raw talents. None of which, besides putting in the work, I would have been blessed with but for the Grace of God.
“I realize full well what you’re doing and unlike you I’m not playing to any audience.”
Then you should reconsider, for God knows all and sees all. Human injustice is fleeting, but God’s Justice is eternal. And with the Truth on my side and the LORD at my back, I have nothing to fear from anyone, much less from your ilk.
Laugh while you still can, banderite, because when you are revealed to be the butt of the joke, you will be wailing and gnashing your teeth while I look on from beyond the great gulf.
I didn’t say you can’t string together a sentence, troll, or that you have a stunted vocabulary, etc. You made those claims about me. 0.01 was missing a percentage sign afterwards.
I neither believe nor disbelieve your claims about how smart you are. I don’t care. I have zero interest in whether you’re a genius; you’re anonymous, like me.
In fact, if you scroll up far enough, what I said is that I do NOT believe you would be so stupid to not know how additional factors impact statistical probability. Or to believe other people here would be so stupid as to think you’d be that stupid, and or not know something that simple themselves.
Regardless of how smart you are or aren’t, you’re obviously not THAT stupid. But you’re acting stupid if you think word games can spin you out of that.
Likewise, I’m not stupid either, but I’m acting stupid by spending time talking to you when I already know wasting my time is your purpose. I’m glad no one else is reading this.
You could be a genius, and still be a piece of shit troll. You are dishonest and full of shit. I don’t need to prove it. We both know it, and we both know we both know it. Your intelligence isn’t what I disbelieve, your honesty is.
It’s not necessarily statistically improbable that there are several extraordinarily smart people here. It may be that there’s a correlation between several things that draw people here and intelligence level – another example of that other factors thing which you don’t find convincing.
I don’t claim to be a genius. I tested very well verbally and not as well but still way above average on the math portion when I was much younger. I’ve had a hard life. Much of it working outdoors in all sorts of weather, among many other things you disrespected by saying I never did any of it, and I’m sure I wouldn’t test that high now.
I’ve had no reason to take standardized tests this century or for the last couple of decades of the last. I’ve had reason to do other things I mentioned above, including researching, composing, formatting, and submitting for official approval legal language of initiatives with no formal legal training. So, I can still use proper spelling and grammar when I want to.
Addressing you isn’t when or why I would care whether my spelling and grammar are correct. I’m doing other things at the same time, and keenly aware that I’m distracting some portion of my attention from concurrent tasks which are a far better use of it. That might not be apparent from how much time I waste on you, but the two are actually correlated in a twisted way. I did say I also need mental health help due to this observed phenomenon. Unlike you, narcissistic hubris is not the mental issue I suffer from.
I might address the rest of your latest twisting of reality later. Hopefully not. I haven’t read it yet. Hopefully I won’t. Unlike you, dishonesty is not one of my mental problems. I’ve done everything I’ve said I’ve done, believe everything I say I believe and there’s zero point in trying to prove any of it. I don’t care what you believe. I don’t think anyone else does either. Why am I talking? Well, smart people can be dumb, and we’re all smart in some ways and dumb in others.
Oy. I read it. The troll is babbling about religion, in a particularly nasty and psychotic way. I’m far from a religious fundamentalist, but I think the basic message of your religion is supposed to be the opposite of your hateful, boasting, etc troll scumbag attitude.
The truth is not on your side and we both know it. You’re boasting,condescending, playing word games, twisting logic, and playing with your vagina while fantasizing about your or your character’s twisted views of God punishing me in hell for eternity for only God knows what – I think your religion teaches that pride goeth before the fall. Watch where you end up instead of worrying about me.
If you were really a Christian and not a psycho you’d have a very different attitude. But you’re a dishonest troll, so who knows what your religion actually is? Maybe you really are a psychotic twisted Christian – William Blake had a great explanation of such people – maybe you’re parodying them. I don’t give a shit.
I’m resisting the temptation to look up the term you keep using “banderite”. I don’t know what that is. If you don’t bother to explain it, I don’t want to know. You seem to think I’m someone else. I don’t care whether you’ve actually convinced yourself or are trying to convince a nonexistent audience that I have any characters or whatever other nonsense.
Maybe you play those games. Not me. I don’t read enough other threads to know what you are talking about. Again believe what you want, or pretend to believe whatever you want since you’re obviously full of shit.
I can tell you’re full of shit, and 100% obvious that you know you are full of shit, and that’s as deep into your bullshit as I need to dig.
If the federal agent was as smart as she says she is, AND honest, AND concerned about maintaining her privacy, she wouldn’t drop so many clues. She seems pretty smart, but way too eager to prove it.
The dishonesty is blindingly obvious.
It may be the same blind spot and psychological profile FBI GRU mole Robert Hanssen suffered from. The troll might know a lot about him already, or might want to look him up or refresh her memory.
The concern for privacy may be real, in which case she’s lying, at the very least, about details. Or isn’t smart when it comes to her hubristic need to prove that she’s smarter than who ever she talks to overcoming the caution a really smart person who wants to maintain her privacy would would have about giving away constant clues which would identify her if someone cared.
I don’t care who the troll is, but if I did, she’s probably dropped enough clues for me to figure it out if I did. If not, she should stop dropping clues. That’s if the clues are not misdirection. She doesn’t know who’s reading and might want to know who she is, and what they might do if they found out, surreptitiously or second or third hand etc. There are many, many options. Maybe she thinks she’s untouchable.
The most likely explanation is dishonesty. She probably understands all this and probably does not want her identity to be too easy to figure out. But it could be hubris, or both.
Her or her characters profile suggests she might next try to paint this as a threat. It’s not. I mean every word literally. There is nothing to read between the lines and bragging how untouchable you think you are and daring anyone and everyone to fuck around and find out will be wasted on me, and either pointless or counterproductive for you, troll.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Sooner or later you’ll do enough bragging and someone will dox you and cause I don’t know what kind of problems for you. It won’t be me or anyone acting on my behalf.
Why say that , when I don’t care much, and will just say she basically got what she’s been begging for if and when something like that happens? Because I still care some minimal amount and don’t want to see anyone unnecessarily hurt due to hubris and carelessness.
Or just to prove that it’s not possible for her to be broadly intelligent (she may very well be very intelligent in some specific ways), concerned about her privacy, and honest.
Hanssen was world class in 2/3. Very smart, and very concerned with not being caught. Despite that, he got caught. But, it’s none of my business.
Yap-yap-yap. So much projection. And worse still such obvious projection.
“Likewise, I’m not stupid either”
So you admit you are being dishonest rather than stupid. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt, but if you just wanna come out and admit your full of shit, sure. I wouldn’t be so smug and boastful about it if I were you, but you do you.
“You are dishonest and full of shit […] We both know it, and we both know we both know it. Your intelligence isn’t what I disbelieve, your honesty is.”
No, no. You don’t get project your own dishonesty onto me.
I gave you the benefit of the doubt that you were just completely clueless and making a woefully poor attempt at claiming credit you didn’t earn – I would call it stolen valor, except there is zero valor in petitioning – but you just now admitted that you aren’t so much stupid as dishonest.
As you say, we now both know that you are dishonest and full of shit. And as a result of the incessant unhinged diatribes you spammed above, everyone else can easily see it too.
“Addressing you isn’t when or why I would care whether my spelling and grammar are correct”
You don’t need to admit you are incapable of even the smallest modicum of respect, your constant swearing and cursing and insulting and calling for me to die horribly in a fire already proved that beyond a shadow of doubt.
“Unlike you, narcissistic hubris is not the mental issue I suffer from […] Unlike you, dishonesty is not one of my mental problems”
Again with the lazy and transparent projection. It is clear from out interaction thus far that you are a lying arrogant narcissist.
Again, I was giving you the benefit of the doubt that you were primarily stupid and your dishonest rested in your desire to claim credit you don’t deserve; but you yourself just admitted that it was the reverse: that you are primarily dishonest and your stupidity rests in how incompetent you are at selling your brazen lies.
“religious fundamentalist, but I think the basic message of your religion is supposed to be the opposite of your hateful, boasting, etc troll scumbag attitude”
Obviously. If you were a religious fundamentalist, or even religious in the slightest, you wouldn’t be such a hateful, boasting, etc troll scumbag.
“The truth is not on your side and we both know it.”
The Truth is on my side. I know it. I think you know it. If anyone bothers to read this thread they can tell. But most importantly of all God knows it.
“You’re boasting,condescending, playing word games, twisting logic, and playing with your vagina while fantasizing about your or your character’s twisted views of God punishing me in hell for eternity”
Yet again the most obvious projection. You are the one boasting about things you never did. You are the one condescending with no elevation from which to condescend. You are the one who keeps playing word games and twisting logic by trying to force straw men and false comparisons. And you are the one who said you are getting off to your twisted fantasies of me burning to death horribly.
“I think your religion teaches that pride goeth before the fall.”
It does and your fall will be so, so great.
“If you were really a Christian and not a psycho you’d have a very different attitude […] Maybe you really are a psychotic twisted Christian”
It’s cute that the twisted psychopath literally expressing the wish that slowly and agonizingly burn to death repeatedly, thinks it can lecture a Christian on Christianity immediately after having admitted that they know nothing about Christianity.
“I don’t care whether you’ve actually convinced yourself or are trying to convince a nonexistent audience that I have any characters or whatever other nonsense.”
Oh, don’t worry about that. Nobody would ever be so foolish as to believe you have any character whatsoever.
“But you’re a dishonest troll […] you’re obviously full of shit. I can tell you’re full of shit, and 100% obvious that you know you are full of shit”
Lazy, lazy, lazy and obvious projection. How many times? If you are going to try and project your own dishonesty onto me at least put in some effort to make your attempt less pathetically transparent.
Oh wow. Not reading all that. What’s anomalous in California initiatives is not necessarily anomalous on candidate and party petitions around the country. There are some petitions with such high rejection rates every year somewhere, not just this year. You can find it unconvincing; reading the archives of this site is enough to prove this, and your disrespect for my experience is irrelevant. I’m not going to prove it. I know it to be true. You can do the research or find it “unconvincing.” Whatever.
Troll not taller. Although taller tales, well, maybe
If anyone did read all that: my apologies for engaging it, but you only have yourself to blame for wasting your time, just like I only have myself to blame for wasting mine.
Actually yapper was what it autocorrect from. Fuck it. Yapper, troll, tall tale, scum, slime, die screaming and burn. Projection should be your middle name.
I stand by every word. Some people here already know I’m right about the original point. Others can research it for themselves or ask some people who know more than just state initiatives and referenda verification in states where it’s a big industry and where they’re circulated and held regularly.